
List of Gods : "Goddess Mai" - 126 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Roman A goddess of healing springs
Goddess name
Greek Goddess of rivers and oceans. One of the daughters of NEREUS, Thetis takes responsibility, with OKEANOS, for the oceans and rivers. She is among the lesser known deities; according to mythology she is a mermaid, but she is particularly significant as the mother of Achilles by an unnamed mortal. According to legend she attempted to render him immortal by immersing him in the waters of the Styx. She failed because the heel by which she held him had remained dry. His education she entrusted to the centaur Chiron. She was surrounded by attendant sea creatures known as Nereids and after Achilles's death she returned to the ocean depths....
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Shinto / Japan Goddess of foodstuffs. An ambiguous deity often identified with Inari, she is said in the Kojiki to be a daughter of WakuMusubi-No-Kami and a great granddaughter of IZANAGI and IZANAMI. Her main sanctuary is the Geku in Ise, whither she was allegedly removed from Tamba after the emperor had received a dream-message from the Sun goddess AMATERASU in AD 478....
Goddess name
Africa Tall-Maiden. A beautiful maiden who became the goddess of the sea. Africa
Goddess name
s Sabra, goddess of the Severn, being a prudent, well-conducted maiden, rose with the first streak of morning dawn, and, descending the eastern side of the hill, made choice of the most fertile valleys, whilst as yet her sisters slept. Vaga, goddess of the Wye, rose next, and, making all haste to perform her task, took a shorter course, by which means she joined her sister ere she reached the sea. The goddess Rhea, old Plinlimmon's pet, woke not till roused by her father's chiding; but by bounding down the side of the mountain, and selecting the shortest course of all, she managed to reach her destination first. Thus the Cymric proverb, There is no impossibility to the maiden who hath a fortune to lose or a husband to win." Welsh
Goddess name
"Vajravarahi (diamond sow)"
Buddhist / Mahayana / / Lamaist / Tibet Goddess. An emanation of VAIROCANA and sometimes identified as the SAKTI of HEVAJIRA. In Lamaism she accompanies VAJRADAKA. She is depicted treading on a man. Color: red. Attributes: principally club, cup, image of Vairocana on the crown and knife, but with an åśśortment of other attributes from time to time. Three-eyed and three-headed....
Goddess name
Norse Valkyrie [The chooser of the slain]. A troop of goddesses, handmaidens of Odin. They serve in Valhal, and are sent on Odin's errands. Norse
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Lapland queen and mother of the gods, a goddess of virgins and wedding rituals. Lapland
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Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet Goddess of spring. Particularly known from Tibet, where she appears in the retinue of SRIDEVI. Her animal is a mule. Attributes: cup and sword....
Goddess name
"Vestal Virgin"
Greek A nun, a religieuse, properly a maiden dedicated to the service of the goddess Vesta. The duty of these virgins was to keep the fire of the temple always burning, both day and night. They were required to be of spotless chastity. Greek
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BuddhistLamaist / Tibet Goddess of terrifying appearance. One of a group of gauri. Color: red. Attribute: a chain....
Goddess name
Egypt Goddess of royal authority. Wadjet takes the form of a fire-breathing cobra and, as the uraeus symbol worn on the headdress of the ruler, she epitomizes the power of sovereignty. She is a goddess of Lower Egypt equating to NEKHBET in Upper Egypt, with her main cult center at Buto (Tell el-Farain) in the Nile delta. She forms an integral part of the symbolism of the Sun god RE, coiling around the Sun disc to symbolize Re's powers of destruction. According to mythology, she created the papyrus swamps of the delta. She is described as a wet nurse to the god HORUS and is the mother of the god of the primeval lotus blossom, NEFERTUM....
Goddess name
Japan The favourite maiden of the Japanese Sun goddess Amaterasu. Wakahirume fell onto her shuttle and fatally punctured her vag***. Japan
Goddess name
Aztec A goddess of food and produce, especially maize and, by extension, a goddess of fertility. Aztec
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Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Minor vegetation goddess. An aspect of the maize goddess Chicomecoatl, personifying the young maize plant....
Goddess name
"Xochiquetzal-Ichpuchtli (maiden)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Minor fertility goddess. One of the group clåśśed as the TETEOINNAN complex. Depicted as a youthful deity åśśociated with sexual love, flowers and pleasure....
Goddess name
South American Indian / Peru Maize goddess. A minor deity, models of whom were made from the leaves of the plant and kept for a year before being burned in a ritual to ensure a good maize harvest....
Goddess name
Peru ("grain mother") or Mama Zara was the Inca mythology goddess of grain. She was åśśociated with maize that grew in multiples or were similarly strange. These strange plants were sometimes dressed as dolls of Zaramama. She was also åśśociated with willow trees. Peru
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