Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Dike" | Greek | Goddess of justice. The daughter of ZEUS. Depicted as a maiden whom men violently abuse in the streets but who is honored by the gods and who reports to her father on the misdeeds of mankind, causing Divine retribution. She is depicted on the Kypselos chest as an attractive woman strangling an ugly goddess of injustice, ADIKIA.... |
God name "Dioskouroi" | Greek | Twin gods see Castor & Pollux |
God name "Dioskouroi" | Greek | Twin gods. See also POLYDETKES.... |
God name "Encelados" | Greek | The most powerful of the giants that conspired against Zeus. The king of gods and men cast him down, and threw Mount Etna over him. The poets say that the flames of this volcano arise from the breath of this giant. The battle-field of his contest was Phlegra, in Macedonia. Greek |
God name "Enceladus" | Greek | A son of Tartarus and Ge, and one of the hundred-armed giants who made war upon the gods. He was killed, according to some, by Zeus, by a flash of lightning, and buried under mount Aetna and according to others, he was killed by the chariot of Athena, or by the spear of Seilenus. Greek |
God name "Ephialtes" | Greek | One of the giants, who in the war against the gods was deprived of his left eye by Apollo, and of the right by Heracles. Greek |
Spirit name "Epimetheus" | Greek / Roman | Minor creator god. One of the four sons of IAPETOS and Klymene (Titan), and the brother of PROMETHEUS. Jointly responsible for the creation of mankind. Epimetheus' strongest claim to fame lies in his liaison with the first mortal woman, Pandora, whom the gods had cautioned him to avoid. Her curiosity caused her to open the box belonging to JUPITER in which he had placed all the vices, diseases and sufferings of humanity, but which also included the benevolent spirit of hope.... |
God name "Eurydice" | Greek | The most famous was a woman-or a nymph-who was the wife of Orpheus. While fleeing from Aristaeus, she was bitten by a serpent and died. Distraught, Orpheus played such sad songs and sang so mournfully that all the nymphs and gods wept and gave him advice. Orpheus accomplished something no other person ever has: he traveled to the underworld and by his music softened the heart of Hades and Persephone, who allowed Eurydice to return with him to the world of the living. Greek |
God name "Eurytos" | Greek | One of the giants that made war with the gods. Bacchus killed him with his thyrsus. Greek |
God name "Fates" | Greek | Properly signifies "a share," and as a personification "the deity who åśśigns to every man his fate or his share," or the Fates. Homer usually speaks of only one Moira, and only once mentions the Motpai in the plural. In his poems Moira is fate personified, which, at the birth of man, spins out the thread of his future life, follows his steps, and directs the consequences of his actions according to the counsel of the gods. Homer thus, when he personifies Fate, conceives her as spinning, an act by which also the power of other gods over the life of man is expressed. Greek |
God name "Ganymede" | Greek | A mortal boy that was given immortality & the job of cup bearer to the gods |
God name "Ganymedes" | Greek | According to Homer and others, he was a son of Tros by Calirrhoe, and a brother of Ilus and Assaracus. Being the most beautiful of all mortals, he was carried off by the gods that he might fill the cup of Zeus, and live among the eternal gods. Greek |
God name "Gigantes" | Greek | According to Homer, they were a gigantic and savage race of men, governed by Eurymedon, and dwelling in the distant west, in the island of Thrinacia; but they were extirpated by Eurymedon on account of their insolence towards the gods. Greek |
God name "Hades/ Pluto" | Greek | A god of death & one of the Olympian gods |
God name "Harmonia" | Greek | A daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, or, according to others, of Zeus and Electra, the daughter of Atlas, in Samothrace. When Athena åśśigned to Cadmus the government of Thebes, Zeus gave him Harmoia for his wife, and all the gods of Olympus were present at the marriage. Cadmus on that day made her a present of a peplus and a necklace, which he had received either from Hephaestus or from Europa. Greek |
God name "Hebe" | Greek | The personification of youth, is described as a daughter of Zeus and Hera ( Apollodorus i), and is, according to the Iliad IV, the minister of the gods, who fills their cups with nectar; she åśśists Hera in putting the horses to her chariot and she bathes and dresses her brother Ares. She was married to Heracles after his apotheosis. Greek |
Goddess name "Hebe" | Greek | Goddess of youth. The daughter of ZEUS and HERA and the consort of HERAKLES. The cup-bearer of the gods of Olympus. In the Roman pantheon she becomes JUVENTAS.... |
God name "Hermes" | Greek | A son of Zeus and Maia, the daughter of Atlas, was born in a cave of Mount Cyllene or in Olympus. In the first hours after his birth, he escaped from his cradle, went to Pieiria, and carried off some of the oxen of Apollo. The herald and messenger of the gods, of his travelling from place to place and the concluder of treaties and the promoter of social intercourse and of commerce among men. Regarded as the maintainer of peace, and as the god of roads, who protected travellers, and punished those who refused to åśśist travellers who had mistaken their way. Greek |