
List of Gods : "b" - 642 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Demon name
"Bat horin"
Jewish A demon which brings diseases of the eye to one who does not wash his hands after meals. Jewish folklore
God name
"Batara Guru"
Indonesia Has full authority from Sang Hyang Wenang, the power holder of all gods, to direct other gods to perform their duties, as well as to govern all kinds of life in the universe included life and fate of human beings. Indonesia

Greek A daughter of Teucer or of Tros, the wife of Dardåñuś, and mother of Ilus and Erichthonius. Greek
Demon name
"Bathym aka Bathim"
Greek Bathin, Marthin. One of the three demons in the service of Fleuretty. Duke of the Infernal regions he has the appearance of a robust man but his body ends in a serpent's tail. He is well versed in the virtues of herbs and precious stones according to Wierius. He is able to transport men from one place to another with wondrous speed. He commands thirty legions. One of the 72 spirits of Solomon.
Hero name
Greek The charioteer of Amphiaratis; both were swallowed up by the earth after the battle of Thebes. Baton was afterwards worshipped as a hero. Greek
Angel name
Christian A female angel whose name means "heavenly voice." and her voice was heard by Cain asking "Where is thy brother, Abel?" after Cain murdered his brother.
God name
Greek A shepherd of Neleus, who saw Hermes driving away the cattle he had stolen from Apollo. The god promised to reward him if he would not betray what he had seen. Battus promised on oath to keep the secret but as Hermes mistrusted him nevertheless, he åśśumed a different appearance, returned to Battus, and promised him a handsome present, if he would tell him who had stolen the cattle of Apollo. Greek
Goddess name
Egypt A cow goddess of fertility
Goddess name
Phoenicia A goddess of the dawn & the sky
Goddess name
Phoenicia The giver of life, goddess of the dawn and the sky. Phoenicia
Goddess name
Sumeria Goddess of fertility, depicted with the head of a dog, and her name means 'bark', 'woof'. Bau was known as the patron deity of Lagash. Sumeria

Greek An old woman who jested with Demeter when she was mourning the loss of her daughter Demeter. Greek
Goddess name
Western Semitic / Syrian Mother goddess. Known locally from Priene and largely became syncretized with ATARGATIS, KYBELE, etc....

"Baugi aka Bauge"
Norse A brother of Suttung, for whom Odin worked one summer in order to get his help in obtaining Suttung's mead of poetry. Norse

France A horse of incredible swiftness, belonging to the four sons of Aymon. If only one of the sons mounted, the horse was of the ordinary size; but if all four mounted, his body became elongated to the requisite length. The name is used for any valuable or wonderful horse, and means a "high-bay". France

France A reigning monarch of the western parts of the Infernal regions.
Spirit name
Bohemian A spirit born out of the egg of a black çõçk, with a look is so poisonous that no one can look at it and live. Bohemian
Goddess name
"Bean Sidhe"
Celtic A Banshee an goddess of death.Celtic
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