Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
"Ta'yan" | Koryak / southeastern Siberia | Supreme being. An indefinite character living somewhere in the zenith and generally out of touch with ordinary mortals. His consort is Supervisor Woman, Lapna'ut and his son is Cloud Man, YA'HALAN. He conducts business with the physical earth through his majordomo Big Raven, QUIKINNA'QU.See also TENANTO'MWAN.... |
God name "Takkiraja" | Buddhist | God. A dikpala or guardian of the southeastern quarter. Color: blue. Attributes: blue staff, jewel, lotus staff, sword and trident. Also Vajrajvalanalarka and Vajrayaksa.... |
Spirit name "Tanu'ka" | Koryak / southeastern Siberia | earth spirit. A guardian of the earth and its plants and animals, Tanu'ta is the consort of YINE'ANE'UT (in other legends she is married to the son of the supreme being TA'YAN).... |
Spirit name "Tapio" | East | Forest spirit or god. Hunters prayed to him before a hunt. East Finnish |
God name "Tar" | Tiv / Nigeria, West Africa | Chthonic earth god. Engendered by the creator god AONDO, Tar is depicted as a prostrate figure with his head toward the east, comparable with the Egyptian god GEB.... |
Angel name "Tarwan" | East | One of the ten angels that ensures that the Sun rises in the east. Early Nazorean |
Goddess name "Tate Naaliwahi (mother east water)" | Huichol Indian / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Rain and water goddess. Appears in lightning and brings Rain from the east. She lives in a deep gorge with caves, in Santa Catarina.... |
Goddess name "Tate Naaliwahi Huichol" | East | Rain and water goddess, appears in lightning and brings Rain from the east Mexico |
Spirit name "Tatqa'hicnin (root man)" | Koryak / southeastern Siberia | vegetation spirit. A vaguely defined being who is chthonic and lives under the ground, presumably controlling edible roots and their availability.... |
God name "Tayau (father sun)" | Huichol Indian / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Sun god. According to tradition, he was created by the ancient shamans, who threw the youthful son of the corn mother TATE OTEGANAKA into an oven in full ceremonial attire. He traveled underground and emerged in the east as the Sun. In late May, the Huichol sacrifice a sheep and a turkey in a ritual fire, after which they sing all night until Sunrise. Also Tau; Taverik.... |
Spirit name "Tecei'vune" | East | Female spirit of the dawn Siberia(East) |
Deities name "Tejosnisa (sharp)" | Buddhist | God. Apparently connected with the guardian deities or dikpalas in the southeastern quarter. Color: whitish red. Attribute: Sun disc.... |
Spirit name "Tenanto'mni" | Chukchee / eastern Siberia | Creator spirit. An indefinite and remote character living somewhere in the zenith of the sky. He created the world which was then transformed into its present state by the raven-like majordomo KU'URKIL.... |
Spirit name "Tenanto'mwan" | Koryak / southeastern Siberia | Creator spirit. Identified particularly with the reindeer-hunting Koryak on the Taigonos peninsula. An indefinite and remote character living somewhere in the zenith of the sky. He created the world which was then transformed into its present state by QUIKINNA'QU. Tenanto'mwan is the name always used when addressing the creator in incantations.See also YA'QHICNIN.... |
"Thalia" | Greek | 1. One of the nine Muses, and, at least in later times, regarded as the Muse of Comedy. (Theogony of Hesiod 77) She became the mother of the Corybantes by Apollo. (Apollodorus i) |
"Thessaly" | Greek | Is one of the 13 peripheries of Greece, and is further sub-divided into 4 prefectures. The capital of the periphery is Larissa. The prefecture lies in central Greece and borders Macedonia on the north, Epirus on the west, Sterea Hellas or Central Greece on the south and the Aegean Sea on the east. Greek |
Spirit name "Ti'ykitiy" | Yakut / southeastern / central Siberia | Sun spirit. Often identified with the supreme being AYI'URU'N TOYO'N.... |
Spirit name "Ti'zil-Kutkhu" | Kamchadal / southeastern Siberia | Guardian spirit. One of the sons of the creator spirit KUTKHU, his consort is SI'DUKU and he is considered to be the progenitor of the Kamchadal tribe.... |