
List of Gods : "Hera" - 135 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
King name
Greek The famous king of Troy, at the time of the Trojan war. He was a son of Laomedon and Strymo or Placia. His original name is said to have been Podarces, i. e. "the swift-footed," which was changed into Priamus, "the ransomed" because he was the only surviving son of Laomedon and was ransomed by his sister Hesione, after he had fallen into the hands of Heracles. Greek

"Queen of Heaven"
Egyptian With the ancient Phoenicians was Astarte; Greeks, Hera; Romans, Juno; Trivia, Hecate, Diana, the Egyptian Isis, etc., were all so called; but with the Roman Catholics it is the Virgin Mary.

"Recaråñuś aka Garåñuś"
Roman , a fabulous Italian shepherd of gigantic bodily strength and courage. The fact of his being a gigantic shepherd who recovered stolen oxen from him, led the Romans to consider him as identical with the Greek Heracles. Roman

Greek A son of Heracles and father of Phaestus. Greek
God name
Greek A daughter of the river-god Maeander, and wife of Ancaeus, by whom she became the mother of Samos. Samia also occurs as a surname of Hera, which is derived from her temple and worship in the island of Samos. Greek
God name
Greek An Oceanid, son of Oceåñuś and Tethys and the god of the river Scamander, in Troas, was called by the gods Xanthus. Being insulted by Achilles, he entered into a contest with the Greek hero but Hera sent out Hephaestus to åśśist Achilles, and the god of fire dried up the waters of Scamander, and frightened Scamander, until Hera ordered Hephaestus to spare the river-god. By Idaea, he fathered Teucrus.(Theogony 345.) Greek

Greek A daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia, at Thebes, and accordingly a sister of Ino, Agave, Autonoe, and Polydorus. She was beloved by Zeus and Hera, stimulated by jealousy, appeared to her in the form of her aged nurse Beroe, and induced her to pray Zeus to visit her in the same splendour and majesty with which he appeared to Hera. Greek
Goddess name
Egypt Hellenic The astral goddess that heralds Arias of the Nile
Goddess name
"Sothis Egypt"
Hellenic Astral goddess who heralds Arias of the Nile Hellenic
Goddess name
"Sothis [Greek]"
Egypt Astral goddess. She heralds the Nile inundation as the personification of the star Sirius which rises coincidentally in the dawn sky in July. She is depicted as a nude figure wearing the conical white crown of Lower Egypt surmounted by a star. Late in Egyptian history she becomes largely syncretized with ISIS. Also Sopdet (Egyptian)....

Greek 1. One of the daughters of Thespius, and by Heracles the mother of Atromus.

Greek The celebrated rapacious birds near the Stymphalian lake in Arcadia, whence they were driven by Heracles and compelled to take refuge in the island of Aretias in the Euxine, where they were afterwards found by the Argonauts. Greek

Greek Mother, by Poseidon, of Sinis and Taras. She helped Heracles gather up his wandering cattle after he slew the giant Cacus and had three sons by him: Scythes, Agathyrsus and Gelonus. As adults, the three sons would conquer an area off the Black Sea called Scythia. Greek

Greek The herald of Agamenmon at Troy. Greek
King name
Greek A son of Heracles and Auge, the daughter of king Aleus of Tegea. He was reared by a hind and educated by king Corythus in Arcadia. Greek

Greek 1. A son of Pelasgus, educated Hera at Stymphalus in Arcadia.

Greek A daughter of Lelex and Peridia, from which the town of Therapne in Laconia derived its name. Greek

Greek A son of Autesion, grandson of Tisamenus, who led Lacedaemonians and Minyans of Lemnos (i. e. descendants of the Argonauts by Lemnian women) from Sparta to the island of Thera, which had before been called Callisto, but was now named after him Thera. Greek
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