
List of Gods : "Goddess Mai" - 126 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Karaikkal Ammaiyar"
Hindu / southern India Local mother goddess. Known from the town of Karikal as a deified ascetic who is depicted with an emaciated form. Attribute: playing cymbals....
Goddess name
"Karalkal Ammaiyar"
Hindu / S India A local mother goddess
Goddess name
"Karalkal Ammaiyar Hindu"
India Local mother goddess India
Goddess name
Hindu / late Form of the god SI IVA. Khandoba is believed to have emerged as a deity with a distinct cultic following no earlier than the thirteenth or fourteenth century, mainly in western India and centered on Jejuri, near Poona. The god is generally regarded as one of several martial forms which SI iva took to combat demons. His consort is the goddess MHALSA, considered to be a form of PARVATI. He is depicted bearing four arms and is usually mounted on a horse, but may also be accompanied by a dog. Attributes: bowl, drum, sword and trident. Also Makhari; Mallari; Martland....
Goddess name
Kafir / Afghanistan A beneficent fertility goddess
Goddess name
Kafir / Afghanistan Fertility goddess. A benefi cent goddess appearing in the guise of a goat. Legend has it that either she or her eldest daugh ter is the mother of the god MON. She is said to have given mankind the boon of goats, grapes, other fruit and vegetation in general. She was called upon in times of sickness. She is depicted in wooden statues with prominent long breasts and vulva. Also Kime....
Goddess name
"Kshumai Kafir"
Afghanistan Beneficent goddess of fertility Afghanistan
Goddess name
Kish This goddess, a former barmaid, reigned as queen of the third dynasty for 100 years
Goddess name
"Lasya (dancing girl)"
Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet Mother goddess. One of the group of ASTAMATARAS (mothers). She is generally depicted dancing the lasya dance. Color: white. Attribute: a mirror. Also the generic name of a group of four goddesses, including GITA, MALA, NRTYA and headed by LASYA....
Goddess name
Greco - Roman Sea goddess. Popular around the coasts of the Mediterranean with fishing communities. A mermaid who was originally Ino, a mortal daughter of Kadmos. She was wet nurse to DIONYSOS (BACCHUS), but became mad and threw herself in the sea with her son Melikertes. In another version of the story she was escaping the wrath of Athamas, king of Thebes. The gods elevated her to the status of goddess and her son became the god PALAEMON....
Goddess name
"Lha Mo"
Lamaism Afemale demon who converted to a goddess of Lamaism.
Goddess name
"Lha-Mo (the goddess)"
Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet Goddess. Coming from the old Bon pantheon and equating with the Hindu goddess SRIDEVI....
Goddess name
"MORRIGAN (queen of demons)"
Celtic / Irish war, fertility and vegetation goddess. A complex goddess displaying various characteristics which are both generative and destructive (see also ANAT, INANA, IS'TAR, ATHENE). At the festival of Samain, she mates with the DAGDA to ensure the future prosperity of the land and as queen Maeve (Medb) of Connaught she was ritually wedded to the mortal king whose antecedent was Ailill. As Nemain (panic) and Badb Catha (raven of battle), she takes on a more warlike and destructive aspect. Rather than engaging directly in conflict, she uses her supernatural powers to spread fear and disarray. The Irish hero Cu Chulainn was thus visited on the battle field by BADB driving a chariot and dressed in a red cloak and with red eyebrows presenting an intimidating appearance. She is capable of changing her shape into various animal forms and in the guise of a raven or a crow is able to foretell the outcome of battle....
Goddess name
Celtic / Irish Fertility goddess. One of the aspects of the MORRIGAN (a trio of warrior goddesses with strong sexual connotations), she appears as the consort of Nemed and of Crunnchu. She is also a warrior goddess who influences the outcome of battle by magical devices. She can change shape from girl to hag and is generally dressed in red. She is depicted with red hair. She appears thus to the Irish hero, Cu Chulainn, before the Battle of Moytura when she suddenly changes herself into a crow, the harbinger of death. heads of slaughtered soldiers were fixed on the so-called Pole of Macha, and the ancient religious center of Emain Macha in Ulster is named after her.See also Banbha, ERIU and Fodla....
Goddess name
"Mahacinatara (Tara of Tibet)"
Buddhist / Mahayana / / Lamaist / Tibet Goddess. An emanation of AKSOBHYA and, in Lamaism, a fearsome form of the Vajrayana goddess, EKAJATA, who may be depicted with up to twelve heads and twenty-four hands. She stands upon a corpse. Attributes: arrow, ax, blue lotus, bow, cup, image of Aksobhya on crown, knife, skull, snake, staff, sword, tiger skin and trident. Three-eyed....
Goddess name
Greek Goddess of midwives, the night sky, spring, fertility and fire Greek
Goddess name
Roman A goddess of growth whose cult was åśśociated with that of Vulcåñuś
Goddess name
Greco - Roman Chthonic or earth goddess. Originally, in pre-Homeric times, a mountain spirit who subsequently became a minor consort of ZEUS. The Romans worshiped her as an obscure goddess of the plains who became briefly a consort of JUPITER, and they perceived her as the mother of the messenger god Mercury. Her cult was åśśociated with that of VulcanUS. Possibly the origin of the name of the month of May.See also MERCURIUS....
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