
Athena (In Rome Minerva)

Athena is the Greek Goddess of war, wisdom, protector of cities and divine patroness of art and crafts. Her fuller form of her name Athenaia or Athenaie, was shortened to Athene in epic and to Athene in later Attic usage. In Athens she was worshipped as the city´s patron Goddess.

Athena's father is Zeus, king of the Gods, and her mother is Metis, Goddess of wisdom. Metis was first wife of Zeus, before Hera, but this was a dangerous union because she was fated to bear two exceptional children to him, first daughter Athena, who was also as wise and strong as her father and then a son who would displace him as ruler of Gods and mortals. Zeus swallowed Metis when she was pregnant with their daughter Athena. So Athena was born from his own body and the threatening son was never conceived.

Athena was the favorite child of Zeus (he did call her ”dear grey-eyes”) and was born from his head. According to the Homeric Hymn to Athena she sprang from his head in full armor, presenting such a fearsome sight that the Gods were seized with awe, and Olympus reeled, and the earth cried out, and the sea tossed and foamed; the sun God Helios stayed on his horses until she had removed the heavenly armor from her shoulders, and Zeus was delighted with her, then as ever. Athena was one of the most important and popular Goddesses, sometimes its said that her importance was second only to that of Zeus himself. She is represented as a virgin Goddess, with beautiful but severe face, grey eyes and graceful build. She is normally shown fully armed with helmet, cloak and holding a long spear. She may also have her special bird, the owl, sitting on her shoulder.

Pallas was one of the commonest titles of Athena. Its meaning and origin are uncertain. According to the most favored explanation, it means Girl or Maiden. A fragment from Philodemos refers to a story that explained the title Pallas by saying that she once had a companion by that name, who she accidentally killed. Athena and Pallas, Daughter of Triton, used to practice warlike exercises, but one day they quarreled, and as Pallas was about to strike Athena, Zeus intervened on his daughters behalf by stretching out his aegis. As Pallas looked up in surprise, Athena fatally wounded her, but was afterwards sorry for her friend and made an image of her which she clad in the aegis. This was the famous Palladium, which fell to the city of Troy and served as a protective talisman for the city. Another story stated that one of the Giants had been called Pallas and that Athena had killed him during the war between the Gods and the Giants, and had skinned him to use his skin as a shield.

Athena is said to have invented the war-chariot and the art of horse-taming. One time the hero Bellerophon tried to catch and tame the immortal winged horse, Pegasus, but failed to do that. While he was sleeping in Athena's shrine on the advise of a seer Polyeidos, the Goddess appeared to him in his sleep and told him to accept a bridle from her for use on Pegasus, and to sacrifice a white bull to his father Poseidon, as tamer of horses. In another version Athena tamed Pegasus on the Bellerophons behalf. Warships were also of interest to Athena and she supervised the building of the Argo, the mythical precursor of the fifty-oared ships that were used in war-galleys in historical times. She also had connection with music and the flute was her invention.

Athena was also patroness of peaceful handicrafts, especially spinning and weaving. Arachne, the daughter of a dyer, was an exquisite weaver who challenged the Goddess Athena to a contest. In her weaving Arachne depicted the entire Greek pantheon in sexual poses and Athena did choose stories on various mortals who had aroused the wrath of Gods and been signally punished. Although Arachne´s tapestry was flawless, her choice of subject was too much for hot-tempered Athena. Arachne was attacked by Athena, and later she did try to hang herself, because she did became so distressed by what happened. Athena saved Arachne and turned her into a spider, so that she could continue to weave. Later in Greece and Rome Arachne was worshipped as a spider Goddess of weavers and as a Fate-spinner.

Athena is a patron Goddess of Attica. She won this title after competing with Poseidon, God of sea, who also wanted to gain possession of various lands. First Poseidon tried to establish his priority by giving the city a saltwater well. Later Athena arrived, and gave people olive-trees. Athena won and later established even a closer connection with Athens by becoming a foster mother to Erichthonios, the ancestor of Athenian people.

Hephaistos, God of fire and smithies, tried to make love to Athena, but she repelled and his semen fell on the ground, causing it to became fertilized. Erichthonios was born and Athena claimed him as her own by adopting him after he was born from the ground. Athena raised him, and later he became king of Athens.

