
List of Gods : "Nymph" - 175 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Nymph name
Slavic / Russia They were water nymphs & not nice
Nymph name
Phrygian A Phrygian divinity, commonly described as a son of Rhea or Cybele ; but in later times he was identified with the mystic Dionysus, who hence is sometimes called Dionysus Sabazius. For the same reason Sabazius is called a son of Zeus by Persephone, and is said to have been reared by a nymph Nyssa.
Goddess name
Greek A nymph in whose embraces Attis became faithless to Cybele. The goddess avenged the wrong done to her by causing the tree with which the nymph's life was connected, to be cut down. Greek
Nymph name
Greek The nymph of the well Salmacis, near the mausoleum at Halicarnåśśus. The nymph fell in love with Hermaphroditos and tried to win his affections, but in vain. Greek
Nymph name
Greek A mythical lawgiver of Samothrace, is said to have been a son of Zeus by a nymph, or of Hermes by Rhene. Greek
Nymph name
Greek It is remarked in the article Satyrus, that the older Satyrs were generally termed Sileni, but one of these Sileni is commonly the Silenus, who always acts a prominent part in the retinue of Dionysus, from whom he is inseparable, and whom he is said to have brought up and instructed. Like the other Satyrs he is called a son of Hermes, but others call him a son of Pan by a nymph, or of Gaea. Greek
God name
Greek An Arcadian nymph, brought up the god Pan, who derived from her the surname Sinoeis. Greek
King name
Greek A son of Poseidon and Assa, or of Ares and Achiroe, the daughter of Neilus, was married to the nymph Mendeis, by whom he became the father of Pallene and Rhoeteia. He was king of the Hadomantes in Macedonia, or king of Thrace. Pallene, on account of her beauty, had numerous suitors, and Sithon, who promised her to the one who should conquer him in single combat, slew many. Greek
Nymph name
Greek A son of Zeus by the Rhodian nymph Himalia. Brother to Cronius, and Cytus.
Nymph name
Greek A surname of a clåśś of prophetic nymphs on mount Cithaeron in Boeotia, where they had a grotto. Greek
Nymph name
Greek A nymph of the spring, well or fountain of the town of the Lapithai in Thessalia and a daughter of Peneius and Creusa. She became by Apollo the mother of Lapithus and Centaurus. (Argonautica) Greek
Nymph name
Greek Connected with the verb to hate or abhor, is the name of the principal river in the nether world, around which it flows seven times. Styx is described as a daughter of Oceåñuś and Tethys, and as a nymph she dwelt at the entrance of Hades, in a lofty grotto which was supported by silver columns. Greek
Nymph name
Indian The Paradise of Indra, and also of certain deified mortals, who rest there under the shade of the five wonderful trees, drink the nectar of immortality called Amrita, and dance with the heavenly nymphs.
Nymph name
Greek An Arcadian nymph, who being pursued by Pan, fled into the river Ladon, and at her own request was metamorphosed into a reed, of which Pan then made his flute. ( Metamorphoses I) Greek
Nymph name
Greek A son of Poseidon by a nymph, is said to have traversed the sea from the promontory of Taenarum to the south of Italy, riding on a dolphin, and to have founded Tarentum in Italy, where he was worshipped as a hero. Greek
Nymph name
Greek A daughter of Ladon, a nymph from whom the town of Telphusa in Arcadia derived its name. Greek
Nymph name
Greek A son of Euseirus and Eidothea. Once he was tending his flocks on Mount Othrys in Melis, under the protection of the nymphs whom he delighted with his songs, for he was a distinguished musician, and played both the syrinx and the lyre. Greek
God name
Greek A son of the river-god Scamander by the nymph Idaea, was the first king of Troy.
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