
List of Gods : "Anti" - 145 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Greek A Trojan, who, when Menelaus and Odysseus came to Troy to ask for the surrender of Helen, advised his countrymen to put the ambåśśadors to death. It was Antimachus who principally insisted upon Helen not being restored to the Greeks. He had three sons, and when two of them, Peisander and Hippolochus, fell into the hands of Menelaus, they were both put to death.
God name
Greece A daughter of Nycteus and Polyxo or of the river god Asopus in Boeotia. She became by Zeus the mother of Amphion and Zethus, Dionysus threw her into a state of madness on account of the vengeance which her sons had taken on Dirce. In this condition she wandered about through Greece, until Phocus, the grandson of Sisyphus, cured and married her. She was buried with Phocus in one common tomb.

Greek A niece of Aegeus. She was the last of the Pallantides and may have married Virbius, the name by which Hippolytus was known after he was brought back to life on the request of Artemis.
Goddess name
"Armkis [Greek]"
Egypt / Upper Birth goddess. Minor deity with cult centers in lower Nubia and at Elephantine. She is variously the daughter of RE, and of KHNUM and SATIS. Anukis lives in the cataracts of the Lower Nile. Her portrait appears in the Temple of Rameses II at Beit-et-Wali where she suckles the pharaoh, suggesting that she is connected with birth and midwifery, but she also demonstrates a malignant aspect as a strangler (see HATHOR). Her sacred animal is the gazelle. Depicted anthropomorphically wearing a turban (modius) with ostrich feathers. Also Anuket (Egyptian)....
Goddess name
"Asase Ya"
Ghana The earth goddess of fertility in the mythology of the Ashanti people of Ghana. She is the wife of Nyame the sky god. In Ashanti mythology she gave birth to two sons, Bia and Tano. Ghana
Goddess name
"Asase Ya Ashanti"
Ghana A goddess of the earth, fertility & the creator of humanity
Goddess name
"Asase Yaa"
Ashanti / Ghana, West Africa Chthonic fertility goddess. A major deity revered over a wide area of Akanand Fante-speaking Ghana. She has no temples or priests but days (Thursdays) are set aside in her honor and no ploughing is permitted. By tradition a farmer sacrifices a çõçkerel to her each year to ensure a good harvest, sprinkling the blood on the ground. As the womb of the earth, she represents the goddess of the dead and she is also goddess of truth. Also Asase Efua (Fante)....
God name
Crete Or Asterius, 1. A son of Teutamus, and king of the Cretans, who married Europa after she had been carried to Crete by Zeus. He also brought up the three sons, Minos, Sarpedon, and Rhadamanthys whom she had by the father of the gods. (Apollodorus i) 2. A son of Cometes, Pyremus, or Priscus, by Antigone, the daughter of Pheres. He is mentioned as one of the Argonauts. (Argonautica) There are two more mythical personages of this name, one a river-god [Acraea], and the second a son of Minos, who was slain by Theseus.

"Attabeira aka Atabei"
Antilles Momona, Guacarapita, Iella, Guimazoa , Primary Being of the pre-Hispanic people of the Antilles

Greek A son of Hermes or Daedalion by Chione, Philonis, or Telauge. He was the husband of Neaera, or according to Homer, of Amphithea, by whom he became the father of Anticleia, the mother of Odysseus and Aesimus.
God name
Roman - North African Local god. A rare example of a named deity from this region, thought to have been worshiped as a cave god. Known from inscription at Cirta [Constantine]....

"Bap or Baphomet"
French An imaginary idol or symbol, which the Templars were said to employ in their mysterious rites. The word is a corruption of Mahomet. The image of Baphomet was romanticized during the nineteenth century by the German antiquarian Josef von Hammer-Purgstall.
Hero name
Greek A son of Poseidon or Itonus and Arne (Antiope or Melanippe), and brother of Aeolus. He was the ancestral hero of the Boeotians, who derived their name from him. Greek

England Mischievous Goblins that can take the form of a cow with a white flag around its neck, an åśś, or a naked man flapping a white sheet, a chanting girl, or a giant, white singing cat. England
Goddess name
British A goddess in Britain and Europe. She was the tutelary goddess of the Brigantes in northern Britain (modern Yorkshire) and of the Brigantes on lake Constance in Austria. British
Goddess name
Celtic Goddess of the seasons, doctors smiths, poets, and women in childbirth Pan-Celtic
Goddess name
Roman / Celtic / British Tutelary goddess. The goddess of the Brigantes in the West Riding of Yorkshire. She became identified with CAELESTIS. At Corbridge, Northumberland, there is an altar inscribed to various deities, including Caelestis Brigantia. In a carved stone relief at Birrens, on the Antonine Wall in Scotland, she is depicted with the attributes of MINERVA. She may also bear links with the goddess BRIGIT. She is frequently åśśociated with water and herding....
Goddess name
"Brigantia/ Bridget/ Brigit"
Pan-Celtic The goddess of the seasons, doctors smiths, poets, & women in childbirth
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