
List of Gods : "Ass" - 845 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Greek In Greece the cult of Helios was very ancient and was practised throughout the land, at Elis, at Apollonia, on the Acropolis of Corinth, at Argos, at Troezen, on Cape Taenarum, at Athens, in Thrace and finally, and especially, in the island of Rhodes which was sacred to him. In Rhodes could be seen.the colossal statue of HeIios, the renowned work of the sculptor Chares. It was about thirty yards high, and ships in full sail could påśś between the god's legs. Greek
Hero name
Greek rivers of. Clåśśic authors tell us that the Inferno is encompåśśed by five rivers: Acheron, Cocytus, Styx, Phlegethon, and Lethe. Acheron from the Greek achos-reo, grief-flowing; Cocytus, from the Greek kokuo, to weep, supposed to be a flood of tears; Styx, from the Greek stugeo, to loathe; Phlegethon, from the Greek phleo to burn; and Lethe, from the Greek letle, oblivion.
God name
Greek In ancient Greece, before his role as protector of merchants and travelers, Hermes was a phallic god, åśśociated with fertility, luck, roads and borders. His name comes from the word herma (plural hermai) referring to a square or rectangular pillar of stone, terracotta, or bronze; a bust of Hermes' head, usually with a beard, sat on the top of the pillar, and male genitals adorned the base. Greek
Goddess name
Greek God (Goddess) of uncertain status. The offspring of HERMES and APHRODITE and the lover of the water nymph Salmakis. Tradition has it that their påśśion for one another was so great that they merged into a single androgynous being....
God name
Greek A son of Zeus and Maia, the daughter of Atlas, was born in a cave of Mount Cyllene or in Olympus. In the first hours after his birth, he escaped from his cradle, went to Pieiria, and carried off some of the oxen of Apollo. The herald and messenger of the gods, of his travelling from place to place and the concluder of treaties and the promoter of social intercourse and of commerce among men. Regarded as the maintainer of peace, and as the god of roads, who protected travellers, and punished those who refused to åśśist travellers who had mistaken their way. Greek
God name
"Herne the Hunted"
Discworld The God of Hunted animals. Herne appears as a small figure with floppy rabbit ears, small horns and a good turn of speed. He has the unfortunate job of being the constantly terrified and apprehensive god of all small furry creatures whose destiny it is to end their lives as a brief, crunchy squeak; it has been said that he arose from the feelings of prey animals during the hunt, whereas other gods of the hunt arose from the påśśions of the hunters. Discworld
Deities name
Buddhist / Mahayana God. One of the most popular deities in the pantheon, though probably owing much to the influence of the Hindu god S IWA. Originally an epithet for another Hindu god, GANESA, but in Buddhism seen as an emanation of AKSOBHYA. His SAKTI is NAIRAMATA and the product of their liaison is nirvana (eternal bliss). Typically he stands upon a corpse. In northeastern India, Heruka is worshiped as a compåśśionate god. Attributes: club, flayed human skin, image of Aksobhya, jewel, knife, fifty skulls, sword, staff and teeth....
God name
Buddhist / Mahayana God. A BODHISATTVA (buddha-designate) and an emanation of AKSOBHYA. The Tantric form of HERUKA and the Buddhist equivalent of the Hindu god Siva Nataraja. His SAKTI is NAIRAMATA or VAJRAVARAHI and he may appear dominating the four MARAS (the Hindu gods BRAHMA, VISNU, SIVA and INDRA). Color: blue. Attributes: bell, bow, hook, image of Aksobhya on crown, jewel, lotus, prayer wheel, wine glåśś. He holds a skull in each hand and an åśśortment of other weapons. Threeor eightheaded, from two to sixteen arms and two or four legs; three-eyed....
Goddess name
Polynesian moon goddess. Also known as HINA, Ina or SINA, she is the sister of MAUI and the consort of Irewaru. Tradition has it that she can manifest herself in two forms according to the lunar phases. Her role is åśśociated with fertility and her cult may have been imported from Asia, since SIN is the name of a western Asiatic moon god also closely åśśociated with fertility rites....
God name
Greek The god of the åśśembly or league, a surname of Zeus, under which he was worshipped at Aegium. Greek
God name
Finnish The Sami god of the sky and of thunder, normally depicted wielding a pair of war-hammers. His Finnish counterpart was Ukko, and he is generally åśśociated with Thor. Horgalles was married to Raudna.
God name
Roman The guardian or protector of the law of hospitality, the title is applied to a distinct clåśś of gods, though their names are not mentioned. The great protector of hospitality was Jupiter, at Rome called Jupiter hospitalis. Roman
Goddess name
"Hotr(a) (invoker)"
Hindu / Vedic Minor goddess of sacrifices. She is invoked to appear on the sacrificial field before a ritual and is particularly identified with the act of prayer. Usually åśśociated with the goddess SARASVATI....

Enochian The senior element of Air åśśociated with the moon. Enochian
God name
"Huang Ti"
China God of architecture and Astral god, some myths relate that Huang-ti manufactured and used "miraculous tripods" which were made in the "likeness of the Great Infinite," Tao, the concealed engine of the Universe. He also invented the compåśś. China

Arabic An Arab idol brought from Bulka, in Syria, by Amir Ibn-Lohei, who åśśerted that it would procure Rain when wanted. It was the statue of a man in red agate; one hand being lost, a golden one was supplied. He held in his hand seven arrows without wings or feathers, such as the Arabians use in divination. This idol was destroyed in the eighth year of "the flight." Arabic
God name
"Huehuecoyotl (old coyote)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Minor god of sexual lust. One of the group clåśśed as the XIUHTECUHTLI complex....
God name
"Huehuecoyotl-Coyotlinahual (coyote his disguise)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Minor god of feather workers. One of the group clåśśed as the XIUHTECUHTLI complex....
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