
List of Gods : "King Babylon" - 13 records

Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
King name
Babylonian The first king of the heavens in Babylonian mythology.
God name
Pre - Islamic northern Arabian Local god. Mentioned only in name by the Babylonian king Nabonidus, worshiped at Taima and influenced strongly by Egyptian culture.See also SALM....
Goddess name
Western Semitic / Canaanite Fertility goddess. In Old Babylonian texts of Hammurabi she is identified as the daughter-in-law of the king of heaven. She is also known from pre-Islamic southern Arabia as a consort of the moon god AMM.See also ASERAH....
God name
Western Semitic / Phoenician Local tutelary god. Probably of Aramaean or Syrian origin. First mentioned in a fourteenth century treaty between the Hittite king Suppiluliuma and Nigmadu II of Ugarit [Ras Samra]. He appears more regularly on inscriptions from the end of the seventh century BC and enjoyed considerable popularity during the neo-Babylonian period. Bethel is mentioned in the Biblical text of Jeremiah 48.13, implying that some Israelites acknowledged this deity. There is no evidence of links with the historical place names, including that mentioned in Genesis 38.13....
God name
"Dagan (1)"
Mesopotamian / Babylonian - Akkadian Grain and fertility god. Generally linked with ANU in giving status to cities e.g. the dedications by the ninth-century BC Assyrian king Assur-nasir-apli at Kalakh. Cult centers existed at Tuttul and Terqa....
King name
Babylon Son of Balan, king of Spain. The greatest giant that ever walked the earth. For height of stature, breadth of shoulder, and hardness of muscle he never had an equal. He possessed all Babylon, even to the Red Sea; was seigneur of Russia, Lord of Cologne, master of Jerusalem, and even of the Holy Sepulchre.

Babylon He is in the husband / son of Tiamat
Demon name
Babylon Very haughty and overbearing. Lucifer is the name given by Isaiah to Nebuchadnezzar, the proud but ruined king of Babylon: "Take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, ... How art thou fallen, from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!" (Isa. XIV. 4, 12). The poets feign that Satan, before he was driven out of heaven for his pride, was called Lucifer. Milton, in his Paradise Lost, gives this name to the demon of "Sinful Pride." Christian / Gnostic
King name
"Nabo or Nebo"
Babylon One of the divinities of the Assyrians, supposed to be the moon. Many of the kings of Babylon åśśumed the name.
God name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian Tutelary god. His mother is NINHURSAGa A. Known from the city of Lagas (Girsu) where Gudea built a major temple in his honor, the Eninnu. His symbol is a lion-headed eagle and his weapon the mace S, arur. Texts describe Ningirsu making a journey to Eridu to notify the god ENKI of Gudea's achievement....
Goddess name
"Ninsun(a) (lady wild cow)"
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian cow goddess. Tutelary goddess of Gudea of Lagas.. Consort of the Sumerian heroic king Lugalbanda and also identified as the mother of the hero Gilgames.....
God name
"Salm of Mahram (image of Mahram)"
Pre - Islamic northern Arabian Local tutelary god. Correspondence of the Babylonian king Nabonidus (559-539 BC) mentions that this deity was worshiped at Taima, an important trade and religious center where he was head of the pantheon. Gods in the region were often named after local places and personified by a stone stele carved with schematic anthropomorphic features and a winged disc showing strong Egyptian influence. Also Salman....
God name
Pre - Islamic northern Arabian Local god. Mentioned only in name by the Babylonian king Nabonidus, worshiped at Taima and influenced strongly by Egyptian culture.See also SALM OF MAHRAM....