
List of Gods : "God Mai" - 241 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Gandha (odor)"
Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet Goddess. In Lamaism one of the group of MATARAS (mothers). Color: green. Attribute: conch with sandalwood resin....
Goddess name
"Gefjun or Gefjon"
Norse A goddess. She is a maid, and all those who die maids become her maid-servants. She is present at ?ger's feast. Odin says she knows men's destinies as well as he does himself. Norse
Goddess name
Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet Mother goddess. One of a group of Astamataras (mothers). Color: red. Attributes: Indian gong and lute....
God name
Greek Sea god. Allegedly an impoverished fisherman who ate a sea-gråśś with magical properties, dived into the ocean and remained there as a guardian deity of fishermen and their nets.See also PROTEUS....
God name
"Gon-Po Nag-Po"
Lamaist / Tibet God. See also MAHAKALA. Also Bram-zei gzugs-can; mGon-dkar; GUR-GYIMGON-PO....
God name
"Gur-Gyi Mgon-Po"
Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet God of tents. A form of MAHAKALA usually attended by a man. Color: blue. Attributes: club, cup and knife....
Goddess name
Western Semitic / Syrian / Phoenician weather god. Derived from the Akkadian deity ADAD. In texts found at the site of the ancient Canaanite capital of Ugarit [Ras Samra] , the name of Hadad apparently becomes a substitute for that of BAAL. His voice is described as roaring from the clouds and his weapon is the thunderbolt. His mother is the goddess ASERAH. During Hellenic times he was predominantly worshiped at Ptolemais and Hierapolis. His Syrian consort is ATARGATIS, who overshadowed him in local popularity at Hierapolis. Statues of the two deities were carried in procession to the sea twice yearly. According to the Jewish writer Josephus, Hadad also enjoyed a major cult following at Damascus in the eighth and ninth centuries BC. By the third century BC the Hadad-Atargatis cult had extended to Egypt, when he becomes identified as the god SUTEKH. In the Greek tradition his consort becomes HERA.See also ADAD....
God name
Iroquois The creator god; he planted a single maize plant in his mother's body. This single plant grew and was a gift to mankind. Iroquois
God name
Islands Holy Maidens who sacrificed themselves by jumping from a towering cliff into the sea. This act was meant to propitiate the sea-god and prevent him from sinking their island. Canary Islands
Demon name
"Hayagriva (horse neck)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic (1) The most significant minor incarnation of the god VIS'NU. He probably originated as a horse god and later became an avatara åśśociated with wisdom and knowledge. At the behest of BRAHMA, Hayagriva rescued the Vedas, stolen by two demons, from the bottom of the primeval ocean. Depicted in human form with the head of a horse and, according to the texts, eight hands. Attributes: Book (Veda), horse's mane and rosary. Also the attributes of Vis'nu. Also Hayasirsa, Vadavavaktra.(2) Patron god of horses. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet]. One of a group of DHARMAPALA with terrible appearance and royal attire, he is considered to be an emanation of AKSOBHYA or AMITABHA. His SAKTI is MARICI. Color: red. Attributes: horse heads, staff and trident, but also arrow, ax, banner, bow, club, flames, flower, image of Aksobhya or Amitabha on the crown, lotus, noose, prayer wheel, skin, snakes, sword and trident. Three-eyed....
Goddess name
Egypt Frog goddess concerned with birth. Minor deity who by some traditions is the consort of HAROERIS (see also HORUS). Texts refer to a major sanctuary at Tuna et-Gebel which has been totally obliterated. The remains of another sanctuary survive at Qus in Upper Egypt. In the Pyramid Texts she is referred to as a deity who eases the final stages of labor. Depicted as wholly frog-like or as a frog-headed human figure, often found on amulets or other magical devices åśśociated with childbirth....
Goddess name
Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet Goddess of Winter. One of several seasonal deities. Also an attendant of Sridevi. Usually accompanied by a camel. Color: blue. Attributes: cup and hammer....
God name
Greek In ancient Greece, before his role as protector of merchants and travelers, Hermes was a phallic god, åśśociated with fertility, luck, roads and borders. His name comes from the word herma (plural hermai) referring to a square or rectangular pillar of stone, terracotta, or bronze; a bust of Hermes' head, usually with a beard, sat on the top of the pillar, and male genitals adorned the base. Greek
God name
Greek A son of Zeus and Maia, the daughter of Atlas, was born in a cave of Mount Cyllene or in Olympus. In the first hours after his birth, he escaped from his cradle, went to Pieiria, and carried off some of the oxen of Apollo. The herald and messenger of the gods, of his travelling from place to place and the concluder of treaties and the promoter of social intercourse and of commerce among men. Regarded as the maintainer of peace, and as the god of roads, who protected travellers, and punished those who refused to åśśist travellers who had mistaken their way. Greek
Goddess name
"Hine-Ahu-One (maiden formed of the earth)"
Polynesian / including Maori Chthonic goddess. Engendered by the god TANE when he needed a consort because, with the exception of the primordial earth mother PAPATUANUKU, all the existing gods of creation were male. Tane created her out of the red earth and breathed life into her. She became the mother of HINE-ATA-UIRA....
Goddess name
"Hine-Ata-Uira (daughter of the sparkling dawn)"
Polynesian / including Maori Goddess of light. The daughter of the creator god TANE and HINEAHU-ONE. She did not remain a sky goddess but descended into the underworld, where she became the personification of death, HINE-NUITE-PO....
Goddess name
"Hotogov Mailgan"
Siberia Goddess of heaven at night Siberia / Buriat
God name
Aztec Collectively, the remaining brothers of God of war who were defeated. Aztec
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