
List of Gods : "S America" - 278 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Chthonic underworld god. The creator of the underworld, Mictlan. Depicted with a skull-like appearance and protruding teeth. Also one of a pair of deities with MICTECACIHUATL. In the primeval waters of the cosmos, they generated the monstrous goddess CIPACTLI, from whom the earth was formed. In alternative traditions he is the god of the sixth of the thirteen heavens, Ilhuicatl Mamalhuazocan (the heaven of the fire drill), or he is one of the gods who support the lowest heaven at the four cardinal points. Mictlantecuhtli is perceived to reside in the south (codices Borgia and Vaticåñuś B). He is also one of the four great temple deities (codices Borgia, Cospi and Fejervery-Mayer)....
God name
"Mixcoatl-Camaxtli (cloud serpent)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico God of war. Also a deity of hunting and fire who received human sacrifice of captured prisoners. According to tradition, the Sun god TEZCATLIPOCA transformed himself into MIXCOATL-CAMAXTLI to make fire by twirling the sacred fire sticks....
God name
S America The moon god, ancestor of mankind and maker of the world. Uitoto, South America
God name
Uitoto Indian / South America Creator god. Originally the creator of mankind. When he was slain he entered and ruled the underworld. Also the apotheosis of the moon....

Indian The bridegroom of snow, who, according to American Indian tradition, wooed and won a beautiful bride; but when morning dawned, Mowis left the wigwam, and melted into the Sunshine. The bride hunted for him night and day in the Forests, but never saw him more.
Deities name
"Moyocoyani (maker of himself)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Minor god of universal power. One of the group of deities known as the TEZCATLIPOCA complex....

"Na Pe"
N American Created men from clay and women from the leftovers. Native American Lore
God name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Tutelary deity. A generic name for a personal god. A nagual generally takes the form of an animal and it may be adopted either by a mortal being or by another deity....
Deities name
"Nahui Ehecati"
Aztec / mesoamerican / Mexico Minor water god. One of the group of deities belonging to the TLALOC complex. Also (4)Ehecatl....
God name
"Nahui Oiiin (earthquake sun)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Creator god. According to most of the codices, at the time of the Spanish conquest there had been four previous world ages, each represented by a Sun and terminated by a cataclysm. Ollin, the fifth Sun, was created at Teotihuacan and at the conquest was just under 2,000 years old. It is presided over by the god TONATIUH. Each creation is considered to last 2028 x 52 terrestrial years and the present one is destined to be destroyed by a great earthquake. Tradition has it that Ollin was originally a sickly or humble deity named NANAHUATL (the diseased one). Also (4)Ollin; Ollintonatiuh....
God name
Uitoto Indian / South America Creator god. He created the earth from his own imagination and stamped upon it until it was flat. He then engendered the Forests and other living things from his saliva....

"Naionuema Uitoto"
S America Created the earth from its own imagination South America
God name
"Nanabohozo Ojibwa"
N America God who influences the success or failure of hunters Canada / USA
Deities name
"Nanahuati (rumor)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Creator god. In cosmogony, when on the fifth day of creation the gods sat in judgment to elect the new Sun god, Nanahuatl and TECCIZTECATL cremated themselves in the sacred fire. The heart of Nanahuatl ascended to become the new Sun and that of Tecciztecatl became the moon. Tradition suggests that Nanahuatl is diseased and impoverished but of great courage, while Tecciztecatl is wealthy and a coward. In an alternative tradition, in which Nanahuatl is the son of QUETZALCOATL and Tecciztecatl is the son of TLALOC, both deities are hurled into the fire by their fathers. NOTE: eventually all the gods sacrificed themselves so that mankind might be engendered from their remains. Also Nanahuatzin....
Deities name
"Nappatecuhtli (four-times lord)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Minor god of mat-makers. One of the group of deities belonging to the TLALOC complex generally åśśociated with Rain, Agriculture and fertility....

S America The queen of the Dead moon Circus who is trapped within a mirror and searching for the legendary Golden Crystal, which will allow Nehellenia to break free of her entrapment and take over the earth. Sailor moon
Deities name
"Nextepehua (ash-scatterer)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Minor chthonic underworld god. One of the group of deities belonging to the MICTLANTECUHTLI complex....
God name
Chimu Indian / pre - Columbian South America / coastal areas of Peru Sea god. A significant deity in the pantheon, revered by fishermen. Often linked with SI, the moon god....
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