
List of Gods : "Mir" - 67 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

"Alasnam's Mirror"
Arabian The "touch-stone of virtue," given to Alasnam by one of the Genii. If he looked in this mirror it informed him whether a damsel would remain to him faithful or not. If the mirror remained unsullied so would the maiden; if it clouded, the maiden would prove faithless. Arabian
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan God of smiths. Depicted as a one-eyed ithyphallic god comparable to the Greek Cyclopes. He is strongly instrumental in fashioning the “perfect Divine mirror” with which the Sun goddess, AMATERASU, is lured from her cave. Also Ma-Hiko-Tsu-No-Kami....
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan Goddess of dancers. She plays a part in enticing the Sun goddess, AMATERASU, from her cave using the perfect Divine mirror....
God name
"Ardhanari(svara) (the lord being half woman)"
Hindu / Puranic God. The god SI IVA combined with his SAKTI as a single being. His attendant animal is the bull. In iconography the left side of the image is female and the right male. A tutelary deity of eunuchs in India. Attributes: (right side) blue lotus, cup, hatchet, lute, moon disc, pestle, skin, sword and trident; (left side) ax, mirror, noose, pitcher, rosary, sacred rope and trident. May appear as three-headed. Also Ammaiappan (Tamil); Naranari....

"Bergelmir aka Bergelmer"
Scandinavian A frost-giant, father of the Jotuns, or second dynasty of giants, son of Thrudgelmer and grandson of Aurgelmer. Scandinavian
King name
Japan One of the pupils of Buddha, the first of the sixteen Rakan. Rakan with grey hair and long eyebrows. Originally he was a retainer of the king, Uuten. He became a priest and attained miracle power by performing Arakan's vow. It is said that he was praised by Shaka for he used the miracle power for the world and that he didn't enter Nirvana and made efforts cultivating ordinary people. He was worshipped on the above in Theravada Buddhism, however, many are worshipped in restaurants in China. He is enshrined in front of a temple in Japan. It is believed that stroking him eliminates distresses. Japan

"Bisal Mariamna"
India Shakti of Sunlight in Mysore. Symbolized by a bråśś pot full of water called the Kunna-Kannadi or 'eye mirror'. India
God name
Nordic / Icelandic Archetypal god. In the creation account, according to Snorri, a living creature called Ymir was formed in the misty void of Ginnungagap. Ymir was nourished by the milk of the cow Audhumla, who licked salty ice blocks and released a second individual called BURI. He had a son called Bor. Bor, in turn, engendered the AESIR gods OTHIN, VILI and VE. Also Borr.See also Othin....
God name
Nordic / Icelandic Archetypal god. According to Snorri, one of two primordial beings. Ymir was formed from the misty void of Ginnungagap, and Buri emerged from the blocks of salty ice on which the cosmic cow Audhumla fed. He had a son, BOR, who engendered the AESIR gods OTHIN, VILI and VE. Also Bori....

"Dame du Lac"
Britain A fay, named Vivienne, who plunged with the infant Lancelot into a lake. This lake was a kind of mirage, concealing the demesnes of the lady "en la marche de la petite Bretaigne." Britain
King name
"Draught of Thor"
Norse The ebb of the sea. When Asa Thor visited Jotunheim he was set to drain a bowl of liquor. He took three draughts, but only succeeded in slightly reducing the quantity. On leaving Jotunheim, the king, Giant Skrymir, told him he need not be ashamed of himself, and showed him the sea at low ebb, saying that he had drunk all the rest in his three draughts. We are told it was a quarter of a mile of sea-water that he drank. Norse

Norse / Germany Dwarfs who dwell in rocks and hills; noted for their strength, subtilty, magical powers, and skill in metallurgy. They are the personification of the subterranean powers of nature. According to the Gotho-German myth, the duergar were first maggots in Ymir's flesh, but afterwards åśśumed the likeness of men. The first duergar was Modsogner, the next Dyrin. Norse / Germany
Goddess name
Greek One of the three Charites or Graces. The cheerful one, or life lived in exuberance and joy, the Goddess of mirth, and the incarnation of grace and beauty. A daughter of Zeus and Eurynome, or of Dionysus and Aphrodite. Greek
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan Ancestral god. A significant deity in mythology because he took part in the divination and ritual necessary before the process of drawing the Sun goddess AMATERASU out of her cave could begin. He collected together various magical objects, pushed forward the perfect Divine mirror, recited the sacred liturgy and begged Amaterasu never again to hide her face. The guardian of Prince NINIGI, ancestor of the imperial dynasty, Futo-Tama is more specifically the ancestor of the Imba clan in Japan....
Goddess name
"Gauri (whitish brilliant)"
Hindu / Vedic / Puranic (1) Goddess. Consort of the god VARUNA, said to have been created at the churning of the ocean of milk. An epithet of PARVATI as a goddess of the corn. Also a SAKTI of Mahesvara, a minor aspect of S IVA. Her attendant animal is a lion or a wolf. Attributes: fish, Forest garland, image of GANESA, lotus, mirror, rosary, trident and water jar. Three-eyed. Also Varuni.(2) Goddess. Buddhist. One of eight GAURIS of terrible appearance. Attributes: head and noose.(3) Messenger goddess. Jain [India]. A SASANADEVATA. Also one of sixteen VIDYADEVIS or goddesses of learning headed by SARASVATI. Color: white. Attribute: a hook....
Goddess name
Polynesian, Hawaii Goddess of the underworld. Her role was generally shared with the chthonic goddess Miru....
God name
Scandinavia An Aesir god and the brother of Odin and Ludor. Together they slew Ymir, the great giant of the beginning. They created the earth from his flesh, the sea and fresh water from his blood, the mountains from his bones; then mankind from two trees, man from the ash and woman from the elm. Hoenir gave them their senses and understanding, intelligence and motion. The two lesser brothers are sometimes considered aspects of Odin, eventually disappearing, Hoenir as hostage to the Vanir at the end of the war with the Aesir. Scandinavia
God name
"Huang Ti"
China God of architecture and Astral god, some myths relate that Huang-ti manufactured and used "miraculous tripods" which were made in the "likeness of the Great Infinite," Tao, the concealed engine of the Universe. He also invented the compåśś. China
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