
List of Gods : "Goddess Woman" - 32 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Inar (rice-grower)"
Shinto / Japan God (Goddess) of foodstuffs. The popular name of a god(dess) worshiped under the generic title Miketsu-No-Kami in the Shi-Den sanctuary of the imperial palace, but rarely elsewhere. The deity displays gender changes, develops many personalities and is revered extensively in Japan. Inari is often depicted as a bearded man riding a white fox but, in pictures sold at temple offices, (s)he is generally shown as a woman with long flowing hair, carrying sheafs of rice and sometimes, again, riding the white fox. Inari sanctuaries are painted bright red, unlike most other Shinto temples. They are further characterized by rows of wooden portals which form tunnels leading to the sanctuary. Sculptures of foxes are prolific (an animal endowed, in Japanese tradition, with supernatural powers) and the shrines are decorated with a special device, the Hoju-No-Tama, in the shape of a pear surrounded by small flames. Often identified with the food goddess TOYO-UKE-BIME....
Goddess name
"Kamini (loving woman)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Minor goddess. An attendant of BUDDHAKAPALA....
Goddess name
Egypt Keket. A primordial goddess, one of the eight who represent chaos. She was a snake-headed woman who ruled over the darkness with her husband. Egypt
Goddess name
"Kore (tbe girl)"
Greek Youthful goddess of the corn. The more generic name for the goddess PERSEPHONE. Identified as the daughter of DEMETER. She is the spirit of the corn as distinct from her mother who is the giver of the corn. Depicted on coinage as a woman's head adorned with ears of corn. She is integral to the Eleusinian Mysteries in which she is abducted to Hades, resulting in the distress of her mother and the blighting of nature. At Samaria-Sebaste in Syrio-Palestine, Kore was the only deity worshiped, apart from the emperor....
Goddess name
Klamath Beneficent goddess portrayed as a beautiful woman Klamath
Goddess name
"Long Mu"
Chinese Mother of dragons was a Chinese woman who was deified as a goddess after raising five infant dragons.
Goddess name
"Muso Koroni (the pure woman with the primeval soul)"
Bambara / Mali, West Africa Chthonic fertility goddess. The mother of all living things, she introduced mankind to the principles of farming. She has a terrifying appearance, depicted either in human form, sometimes with many breasts (cf. ARTEMIS at Ephesus), or as a panther. In the latter guise she uses her claws to bring on menstruation in women and to cirçúɱcise both sexes. Prior to cirçúɱ cision a youth is said to possess wanzo, an untamed wildness. Muso Koroni is pursued by the Sun god, PEMBA, who impregnates her in the form of a tree (Acacia albida). Also Mousso Coronie....
Goddess name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian Obscure mother goddess. Mentioned in creation texts as the “old woman of Nippur,” she is identified as the mother of NINLIL, the air goddess. Nunbarsegunu allegedly instructs her daughter in the arts of obtaining the attentions of ENLIL....
Goddess name
Bella Coola Indian / British Columbia, Canada Creator goddess. Said to live in the upper heaven, Atsa'axl, from where she controls the earth. According to tradition the mountains were once malevolent beings who made the world uninhabitable, until she conquered them and reduced them in size. She is never invoked or prayed to. Also Tsi Sisnaaxil (our woman); Ek Yakimtolsil (afraid of nothing)....
Goddess name
Roman Goddess of hope. Foundations of a sanctuary were commenced by the emperor Tiberius, linked with a similar building dedicated to the god JANUS. She is åśśociated with gardens and depicted as a young woman bearing a bunch of flowers....
Goddess name
Western Semitic Fertility goddess. Concerned with love and war; also has underworld connections. Recognized chiefly at Sidon, but included in the Ugaritic pantheon. Thought by some authors to be the immediate derivation of the biblical “Shulamite woman” (Vetus Testamentum song of Solomon 6:13)....
Goddess name
Mexico Sussistanako "Thinking-Woman" A goddess of creation who thinks things into being. Mexico
Goddess name
Etruscan Goddess of childbirth. Depicted as a youthful woman, often åśśociated with the sky god TIN....
Goddess name
Sanskrit Sanskrit for "dawn", is a Vedic deity. She is the chief goddess, sometimes imagined as several goddesses, Dawns, exalted in the Rig Veda. She is portrayed as a beautifully adorned, sexually attractive young woman riding in a chariot. She is the daughter of Dyaus "Heaven".
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