
List of Gods : "Achilles" - 22 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
King name
Greek The son of Peleus, king of the Myrmidones in Phthiotis, in Thessaly, and of the Nereid Thetis.
Hero name
Etruscan Legendary hero of the Trojan war, from the Greek Achilles. Etruscan
God name
Greek In ancient mythology, Ambrosia is sometimes the food, sometimes the drink, of the gods. The word has generally been derived from Greek a- ("not") and mbrotos ("mortal"); hence the food or drink of the immortals. Thetis anointed the infant Achilles with ambrosia and påśśed the child through the fire to make him immortal - a familiar Phoenician custom - but Peleus, appalled, stopped her.
King name
Greek A daughter of Eetion, king of the Cilician Thebae, and one of the noblest and most amiable female characters in the Iliad. Her father and her seven brothers were slain by Achilles at the taking of Thebae, and her mother, who had purchased her freedom by a large ransom, was killed by Artemis. Greek

"Balius and Xanthus"
Greek The immortal horses of Achilles. They were sons of Zephyrus and the Harpy Podarge.

Greek A patronymic from Briseus, and the name of Hippodameia, the daughter of Briseus of Lyrnessus, who fell into the hands of Achilles, and about whom the quarrel arose between Achilles and Agamemnon. Greek

Greek Of Cyparissus, the shield-bearer of Antilochus. He was in love with the Amazon Penthesileia, but on hastening to her åśśistance he was killed by Achilles, and the Greeks nailed his body to a cross. Greek

Greek The wisest and justest of all the centaurs. He was the instructor of Achilles, whose father Peleus was a friend and relative of Cheiron, and received at his wedding with Thetis the heavy lance which was subsequently used by Achilles. Greek

Greek 1. A daughter of Bellerophontes and wife of Evander, by whom she became the mother of Sarpedon. Homer calls her Laodameia. 2. A daughter of Lycomedes in the island of Scyrus. When Achilles was concealed there in maiden's attire, Deidameia became by him the mother of Pyrrhus or Neoptolemus, and, according to others, of Oneirus also. (Apollodorus iii) 3. The wife of Peirithous, who is commonly called Hippodameia. Greek
Goddess name
Greek The "half-gods", is used to describe mythological figures or heroes such as Hercules, Achilles, Castor and Pollux, etc. Sons of mortals and gods or goddesses, they raised themselves to the standard of gods by their acts of bravery.

Greek A daughter of Phorbaa of Lemnos, was beloved by Achilles. Greek

Greece A son of Agenor, who was slain by Achilles. A Trojan of the same name occurs in the Iliad. Greece

Greek That is, "the swift robbers," are, in the Homeric poems, nothing but personified storm winds. Homer mentions only one by name, viz. Podarge, who was married to Zephyrus, and gave birth to the two horses of Achilles, Xanthus and Balius. Greek

Greek I. e. the whining, is said to have been the original name of Achilles, and to have been changed into Achilles by Cheiron. Greek
God name
Greek 1. A son of Areithous and Philomedusa, of Arne in Boeotia, was slain at Troy by Paris. 2. A son of the river-god Spercheius or of Borus and Polydora, was one of the commanders of the hosts of Achilles. Greek

Greek 1. A son of Charopus and Aglaia, was, next to Achilles, the handsomest among the Greeks at Troy, but unwarlike. He came from the island of Syme (between Rhodes and Cnidus), and commanded only three ships and a small number of men. According to Diodorus he also ruled over a part of Cnidus, and he is said to have been slain by Eurypylus or Aeneias. His beauty became proverbial.
Hero name
Greek The huge spear of Achilles, which none but the hero could wield; so called because it was cut from an ash growing on Mount Pelion, in Thessaly. Greek
Hero name
Greek Son of Peleus, that is, Achilles, the hero of Homer's Iliad, and chief of the Greek warriors that besieged Troy.
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