
List of Gods : "Heli" - 405 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Angel name
Europe Prince of the hellish realms, supposedly one of the angels who followed Satan. Medieval Europe
Angel name
"Marchocias Medieval"
Europe He is a prince of the hellish realmy, supposedly one of the angels that followed Satan
Goddess name
Egypt Tree goddess who helps the dead climb to heaven Egypt
King name
Greek A son of Atreus, and younger brother of Agamemnon and Anaxibia. He was king of Lacedaemon, and married to the beautiful Helen, by whom he was the father of Hermione and Megapenthes. Greek
Goddess name
China Goddess who stands at the Ninth Chinese Hell. Her magic potion was administered to each soul, so that they would forget their past lives. China

Christian Mephistophilis, Mephostophilus. A sneering, jeering, leering tempter. The character is that of a devil in Goethe's Faust. He is next in rank to Satan. Christian

"Mephistopheles/ Mephisto"
Christian The devil as found in the literature for magic & necromancy from the middle ages

Greek 1. A daughter of Oceåñuś and Tethys, and by Clymenus the mother of Phaeton. 2. One of the Heliades or sisters of Phaeton Greek

Mayan underworld hell where the wicked were tortured. Mayan
God name
Western Semitic / Syrio - Palestine / / Cyprus Heroic god. Known from inscriptions circa 1100 BC and possibly one of the original pre-Hellenic models from which APOLLO was derived....
Goddess name
Greek Goddess of memory. A consort of ZEUS and mother of the legendary nine Muses of Helicon....
Deity name
Latvia The deity in charge of cows, feminine duties and patroness of economic activities. Latvia

Greek Daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, presided over the liberal arts particularly, were nine in number, and dwelt along with Apollo near Parnåśśus, Pieria, and Helicon; Clio presided over history, Euterpe over music, Thalia over comedy, Melpomene over tragedy, Terpsicpéñïś over choral dance and song, Erato over erotic poetry and elegy, Polyhymnia over lyric poetry, Urania over astronomy, and Calliope over eloquence and epic poetry. Greek

Norse The abode of Muspel. This interesting word was not confined to the Norse mythology, but appears twice in the old Saxon poem Heliand. In these instances muspel stands for the day of judgment, the last day, and answers to Ragnarok of the Norse mythology. Norse
Goddess name
Greek Goddess. The Hellenized version of the Akkadian goddess MULLILTU, consort of ELLIL and of ASSUR....
God name
Greek A daughter of Cinyras and, mother of Adonis. Aphrodite inspired Myrrha with lust to commit incest with her father, Theias. Myrrha's nurse helped with the scheme. When Theias discovered this, he flew into a rage, chasing his daughter with a knife. The gods turned her into a myrrh tree and Adonis eventually sprung from this tree. Greek
Goddess name
"NINURTA (lord plough)"
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian / Iraq God of thunderstorms and the plough. Ninurta is the Sumerian god of farmers and is identified with the plough. He is also the god of thunder and the hero of the Sumerian pantheon, closely linked with the confrontation battles between forces of good and evil that characterize much of Mesopotamian literature. He is one of several challengers of the malignant dragon or serpent Kur said to inhabit the empty space between the earth's crust and the primeval sea beneath. Ninurta is the son of Enlil and Ninhursaga a, alternatively Ninlil, and is the consort of Gula, goddess of healing. He is attributed with the creation of the mountains which he is said to have built from giant stones with which he had fought against the demon Asag. He wears the horned helmet and tiered skirt and carries a weapon Sarur which becomes personified in the texts, having its own intelligence and being the chief adversary, in the hands of Ninurta, of Kur. He carries the double-edged scimitar-mace embellished with lions' heads and, according to some authors, is depicted in nonhuman form as the thunderbird lmdugud (sling stone), which bears the head of a lion and may represent the hailstones of the god. His sanctuary is the E-padun-tila. Ninurta is perceived as a youthful warrior and probably equates with the Babylonian heroic god Marduk. His cult involved a journey to Eridu from both Nippur and Girsu. He may be compared with Is”kur, who was worshiped primarily by herdsmen as a storm god....
Spirit name
Koryak / southeastern Siberia Guardian spirit. He is one of the sons of QUIKINNA'QU and, according to tradition, sits in one place all the time painting his belly. He is, nonetheless, perceived as a strong and heroic figure....
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