
List of Gods : "Goddess of war" - 203 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Celtic / Irish God of war. A minor deity identified as the consort of the goddess MORRIGAN in her aspect as Nemain. Also the grandfather of Balor, he was killed at the second legendary Battle of Moytura....
Goddess name
Egypt Net, Neit, Nit, creator goddess and of war, the hunt and domestic arts. In later times she was also thought to have been an androgynous demiurge - a creation deity - who had both male and female attributes. Egypt
Goddess name
Celtic A goddess of war, and possibly an aspect of the Morrigan. Her name means 'panic' or 'frenzy', and causing it among warriors was her specialty. Celtic
Goddess name
Egypt Goddess of death, war, of warriors. Egypt
Goddess name
Assyrian / Babylonian One of the divinities who ruled the netherworld, a goddess of war & death
Goddess name
Babylon One of the divinities who ruled the netherworld, amorality personified, and a goddess of war and death. Babylon
Goddess name
"Net/ Neith"
Egypt A goddess of the east, women, sorcery, the home, war, hunting, weaving
Goddess name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian Fertility goddess. A daughter of An and Uras and probably an alternative name for Is”tar. She is the consort of the god Pabilsag and is mentioned in respect of a sanctuary built by warad Sin during the Isin dynasty. Texts describe her going to present Enlil with gifts in Nippur. Other inscriptions suggest she was the mother of the god Damu (Dumuzi)....
Goddess name
Egypt Goddess of weaving, war, hunting and the Red Crown, creator deity, mother of Ra. Egypt
Supreme god name
Yoruba / Nigeria, West Africa Creator goddess. The consort, or alternatively the daughter, of the supreme god OLODUMARE. She is perceived as the substance, or matrix, of the earth which Olodumare impregnated to generate life. She is also a goddess of war and her sons include the great heroic Yoruba god OGUN. According to some traditions Oduduwa is also perceived as a god....
Goddess name
Welsh A daughter of the king of the Giants and goddess of summer and war. Welsh
Goddess name
"Onuris [Greek]"
Egypt God of hunting and war. Onuris is first known from This, near Abydos in Upper Egypt. In later times his main cult center was at Samannud in the Nile delta. His consort is the lion goddess Mekhit. Onuris is generally depicted in human form as a bearded figure wearing a crown with four plumes and wielding a spear or occasionally holding a rope. He is sometimes accompanied by Mekhit in iconography. Seen as a hunter who caught and slew the enemies of RE, the Egyptian Sun god, some legends place him close to the battle between HORUS and SETH. In clåśśical times, Onuris became largely syncretized with the Greek war god ARES. Also Anhuret (Egyptian)....
Goddess name
West Indies Goddess of the ancestors, war, the cemetery and the Rainbow. West Indies
Goddess name
Yoruba A warrior goddess of fire, Rainstorms, justice & the wind
Goddess name
Yoruba Goddess of the Niger River. She is seen in aspects of warrior-goddess of wind, lightning, fertility, fire and magic. She creates hurricanes and tornadoes and guards the underworld. Yoruba
Goddess name
Egypt Bast and Sekhmet were similar feline war gods, one for Upper Egypt and the other for Lower Egypt. Where the two groups met, at Beni Hasan, the similarity of the goddesses lead to a new merged form known as Pakhet.
Goddess name
"Pidari (snake-catcher)"
Hindu / Puranic / later One of the consorts of S IVA. A benevolent NAVASAKTI. The cult of Pidari probably evolved in the sixth and seventh centuries AD and is generally restricted to southern India. She is considered an aspect of the goddess KALI and is invoked in many villages to ward off evil and demons. She has most of the attributes of Kali and may also have snakes around her breasts, but may additionally be represented by a stone. Her cult moved at one time and reached a climax in eastern India between the eighth and twelfth centuries. Attributes: cup, fire, noose and trident. Also Pitali; Kala-Pidari....
Goddess name
"Pratyangira (whose speech is directed westward)"
Hindu Goddess of terrifying aspect. She rides upon a lion. Attributes: cup, drum, flaming hair, snake noose and trident....
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