
List of Gods : "Ome" - 1048 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
"ADONIS (lord)"
Lebanon / Syria Fertility and vegetation god. Adonis is modeled on the Mesopotamian dying vegetation god DUMUZI (Hebrew: Tammuz). He appears as a youthful deity. The river Adonis [Nahr Ibrahim] is sacred to him largely because its waters flow red after heavy Winter Rains, having become saturated with ferrous oxide. In Hellenic tradition he is the son of the mythical Cyprian king Cinyras and his mother is MYRRHA. According to Hesiod he is also the son of Phoenix and Alphesiboea. He is the consort of APHRODITE. Tradition has it that he was killed by a boar during a hunting expedition and is condemned to the underworld for six months of each year, during which the earth's vegetation parches and dies under the summer Sun and drought. He was honored in a spring festival when priests in effeminate costume gashed themselves with knives. Frequently depicted nude and sometimes carrying a lyre. Also ATTIS (Phrygian); ATUNIS (Etruscan)....
Goddess name
"AEGIR (water)"
Icelandic / Nordic God of the ocean. A lesser known AESIR god of Asgard concerned with the moods of the sea and their implications for mariners. The river Eider was known to the Vikings as “Aegir's Door.” Aegir is also depicted in some poetry as the “ale brewer,” perhaps an allusion to the caldrons of mead which were thought to come from under the sea (see also the Celtic deities DAGDA and GOBNIU). There are references in literature to Saxons sacrificing captives, probably to Aegir, before setting sail for home. Linked in uncertain manner to the goddess RAN he was believed to have sired nine children, the waves of the sea, who were possibly giantesses....
God name
"AGNI (fire)"
Hindu / India God of fire. God of the sacrificial fire and the intercessor between gods and mankind, Agni is the son of KASYAPA and ADITI or, alternatively, of Dyaus and PRTHIVI. Color: red. Attributes: seven arms and sometimes the head of a goat, carrying a wide variety of objects....
Spirit name
Buddhist / India The fifth dhyanibuddha or meditation buddha. One of five mystic spiritual counterparts of a human buddha in Vajrayana Buddhism. Color: green. Attributes: staff and sometimes seven-headed snake. Amoghasiddhi is also taken as a tutelary deity in Lamaism [Tibet] in which case his attributes include bell, three monkish robes and prayer wheel. Emanations include Visvapani and many other minor names. See also AKSOBHYA, AMITABHA, RATNASAMBHAVA and VAIROCANA....
God name
"AN (1) (sky)"
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Iraq Supreme creator god. In Sumerian creation mythology An is the supreme being and, with his chthonic female principle, KI, is the founder of the cosmos. Also, in some texts, identified as the son of ANS'AR and KIS'AR. The head of the older generation of gods....
Ghost name
Basque A Basque ghost. He is a cave-dwelling divinity who adopts the form of a young red bull, but sometimes in the shape of a man. At night, more so in stormy weather, he arises from the hollow which is his lair, also known as Euskal Herria. He attacks criminals and other mean people. He also protects people by making them stay home when danger is near.
God name
Efik The creator god of the Nigerian Efik people. On the suggestion of his wife Atai Abåśśi created the first humans; to prevent them from exceed his wisdom, he ordered the first humans to neither procreate nor labor. This prohibition lasted some time, but eventually the first couple did have children and work, for which crime Abåśśi slew them and set their children against each other.

Islamic The father of Mahomet, was so beautiful, that when he married Amina, 200 virgins broke their hearts from disappointed love. Islam

Greek One of Heracles's friends, devoured by the horses of Diomede. Diomede gave him his horses to hold, and they devoured him.
Goddess name
Roman A goddess who protected children the first time they left their parents' home, safeguarding their first steps alone. She is related to Adeona, a goddess who guided children back to their parents' home. Roman
Spirit name
Kalmuck A god of the Kalmucks, who receives the souls of the dead at the moment of decease, and gives them permission to enter a new body, either human or not, and have another spell of life on earth. If the spirit is spotless it may, if it likes, rise and live in the air.

French The French Santa Claus, the good fairy who comes at night to bring toys to children while they sleep, especially on New Year's Day.

Arab Called Father of the Virgin, i.e. , Mahomet's favourite wife. He was the first caliph, and was founder of the sect called the Sunnites.
God name
"Abraham aka Avraham"
Arabic Ashkenazi, Avrohom, Avruhom, regarded as the founding patriarch of the Israelites and of the Arabic people in Jewish, Christian and Islamic tradition. In that tradition, Abraham is brought by God from his home in the ancient city of Ur into a new land, Canaan, where he enters into a covenant: in exchange for sole recognition of Yahweh as supreme universal authority.
Goddess name
Sudan The first woman and patron goddess of women and gardens. south Sudan
Hero name
Greek A hero of Attica. He told Castor and Pollux where Theseus had hidden Helen. He is sometimes identified with Cadmus. Greek
God name
"Achlae/ Aclelous/ Acleloos/ Achelous"
Greek A river god of some standing in the community

Greek According to some ancient cosmogonies, the eternal night, and the first created being which existed even before chaos. According to Hesiod, she was the personification of misery and sadness, and as such she was represented on the shield of Heracles: pale, emaciated, and weeping, with chattering teeth, swollen knees, long nails on her fingers, bloody cheeks, and her shoulders thickly covered with dust.
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