
List of Gods : "poets" - 23 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Roman God of love. Developed from the Greek god Eros. Depicted as a winged youth. According to tradition he awoke the goddess Psyche with a kiss. Attributes include arrows, bow and torch. The popular epithet Cupid was only applied by poets....
God name
Greek God of hunting and healing. One of the great divinities of the Greeks, was, according to Homer, the son of Zeus and Leto. Hesiod (Theogony of Hesiod 918) states the same, and adds, that Apollo's sister was Artemis. Neither of the two poets suggests anything in regard to the birth-place of the god, unless we take "born in Lycia," which, however, according to others, would only mean "born of or in light." Apollo is one of the few Greek gods who did not sleep with Aphrodite
Goddess name
Roman Goddess of war and mother goddess Roman the goddess of war among the Romans. It is very probable that originally Bellona was a Sabine divinity whose worship was carried to Rome by the Sabine settlers. She is frequently mentioned by the Roman poets as the companion of Mars, or even as his sister or his wife. Virgil describes her as armed with a bloody scourge. (The Aeneid Book VIII)
Goddess name
Celtic Goddess of the seasons, doctors smiths, poets, and women in childbirth Pan-Celtic
Goddess name
"Brigantia/ Bridget/ Brigit"
Pan-Celtic The goddess of the seasons, doctors smiths, poets, & women in childbirth

Greek Also called Alexandra, was the fairest among the daughters of Priam and Hecabe. There are two points in her story which have furnished the ancient poets with ample materials to dilate upon. The first is her prophetic power, concerning which, we have the following traditions: Greek

Greek The personification of Grace and beauty, which the Roman poets translate by Gratia and we after them by Grace. Homer, without giving her any other name, describes a Charis as the wife of Hephaestus. Greek

Greek A daughter of Oceåñuś and Thetys, and the wife of her brother Nereus, by whom she became the mother of the Nereides. (Theogony 240, Metamorphoses by Ovid ii. 269.) The Latin poets sometimes use the name of this marine divinity for the sea itself. Greek

Greek Elysian Fields. The Paradise or Happy Land of the Greek poets.
God name
Greek The most powerful of the giants that conspired against Zeus. The king of gods and men cast him down, and threw Mount Etna over him. The poets say that the flames of this volcano arise from the breath of this giant. The battle-field of his contest was Phlegra, in Macedonia. Greek
God name
Greek In Latin, Amor or Cupido, the god of love. In the sense in which he is usually conceived, Eros is the creature of the later Greek poets; and in order to understand the ancients properly we must distinguish three Erotes: viz. the Eros of the ancient cosmogonies, the Eros of the philosophers and mysteries, who bears great resemblance to the first, and the Eros whom we meet with in the epigrammatic and erotic poets, whose witty and playful descriptions of the god, however, can scarcely be considered as a part of the ancient religious belief of the Greeks. Greek
God name
Greek Or Pluton, Pluto, Plouton, Dis (Roman), and Aidoneus, the god of the lower world; Plato observes that people preferred calling him Pluton (the giver of wealth) to pronouncing the dreaded name of Hades or Aides. Hence we find that in ordinary life and in the mysteries the name Pluton became generally established, while the poets preferred the ancient name Aides or the form Pluteus. Greek

Greek A daughter of Leucippus and Philodice, and a sister of Phoebe, together with whom she is often mentioned by the poets under the name of Leucippidae. Greek
Supreme god name
Finnland The supreme god of the ancient Finns and Lapps. The word is sometimes used by the Scandinavian poets for the Almighty.

Scandinavian A giant in Scandinavian mythology, said in the Edda to represent the "eternal principle." Its skull forms the heavens; its eyes the Sun and moon; its shoulders the mountains; its bones the rocks, etc.; hence the poets call heaven "Junner's skull;" the Sun, "Junner's right eye;" the moon, "Junner's left eye;" the rivers, "the ichor of old Junner."
Deities name
Nordic / Icelandic Minor god of wisdom. By tradition he was created from the saliva of the AESIR and VANIR deities, who thus combined their knowledge into a single being. He was slain by dwarfs who concocted a fermented drink from his blood, mixed with honey, and this mead became the inspiration of poets. He is also identified in Welsh mythology....

"Ladogenes or Ladonis"
Greek A name by which the poets sometimes designated Daphne, the daughter of Ladon. Greek
Demon name
Babylon Very haughty and overbearing. Lucifer is the name given by Isaiah to Nebuchadnezzar, the proud but ruined king of Babylon: "Take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, ... How art thou fallen, from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!" (Isa. XIV. 4, 12). The poets feign that Satan, before he was driven out of heaven for his pride, was called Lucifer. Milton, in his Paradise Lost, gives this name to the demon of "Sinful Pride." Christian / Gnostic
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