Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Palaemon" | Greco - Roman | Minor sea god. Originally Melikertes, the son of Ino, Palaemon was deified by the gods when his mother hurled herself from a cliff with her son in her arms. According to versions of the legend she was either insane or escaping the wrath of Athanas, king of Thebes.... |
God name "Palici" | Greek | Twin gods, originating in Sicily. They were sometimes said to have been the sons of Zeus by Thaleia the daughter of Hephaestus, sometimes the sons of Zeus by Aetna. While she was pregnant with the twins, Thaleia, fearing Hera's jealousy hid in the earth and when the time came the twin boys emerged from the ground, which explains their name 'the Returners'. Greek |
Goddess name "Pallas (Athene)" | Greek | Goddess. The full name of the deity who is thus Pallas of Athens. The origin and meaning of the word Pallas is unknown.See also ATHENA.... |
Goddess name "Pandara" | Buddhist | Goddess. The SAKTI of AMITABHA and a female BODHISATTVA or buddha-designate. She originates from the Tantric syllable PAM. Color: rose. Attributes: blue lotus, cup, knife and prayer wheel.... |
Demon name "Parasurama (Rama-with-the-ax)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Incarnation of the god VIS'NU. The sixth avatara of Vis'nu (see also RAMA) in which form he saved the world from an army of tyrannical warriors. According to legend, Rama, the son of a wise man, became a skilled bowman and in gratitude he went to the Himalaya where he stayed, devoting himself to SIVA. His consort is DHARANI. Though without his bow, Rama acted as a champion of the gods in a war against the demons and was rewarded with an ax. In another legend, Vis'nu took the form of Parasurama to rid the world of despotic rulers. This avatara appears in human form, with two arms and with an ax in the right hand. Other attributes: arrow, bow, knife, skin and sword. Also Parasuramavatara.... |
Goddess name "Parcae" | Greco - Roman | Goddesses of fate. Originally a pair of birth goddesses, DECIMA and NONA, later joined by a goddess of death, MORTA.... |
God name "Pekko" | Pre - Christian Finnish / Baltic regions | God of cereal crops. In Finland he is PELLON PEKKO and specifically a god of barley used in brewing beer. In Estonia he is a corn god whose image, made of wax, was kept in the corn chest. He was originally honored on a day taken over by a Christian festival for St. Peter.... |
God name "Perkele" | Finland | The devil. Originally Perkele was not the devil but a god of thunder and can be seen as an earlier form of Ukko. Related to Baltic Perkunas and Norse Thor. |
God name "Phariebal (face of Baal)" | Western Semitic | Minor attendant god. A youthful warrior deity with right hand raised who appears on coins struck at Ascalon from the time of Augustus.... |
God name "Piluitus" | Latvia | Fertility god. He was originally a sky or Rain-god responsible for bountiful crops. Latvia |
Goddess name "Plutos" | Greek | Minor god of riches. A son of DEMETER who was abandoned in childhood and reared by the goddess of peace, EIRENE, who is sometimes depicted holding him in her lap. Plutos was blinded by ZEUS because of his discrimination in favor of the righteous.... |
God name "Polydeukes" | Greek | horse god. One of the Dioskouroi twins; the other is Kastor. According to tradition, they are together åśśociated with a Spartan cult whence they originated. The pair probably derive from the Indo-European model of the ASVINS in Vedic mythology. Kastor is mortal while Polydeukes is immortal. Thus, during battle, Kastor is mortally wounded but, even in death, the two brothers remain inseparable. They rescue individuals from distress and danger, particularly at sea, and are thought to be embodied in the electrical discharges known as St. Elmo's Fire. Also Castor and POLLUX (Roman).... |
Goddess name "Prabhakari" | Buddhist | Goddess of brightness. Buddhist |
Goddess name "Prsni" | Hindu / Vedic | Primordial earth goddess. The socalled dappled cow of the Rg Veda. She is also perceived as the brightly colored soma stalk and is linked with a male counterpart, also Prsni, the dappled bull of the Sun.... |
Goddess name "Pukkasi" | Tibet | One of the Eight dakinis, minor goddesses or female deities, her right hand holding intestines, her left feeding them into her mouth. Tibet |
God name "Pundjel" | Australia | A creator god who invented most of the skills used by Australian Aborigines, including religious rites. He was very much involved in the initiation of boys into manhood. |
Goddess name "Pusan (nourisher)" | Hindu / Vedic / Puranic | Sun god. The original Vedic list of six descendants of the goddess ADITI or ADITYAS, all of whom take the role of Sun gods, was, in later times, enlarged to twelve, including Pusan. He is the charioteer of the Sun and a guardian deity of journeys and pathways. Color: golden. Attributes: four lotuses.... |
Goddess name "Qetesh" | Semitic | A goddess of sex rather than fertility, who is thought to have originally been a Semitic god, from Chaldean mythology |