Sacred Days

Panathenaia Festival in Athens every year to Athena, which Erichthonios, Athena's adopted son did create to honor her after becoming king.
19 March. The day before equinox (Ostara) is one of the festivals dedicated to Athena. In Roman times it was called Quinquartrus, a festival that celebrated the birth of Goddess Minerva, Athena's Roman form.
13 June. Festival that represents the harmonious blending of power and wisdom of Goddess Athena (Minerva)
13 November- Roman festival Feronia, the Goddess of this name, along with Juno (Hera), Minerva (Athena) and Jupiter (Zeus) was worshiped.

List of Gods : "Athena" - 37 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Greek A daughter of Icarius, and sister of Penelope. Athena åśśumed the appearance of Iphthime, when she appeared to the unfortunate mother of Telemachus.Greek

Greek Itonias, Itonis, a surname of Athena, derived from the town of Iton, in the south of Phthiotis. Greek
Goddess name
Greek Itonia, Itonias, Itonis or Itonius, a surname of Athena, derived from the town of Iton, in the south of Phthiotis. The goddess there had a celebrated sanctuary and festivals, and is hence also called Incolaltoni. From Iton her worship spread into Boeotia and the country about lake Copais, where the Pamboeotia was celebrated, in the neighbourhood of a temple and grove of Athena. Greek

Greek A surname of Athena, derived from the town of Lindus, in the island of Rhodus, where she had a celebrated temple. Greek

Greek A surname of Athena derived from her being worshipped in a Boeotian district called Longas. Greek
Goddess name
Etruscan Spiting image of the Greek goddess Athena in all aspects Etruscan
Goddess name
"Menrva/ Menerva"
Etruscan A spiting image of the Greek goddess Athena in all aspects
King name
Greek 1. The leader of tho Cicones in the Trojan war, whose appearance Apollo åśśumed when he went to encourage Hector. 2. A son of Anchialus, king of the Taphians north of Ithaca. He was connected by ties of hospitality with the house of Odysseus. When Athena visited Telemachus, she åśśumed the personal appearance of Mentes. Greek
Goddess name
Greek Goddess of wisdom. The daughter of OKEANOS and TETHYS. The original consort of ZEUS and mother of ATHENA. According to legend, Zeus swallowed her because he feared she would engender a child more powerful than he....

Greek A son of Dionysus and Narcaea, established a sanctuary of Athena Narcaea in Elis, and also introduced there the worship of Dionysus. Greek
Goddess name
Greco - Roman Goddess of victory. Depicted as a winged messenger bringing the laurel wreath to the victor of battle. Though of Greek origin, appearing in the Theogony of Hesiod, she was adopted by the Romans and worshiped extensively throughout Asia Minor, including Sardis. In some depictions the goddess ATHENA carries NIKE as a small winged figure. Also VICTORIA (Roman)....
Goddess name
Greek Surname of Athena. In Homer this name always appears united with the name Athena, but in later writers we also find Pallas alone instead of Athena. Plato derives the surname from "to brandish", in reference to the goddess brandishing the spear or aegis, whereas Apollodorus derives it from the giant Pallas, who was slain by Athena. But it is more probable that Pallas is the same word as virgin or maiden. Another female Pallas, described as a daughter of Triton, is mentioned under palladium. Greek
Goddess name
"Pallas (Athene)"
Greek Goddess. The full name of the deity who is thus Pallas of Athens. The origin and meaning of the word Pallas is unknown.See also ATHENA....

Greek I. e. the virgin, a surname of Athena at Athens, where the famous temple Parthenon was dedicated to her. Greek

Greek A surname of Athena, under which she had a sanctuary on Mount Pontinus, near Lerna in Argolis. The name was traced by the Greeks to the Egyptians, among whom Athena was said to have been called Sai's. Greek
Goddess name
Greece the saving goddess, occurs as a surname of several female divinities in Greece, e. g. of Artemis at Pegae in Megaris, of Persephone in Laconia, of Athena of Eunomia.
Goddess name
Greek Blind as Tiresias. Tiresias the Theban by accident saw Athena bathing, and the goddess struck him with blindness by splashing water in his face. She afterwards repented doing so, and, as she could not restore his sight, conferred on him the power of soothsaying, and gave him a staff with which he could walk as safely as if he had his sight. He found death at last by drinking from the well of Tilphosa. Greek

Greek And the masculine Xenios, are epithets of Athena and Zeus, describing them as presiding over the laws of hospitality, and protecting strangers. Greek
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