
List of Gods : "Naiads" - 13 records

Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Greek 1. The most beautiful of the Naiads, daughter of Zeus and Neaera by whom Helios begot the Charites.
Nymph name
Greek The Naiad nymph of a gold-carrying stream of the Kaukasos mountains. She was loved by Aeetes of Colchis, bearing him a son Apsyrtos. Greek
King name
Greek A son of Theiodamas, king of the Dryopes, by the nymph Menodice or a son of Heracles, Euphemus, or Ceyx. He was the favourite of Heracles, who, after having killed his father, Theiodamas, took him with him when he joined the expedition of the Argonauts. When the Argonauts landed on the coast of Mysia, Hylas went out to fetch water for Heracles but when he came to a well, his beauty excited the love of the Naiads, who drew him down into the water, and he was never seen again. Greek
King name
Greek A son of Peneius, and the Naiad Creusa, or Phillyra, the daughter of Asopus, was king of the Lapithae, and married to Chlidanope, by whom he became the father of Cyrene, Alcaea, Themisto, and Astyageia. (Apollodorus) Another personage of this name occurs in Ovid (Metamorphoses v by Ovid). Greek
Deities name
Roman Hearth deities. The lares are a peculiarly Roman innovation. Two children, born of a liaison between the god Mercury and a mute naiad, Lara, whose tongue had been cut out by Jupiter, became widely revered by Romans as house guardians. Iconographically they are depicted in the guise of monkeys covered with dog skins with a barking dog at their feet.See also LARUNDA, MERCURIUS....
King name
Greek One of the original inhabitants of Laconia which was called after him, its first king, Lelegia. He was married to the Naiad Cleochareia, by whom he became the father of Myles, Polycaon, and Eurotas. Greek

Greek 1. A son of Aeolus and Enarete, became the father of Polydectes and Dictys by a Naiad. The scholiast of Euripides calls his wife Philodice, and his sons Eurynomus and Eioneus but Eustathius calls his wife Meliboea, and mentions one son Alector, and adds that he called the town of Meliboea, at the foot of mount Pelion, after his wife, and the country of Magnesia after his own name. 2. A son of Argos and Perimele, and father of Hymenaeus from him also a portion of Thessaly derived its: name Magnesia. 3. A son of Zeus and Thyia, and brother of Macedon. Greek
Nymph name
Greek Any nymph who presided over brooks , springs or fountains
Spirit name
Greco - Roman Animistic water spirits. Female personalities åśśigned the guardianship of fresh waters by the great gods, and invoked locally at sacred pools and springs. They were also regarded as minor patrons of music and poetry....
Nymph name
Greek nymphs who presided over brooks, springs or fountains. Greek
Nymph name
Greek Or Nereides or Nerine, is a patronymic from Nereus, and applied to his daughters by Doris, who were regarded by the ancients as marine nymphs of the Mediterranean, in contra-distinction from the Naiades, or the nymphs of fresh water, and the Oceanides, or the nymphs of the great ocea. Greek
God name
Greek Also called Peneius, a Thessalian river god, and a son of Oceåñuś and Tethys. (Theogony of Hesiod 343; Metamorphoses by Ovid i.) By the Naiad Creusa he became the father of Hypseus, Stilbe, and Daphne. Cyrene also is called by some his wife, and by others his daughter, and hence Peneius is called the genitor of Aristaeus. Greek

Greek A Naiad who fell in love with Daphnis and made him promise never to form a connexion with any other maiden. Greek