
List of Gods : "deity" - 836 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Aztec The creator god / Sun deity of the third of the five world ages
God name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Creator god. The Sun deity representing the third of the five world ages each of which lasted for 2,028 heavenly years, each heavenly year being fiftytwo terrestrial years. Assigned to the element fire and presided over by the Rain god TLALOC. According to tradition, the age ended in a cataclysmic destruction caused by a great fiery Rain. The human population perished and in doing so were transformed into dogs, turkeys and butterflies. Illustrated by the “Stone of the Four Suns” [Yale Peabody Museum]. Also Quiauhtonatiuh; Tletonatiuh....
Goddess name
PreColumbian Indian / Peru Minor goddess of the quinoa crop. Models of the deity were made from the leaves of the plant and kept for a year before being burned in a ritual to ensure a good quinine harvest....
Deity name
"Rahu (seizer)"
Hindu Primordial cosmic deity. The son of KASYAPA or RUDRA, according to legend he seizes the Sun and moon to generate eclipses. Rahu is depicted with four hands and a tail, or as a head alone, his body having been destroyed by VISNU. He stands upon a lion or in a chariot drawn by eight black horses. Color: dark blue. Attributes: half moon, knife, sword and trident....
Demon name
"Rama (pleasing)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Incarnation of the god VIS NU. The seventh avatara (sun aspect) of Vis nu. Rama began as a comparatively minor incarnation who became one of the great heroes of the Ramayana epic, as well as featuring in the Mahabharata. The son of Dasaratha and Kausalya, he was a king of Ayodhya who, in the Ramayana, slew the demon Ravana that had captured his consort SITA and was upheld as a deity par excellence in respect of manhood and honor, though his subsequent treatment of his wife might be regarded as cavalier (see Sita). The Ramayana epic was composed by the poet and sage Valmeeki during the reign of Ramachandra and it gave form to a story that had been in existence for many centuries as an oral tradition. Valmeeki portrayed Rama not as an incarnate deity but as a great mortal hero. The saga is strongly political and serves to unite a vast and fragmented people in a common focus, irrespective of caste and language. It defines the historical schism between the Hindu culture of India and the largely Buddhist tradition of Sri Lanka. Rama rides in a chariot and is depicted in human form with two arms, typically holding a sugar cane bow and with a quiver at his shoulder. Also Ramacandra....
Spirit name
Buddhist Philosophical deity. spiritual offspring of RATNASAMBHAVA. Color: red. Attributes: jeweled staff and moon on a lotus....
Deities name
Buddhist God. An USNISA deity apparently linked with the guardian sky deities or dikpalas in the southern direction. Color: blue....
Goddess name
Hindu / Vedic Goddess of the night. Ratri is the personification of darkness bedecked with stars. Her sister is USAS, the dawn goddess, who, with Agni the fire god, chases her away. She is perceived as the guardian of eternal law and order in the cosmos and of the waves of time. Ratri is generally regarded as a benign deity who offers rest and renewed vigor, and who may be invoked to ensure safety through the hours of darkness. She deposits the gift of morning dew. However she also offers a bleaker aspect as one who brings gloom and barrenness....
God name
"Res”ep (A) Mukal"
Western Semitic / Canaanite / Phoenician / , originating in Syria war and plague god. Introduced into Egypt by the XVIII Dynasty during the sixteenth century BC and rapidly achieved some prominence. His wife is Itum and he was also known as Res ep-Amukal and Res epSulman. Res ep is probably modeled on the Mesopotamian NERGAL. He is depicted as a youthful, warlike god, often with a gazelle's head springing from his forehead, and with a spear in his right hand. In Egyptian iconography he is depicted wearing the crown of Upper Egypt surmounted in front by the head of a gazelle. He has links with the Theban war god MONTU and was thought of as a guardian deity in battle by many Egyptian pharaohs; he is said to have shot firebrands with a bow and arrow. He also exerted a benign influence against disease. The influence of Res ep extended to Cyprus during the preHellenic period and at the time of Hellenization he was allied to and perhaps syncretized with APOLLO. Also Ras ap, Res ef....
Deity name
Hindu deity of cattle. Hindu
Deity name
Roman 1 A deity personifying the Roman state, or an personification in art of the city of Rome
Goddess name
Greek / Roman Tutelary goddess. The deity was actually conceived by the Greeks and shrines were set up at centers including Smyrna and Ephesus....
God name
Polynesian / Maori Whale god. He is the son of TANGAROA, the creator deity responsible for the oceans and the fish, and the father of KAHUKURA, the deity responsible for the appearance of the Rainbow. He is also regarded as the ancestor of several Maori clans. Various traditions are åśśociated with Rongomai. In some regions of New Zealand he is also regarded as a god of war and is thought to have discovered the magic arts during a visit to the underworld, including the power of kaiwhatu, a preventative charm against witchcraft. Rongomai is sometimes mistakenly identified with RONGOMATANE, or Rongo, though the latter is generally considered a distinct personality. As the god responsible for the well-being of whales Rongomai may take the form of a whale, a guise in which he once challenged MARU, a more widely recognized New Zealand war god. Separate mythology places him in the heavens in the form of a comet....
Goddess name
Gaul A fertility goddess and a deity of abundance. Gaul
God name
"Rsabha (the bull)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic God. An unusual avatara of VIS'NU. Said to be similar to the Jain deity Rsabhanatha and therefore may represent an attempt to meld the two religions by absorbing Jainism locally....
God name
"Rudra (howler)"
Hindu / Vedic weather god. An early deity, largely superseded by SIVA, who controls the gales and storms. Often linked with the fire god AGNI and the Rain god INDRA. Generally a malignant god, Rudra lives in the mountains and is deemed to be either tall or dwarf, depending on the severity of the storm. He brings death and disease to man and domestic animals through his “thousand shafts,” and is considered to be highly unpredictable....
God name
Africa Tutelary god and ancestral deity. Rwanda, Africa
Spirit name
Rwanda / East Africa Tutelary god. An ancestral deity and king of the spirit world who has an oracular capacity....
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