
List of Gods : "Goddess Mou" - 76 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Tibet One of the Eight dakinis, minor goddesses or female deities, her right hand holding intestines, her left feeding them into her mouth. Tibet
Goddess name
Bella Coola Indian / British Columbia, Canada Creator goddess. Said to live in the upper heaven, Atsa'axl, from where she controls the earth. According to tradition the mountains were once malevolent beings who made the world uninhabitable, until she conquered them and reduced them in size. She is never invoked or prayed to. Also Tsi Sisnaaxil (our woman); Ek Yakimtolsil (afraid of nothing)....
Goddess name
Egypt Snake goddess. Also possessing fertility connotations, she guarded the pharaoh in the form of a cobra. There is some evidence that she enjoyed a cult in the Faiyum, the highly fertile region of the Nile valley. She is depicted either in human form or as a hooded cobra, in which case she bears close åśśociation with the goddess WADJET who is embodied in the uraeus. Her gaze has the power to conquer enemies. In her capacity as a fertility goddess she suckles infant rulers and provides good crops and harvests, linked in this capacity to OSIRIS and the more ancient grain god NEPER. She is also a magical power residing in the linen robe of the pharaoh and in the linen bandages with which he is swathed in death. At Edfu Renenutet takes the title “lady of the robes.” In the Greco-Roman period, she became adopted by the Greeks as the goddess Hermouthis and was syncretized with ISIS....
Goddess name
"Rhea/ Rheie"
Greek A primordial goddess of childbirth, earth, fertility, mountains
Goddess name
Celtic / Irish Chthonic horse goddess. The daughter of Hefaidd Hen and consort of PWYLL, she rides upon a white mare and is åśśociated with the underworld and with fertility. May be virtually synonymous with the Romano-Celtic goddess Rigantona whose name means “great queen.” Authors suggest she is modeled on the goddess MODRON and she partly equates with EPONA....
Goddess name
Celtic Goddess of mourning and grief. Celtic
Goddess name
Hittite lady of the mountain who became a goddess of fertility and Agriculture. Hittite
Goddess name
Pre - Christian Latvian Sun goddess. Also having agricultural links, she is perceived as living on a heavenly farm atop a mythical mountain and invoked to induce fertility and ripening among crops. Her consorts are the sky god DIEVS and the moon god MENESS....
Goddess name
Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet Goddess of terrifying appearance. One of a group of gauris. Color: white. Attributes: holding the mountain known as Meru....
Goddess name
Roman / Celtic / Gallic River goddess. The tutelary goddess of the Sequanae tribe. A pre-Roman sanctuary northwest of Dijon near the source of the Seine has yielded more than 200 wooden votive statuettes and models of limbs, heads and body organs, attesting to Sequana's importance as a goddess of healing. During the Roman occupation the site of Fontes Sequanae was sacred to her and was again considered to have healing and remedial properties. A bronze statuette of a goddess was found wearing a diadem, with arms spread and standing in a boat. The prow is in the shape of a duck, her sacred animal, with a cake in its mouth. Also found were models of dogs, an animal specifically åśśociated with healing through its affinity with the Greco-Roman physician deity AESCULAPIUS....
Goddess name
Egypt Minor mortuary goddess. Known from the middle of the third millennium BC, she protects the throne of the king in the guise of a scorpion. She is depicted in human form wearing a headpiece in the form of a scorpion with its sting raised. In the Pyramid Texts she is the mother of the scorpion god NEHEBU-KAU. In her role as a mortuary goddess she is partly responsible for guarding the jars containing the viscera of the deceased. Although she is never identified as warding off the effect of scorpion stings, her influence has been regarded as effective against other venomous attacks. Also Selkis (Greek)....
Goddess name
Nordic / Icelandic Goddess. One of the AESIR goddesses. The daughter of the giant Thiåśśi and consort of the god NJORD. By tradition she lives apart from her husband, he preferring the coast and she the mountains. She is described as “ski lady,” a huntress who travels on skis and hunts game with a bow. She is constantly at odds with the god LOKI and on one occasion, when he had been captured and held down with stones, she tried to poison him by suspending a poisonous snake over his face. Loki's consort SIGYN saved him by collecting the venom in a bowl....
Goddess name
"Sothis [Greek]"
Egypt Astral goddess. She heralds the Nile inundation as the personification of the star Sirius which rises coincidentally in the dawn sky in July. She is depicted as a nude figure wearing the conical white crown of Lower Egypt surmounted by a star. Late in Egyptian history she becomes largely syncretized with ISIS. Also Sopdet (Egyptian)....
Goddess name
"Tou Mou"
China Goddess of justice China
Goddess name
"Tou Mou"
Chinese Goddess of measure. Usually depicted with many arms and with a caste mark on her forehead, suggesting that she derives from the goddess of the aurora, MARICI, in Indian Buddhism. She is considered to live in the constellation of Ursa major and may also be an aspect of the astral goddess TIN HAU....
Goddess name
"Tu (1)"
Chinese Chthonic earth goddess. A fertility spirit also identified as she who was invoked to bring good harvests by phallic-shaped mounds of earth left in the fields....
Goddess name
"Tzu Sun Niangniang"
Chinese Mother goddess. One of the “nine dark ladies” of the pantheon who are regarded as having a protective role. She was the mortal wife of a minor official and, having borne him five sons and two daughters, committed suicide in order to ensure her future chastity. She is invoked at weddings to provide children, especially sons, and special cakes are eaten by the bride and groom. One of her more famous sanctuaries, on the island of Taiwan, is the Yin Yang Stone....
Goddess name
"Uke Mochi"
Japan Goddess of food, she prepared a feast by facing the ocean and spitting out a fish, then she faced the Forest and bountiful game spewed out of her mouth, finally turning to a rice paddy she coughed up a bowl of rice. Japan
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