
List of Gods : "husband" - 125 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Greek The son of Anchises and Aphrodite, and born on mount Ida. On his father's side he was a greatgrandson of Tros, and thus nearly related to the royal house of Troy, as Priam himself was a grandson of Tros. He was educated from his infancy at Dardåñuś, in the house of Alcathous, the husband of his sister.
Goddess name
"Aeval .Aibell Aoibhell"
Celtic Aeval aka Aibell Aoibhell, was a goddess or fairy queen of Munster. She determined if husbands were sexually satsifying their wives. Celtic
King name
Greek A daughter of Actaeus, the first king of Athens. By her husband, Cecrops, she became the mother of Erysichthon, Agraulos, Herse, and Pandrosos. 2. A daughter of Cecrops and Agraulos, and mother of Alcippe by Ares.
Goddess name
"Ai Ada"
Turkey God of the moon. Husband of Kun, Goddess of the Sun. Turkey
King name
Greek A mythical king of the Molossians, the husband of Persephone, and father of Core. Greek
Deities name
Hindu The daughter of Manu, who was given to Ruchi. Her twins, Yajña and Dakshina, became husband and wife and had twelve sons, the deities called Yamas. Hindu
Demon name
Greek A son of Amphiaraus and Eriphyle, and brother of Amphilochus, Eurydice, and demon&;aring;śśa. (Apollodorus iii) His mother was induced by the necklace of Harmonia, which she received from Polyneices, to persuade her husband Amphiaraus to take part in the expedition against Thebes.
God name
Celtic / Welsh God of Agriculture. A son of DON and brother of GWYDION, he is known from a limited number of Welsh texts and was engaged in a mythical battle against the ARAWN. Associated with ploughing and husbandry. The modern Welsh name for a farmer is amaetbwr....

Hindu That is, the charity, was wife of an ancient Indian rishi (sage) named Atri. In the Ramayana, she appears living with her husband in a small hermitage in the southern periphery of the Forest of Chitrakuta. She was very pious, and always practiced austerities and devotion. Hindu
God name
Greek 1. A son of the Arjadian Lycurgus and Creophile or Eurynome, and father of Agapenor. He was one of the Argonauts and partook in the Calydonian hunt in which he was killed by the boar. (Apollodorus i. 9.) 2. A son of Poseidon and Astypalaea or Alta, king of the Leleges in Samos, and husband of Samia, the daughter of the river-god Maeander, by whom he became the father of Perilaus, Enodos, Samos, Alitherses, and Parthenope.
King name
Greek The husband of Gorge, the daughter of the Calydonian king Oeneus, and father of Thoas. When Diomedes delivered Oeneus, who had been imprisoned by the sons of Agrius, he gave the kingdom to Andraemon, since Oeneus was already too old.

"Annar or Onarr"
Norse Husband of night and father of Jord (the earth). Norse
God name
"Anshur aka Ashur"
Akkadian Or Asshur, a sky god and the husband of his sister Kishar ("earth axle"); they are the children of the serpents Lahmu and Lahamu, and the parents of Anu and Ea. He is sometimes depicted as having Ninlil as a consort. As Anshar, he is progenitor of the Akkadian pantheon; as Ashur, he is the head of the Assyrian pantheon
Goddess name
Micronesia A god of magic and knowledge in the mythology of Micronesia, who teaches these things to humanity. He is the husband of the creator goddess Ligobubfanu, and may be a creator deity himself.
King name
Greek king of Arne in Ioeotia, and husband of Philomedusa, is called in the Iliad vii the club, because he fought with no other weapon but a club. He fell by the hand of the Arcadian Lycurgus, who drove him into a narrow defile, where he could not make use of his club.
King name
Greek The wife of Alcinous, king of the Phaeacians. In the Odyssey she appears as a noble and active superintendent of the household of her husband, and when Odysseus arrived in the island, he first applied to queen Arete to obtain hospitable reception and protection. Respecting her connexion with the story of Jason and Medeia.
King name
Greek The wife of Alcinous, king of the Phaeacians. In the Odyssey she appears as a noble and active superintendent of the household of her husband, and when Odysseus arrived in the island, he first applied to queen Arete to obtain hospitable reception and protection. Respecting her connexion with the story of Jason and Medeia, see Alcinous. Greek
Demon name
Talmud demon of Matrimonial Unhappiness. Another name for Asmodeus, Prince of demons, who slew the seven husbands of Sara. Talmud
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