
List of Gods : "Zeus" - 212 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Greek I. e. the Rain-giver, a surname of Zeus, under which he had an altar on Mount Hymettus in Attica. Greek

Greek The personification of rumour or report, the Latin Fama. As it is often impossible to trace a report to its source, it is said to come from Zeus, and hence Ossa is called the messenger of Zeus. Greek
God name
Greek Twin gods, originating in Sicily. They were sometimes said to have been the sons of Zeus by Thaleia the daughter of Hephaestus, sometimes the sons of Zeus by Aetna. While she was pregnant with the twins, Thaleia, fearing Hera's jealousy hid in the earth and when the time came the twin boys emerged from the ground, which explains their name 'the Returners'. Greek
God name
Phrygian / northwestern Turkey Local god. According to tradition, he inseminated a rock and so engendered the hermaphrodite being Agdistis. Later became syncretized with ZEUS....

Greek A son of Ixion or Zeus by Dia, of Larissa in Thessaly. He was one of the Lapithae, and married to Hippodameia, by whom he became the father of Polypoetes. Greek

Greek The mythical ancestor of the Pelasgians, the earliest inhabitants of Greece who established the worship of the Dodonaean Zeus, Hephaestus, the Cabeiri, and other divinities that belong to the earliest inhabitants of the country. Greek

Greek A grandson of Zeus, and son of Tantalus and Dione, the daughter of Atlas. He was thus a great-grandson of Cronos. Some writers call the mother of Pelops Euryanåśśa or Clytia. Greek
Hero name
Greek The famous Argive hero, was a son of Zeus and Danae, and a grandson of Acrisius. Acrisius, who had no male issue, consulted the Pythian oracle, and received the answer, that if Danae should give birth to a son, he would kill his father. Greek

Greek A daughter of Zeus and Eurynome and one of the Charites. Greek

Greek A son of Athamas and Nephele or of Athamas and Themisto and brother of Helle, and a grandson of Aeolus. In consequence of the intrigues of his stepmother, Ino (others state that he offered himself), he was to be sacrificed to Zeus but Nephele removed him and Helle, and the two then rode away on the ram with the golden fleece, the gift of Hermes, through the air. Greek
Goddess name
Greek Minor god of riches. A son of DEMETER who was abandoned in childhood and reared by the goddess of peace, EIRENE, who is sometimes depicted holding him in her lap. Plutos was blinded by ZEUS because of his discrimination in favor of the righteous....

s One of the sons of Uråñuś and Gaia. He attempted to rape Hera and she set him against Dionysus, promising the giant Hebe's hand in marriage if he could defeat him. Zeus smote him with lightning and Heracles finally shot him with an arrow.
God name
"Posis Das"
Greek sky god. In pre-Hellenic times the consort of the earth mother GAIA. One of the primordial partnership identified in Theogony (Hesiod). He later becomes syncretized with ZEUS....

Greek In Latin Proserpina, the daughter of Zeus and Demeter.

Greek 1. A daughter of Deucalion and Pyrrha. She was married to Locrus, but had no children; Zeus, however, who carried her off, became by her, on mount Maenalus in Arcadia, the father of Opus. According to others she was not the mother, but a daughter of Opus. Eridymion also is called a son of Protogeueia.
King name
Greek A son of Zeus and Europa, and brother of king Minos of Crete, or, according to others, a son of Hephaestus. From fear of his brother he fled to Ocaleia in Boeotia, and there married Alcmene. In consequence of his justice throughout life, he became, after his death, one of the judges in the lower world, and took up his abode in Elysium. Greek
Goddess name
Greek Primordial goddess. The daughter of OURANOS and GAIA, she is the consort of KRONOS and mother of ZEUS and other gods of Olympus, known only from the Theogony (Hesiod) and Iliad (Homer). She is also recognized in Roman literature under the same name. Also Rheie....

Norse A personification of the hard frozen earth. Mother of Vale. The loves of Odin and Rind resemble those of Zeus and Europa in Greek legends. Norse
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