Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Hestia" | Greek | The goddess of the hearth, or rather the fire burning on the hearth, was regarded as one of the twelve great gods, and accordingly as a daughter of Cronus and Rhea. Greek |
God name "Himerus or Phanes" | Greek | A mystic divinity in the system of the Orphics, is also called Eros, Ericapaeus, Himerus Metis, and Protogonus. He is said to have sprung from the mystic mundane egg, and to have been the father of all gods, and the creator of men. Phanes means "Manifestor" or "Revealer," and is related to the Greek words "light" and "to shine forth." Greek |
God name "Hippolytos" | Greek | One of the giants who made war with the gods. He was killed by Hermes. Greek |
Goddess name "Hyperopia" | Discworld | The Goddess of Shoes. She has a small following that gathers in the Temple of Small Gods and worships the Sacred Lace of Hyperopia. Named after the technical term for long-sightedness, and it is possible that she is inspired by the Greek goddess Nike, and the shoes named after her. Discworld |
God name "Iapetos" | Greek | God. One of the sons of OURANOS (heaven) and a member of the TITAN race which clashed with the Olympian gods. He is the father of the heroes Atlas and PROMETHEUS.... |
God name "Intonsus" | Greek | I. e. unshorn, a surname of Apollo and Bacchus, alluding to the eternal youth of these gods, as the Greek youths allowed their hair to grow until they attained the age of manhood, though in the case of Apollo it may also allude to his being the god of the Sun, whence the long floating hair would indicate the rays of the Sun. Greek |
Goddess name "Iris" | Greek / Roman | Goddess of the Rainbow, or the Rainbow itself. In clåśśic mythology she is called the messenger of the gods when they intended discord, and the Rainbow is the bridge or road let down from heaven for her accommodation. When the gods meant peace they sent Mercury. Greek / Roman |
Deities name "Kabeiroi" | Greek | Blacksmith gods. According to tradition the sons or grandsons of the blacksmith god HEPHAISTOS. The cult was centered particularly on Lemnos, where there was an Etruscan tradition until circa 500 BC, and at Thebes. The Kabeiroi are thought to derive from pre-Greek Asian fertility deities in Anatolia [Turkey].... |
Deities name "Kabiri" | Greek | deities and very mysterious gods with the ancient nations, including the Israelites, and were held in the highest veneration at Thebes, Lemnos, Phrygia, Macedonia, and at Samothrace. |
God name "Kemos" | Moabite / Jordan | Tutelary god. Mentioned under the name of Chemosh in the Vetus Testamentum kings, as being one of the gods worshiped by the Israelite king Solomon. Eventually adopted by the Greeks and absorbed into the cult of ARES.... |
God name "Laodameia" | Greek | A daughter of Acastus, and wife of Protesilaus. As the latter, shortly after his marriage, joined the Greeks in their expedition against Troy, and was the first that was killed there, Laodameia sued for the favour of the gods to be allowed to converse with him only for three hours. The request was granted: Hermes led Protesilaus back to the upper world, and when Protesilaus died a second time, Laodameia died with him. Greek |
Goddess name "Latona" | Greek | The Roman name of the Greek goddess Leto. One of the Titans - the first generation of Greek gods, she was the daughter of the Titan Coeus and Phoebe and mother to the twin gods, Apollo and Artemis, whose father was Zeus. Greek |
God name "Luna" | Greek | The moon. The Sun and the moon were worshipped both by Greeks and Romans, and among the latter the worship of Luna is said to have been introduced by the Sabine T. Tatius, in the time of Romulus. But, however this may be, it is certain, notwithstanding the åśśertion of Varro, that Sol and Luna were reckoned among the great gods, that their worship never occupied any prominent place in the religion of the Romans, for the two divinities had between them only a small chapel in the Via Sacra. Greek |
God name "Lycurgus" | Greek | A son of Dryas, and king of the Edones in Thrace. He is famous for his persecution of Dionysus and his worship on the sacred mountain of Nyseion in Thrace. The god himself leaped into the sea, where he was kindly received by Thetis. Zeus thereupon blinded the impious king, who died soon after, for he was hated by the immortal gods. Greek |
Goddess name "Meter" | The essence of the great mother of all gods, equating most closely to GAIA | Mother goddess, Greek. Known throughout the Greek Empire and generally the object of devotion by individuals rather than large cult followings. Also known as Meter oriae (mother of the mountain). Her popularity is thought to have spread from northern Ionia. Herodotus mentions a festival of Meter in Kyzikos. Probably derived originally from the western Asiatic great mother (see KYBELE).... |
God name "Moira/ Moirai/ Moerae/ Mories/ Fates" | Greek | They are supreme even over the gods of Olympus |
God name "Moirai" | Greek | Properly signifies "a share," and as a personification "the deity who åśśigns to every man his fate or his share," or the Fates. Homer usually speaks of only one Moira, and only once mentions the Motpai in the plural. In his poems Moira is fate personified, which, at the birth of man, spins out the thread of his future life, follows his steps, and directs the consequences of his actions according to the counsel of the gods. Homer thus, when he personifies Fate, conceives her as spinning, an act by which also the power of other gods over the life of man is expressed. Greek |
God name "Myrrah" | Greek | A daughter of Cinyras and, mother of Adonis. Aphrodite inspired Myrrha with lust to commit incest with her father, Theias. Myrrha's nurse helped with the scheme. When Theias discovered this, he flew into a rage, chasing his daughter with a knife. The gods turned her into a myrrh tree and Adonis eventually sprung from this tree. Greek |