
List of Gods : "Heli" - 405 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Spirit name
"Jormungandar or Midgardsormen"
Norse earth's monster. The great serpent, brother of Hela and Fenrir and son of Loki, the spirit of evil. It used to lie at the root of the celestial ash till All-Fader cast it into the ocean; it then grew so large that in time it encompåśśed the whole world, and was for ever biting its own tail. Norse
God name
"Juggernaut or Jaggernaut"
Crow The Hindu god Jagganath. The word is a corruption of the Sanscrit jagannatha (lord of the world). The temple of this god is in a town of the same name in Orissa. king Ayeen Akbery sent a learned Brahman to look out a site for a temple. The Brahman wandered about for many days, and then saw a crow dive into the water, and having washed, made obeisance to the element. This was selected as the site of the temple. While the temple was a-building the rajah had a prophetic dream, telling him that the true form of Vishnu should be revealed to him in the morning. When the rajah went to see the temple he beheld a log of wood in the water, and this log he accepted as the realisation of his dream, enshrined it in the temple, and called it Jagannath.
Deities name
Greek deities and very mysterious gods with the ancient nations, including the Israelites, and were held in the highest veneration at Thebes, Lemnos, Phrygia, Macedonia, and at Samothrace.
Deities name
"Kalacakra (time wbeel)"
Buddhist / Mahayana / / Lamaist / Tibet Tutelary god. One of a group of yi-dam tutelary deities chosen on a basis of personal selection. Perceived as time in the form of a CAKRA (rotating wheel) and one who dominates the Hindu gods KAMA and RUDRA. SAKTI with two to four heads. Color: blue. Attributes: a large variety held in up to twenty-four hands. Typically four-headed....
Goddess name
Hindu Goddess of cemeteries, destruction and death who helped dance the universe into existence Hindu / Puranic / India
Goddess name
Hindu / Puranic / India A goddess of cemeteries, destruction & death that helped dance the universe into existence
Deity name
Shinto This is the deity of the Furnace held in reverence by all people. Shinto
God name
"Kamos Moab"
Jordan Chief god who when Hellenized became equated with Ares Jordan

"Kana d-Zidqa aka Habs'aba. Habshaba"
Nazorean the Day of the Sun, and his bride Kana d Zidqa (the holy feast food offerings). heavenly Helpers of earthly Nazoreans during their ascent upward. Habshaba is said to deliver souls out of purgatory on his special day. Early Nazorean
Spirit name
Japan These water spirits are strange, their food is blood & cuçúɱbers, they are mischevious but extremely knowing & prove helpful to humans

Hindu A devotee mentioned in the Mahabharata as having gone to a hell of torment for having pointed out to robbers a road by which they pursued and killed some persons who fled from them. Hindu
God name
"Kazyoba Nyamwezi"
Tanzania God of the Sun-held to be the creator and tutelary deity of the tribe Tanzania
Spirit name
Slavic Female house spirit and counterpart of the Domovoi, to whom she is sometimes wedded. She lives in the cellar or behind the stove. At night she comes out to spin and help with the housework in a well-tended home. She is depicted as an average woman with hair undone, sometimes with chicken feet. Sometimes she might appear, spinning, as a portend to one about to die. Slavic

Celtic An ugly Brownie, with an enormous nose and no mouth, who haunts mills. He is characterized by To eat he presumably stuffs the food up his nose. Although they often help the miller, they are fond of practical jokes. Celtic
God name
"Klehanoai (night-bearer)"
Navaho / USA moon god. According to tradition, he was created at the same primordial time as the dawn, from a crystal bordered with white shells. His face is said to be covered with sheet lightning and the sacred primeval waters. The moon disc is actually a shield behind which the god moves invisibly across the night sky. He is never impersonated or depicted. Also Tlehanoai....
God name
"Kloanthes Hellenized/ Roman"
Egypt A youthful god of Panoplois
Supreme god name
Pre - Greek Archetypal fertility god. He is of unknown origin but is the son of the earth mother GAIA and the sky god OURANOS, whom he usurped after castrating him. His consort is RHEA. So as not to suffer a similar fate to his father he swallowed all his children except ZEUS who was kept from him by a ruse. Zeus eventually hurled Kronos into Tartaros, the abyss in which all the TITANS were confined. He was celebrated in the Greek harvest festival of kronia which equalled the Roman saturnalia. During Hellenic times he was the supreme god at Byblos [Syria]. He is depicted on coinage of Antiochus IV (175-164 BC) nude, leaning on a scepter, with three pairs of wings, two spread and one folded....

Buddhist / Mahayana 'Earth-Womb'. "Name of a Bodhisattva who saves suffering beings in the hell" he aspires to deliver sentient beings wandering astray in the five(or six) paths of mundane existence. Buddhist / Mahayana
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