
List of Gods : "God Ma age" - 330 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
"Tonatiuh (soaring eagle)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Creator god. He presides over the fifth (present) world age, personified by the Sun Ollin and destined to end in a cataclysmic earthquake. He is the ruler of the fourth of the thirteen heavens known at the time of the Spanish conquest; also called Ilhuicatl Tonatiuh (the heaven of the Sun). In other texts, specifically codices Borgia, Cospi and Fejervary-Mayer, he is depicted as a temple deity....
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan Goddess of foodstuffs. An ambiguous deity often identified with Inari, she is said in the Kojiki to be a daughter of WakuMusubi-No-Kami and a great granddaughter of IZANAGI and IZANAMI. Her main sanctuary is the Geku in Ise, whither she was allegedly removed from Tamba after the emperor had received a dream-message from the Sun goddess AMATERASU in AD 478....
God name
Australasia God of påśśage. Local deity of several tribes in New South Wales. Said to oversee the transition from adolescence to manhood. The initiate was taken away by the god, “killed,” restored to life and endured a tooth being knocked out to signify the arrival of adulthood and full incorporation into the society of the tribe. Also DIaramulun....
Goddess name
Aztec Aged grandmother goddess. Aztec
God name
Buddhist God. An emanation of AKSOBHYA or RATNASAMBHAVA. Also a form of JAMBHALA. He is depicted as pot-bellied and stands upon Kubera, the Hindu god of riches, who lies with jewels spewing from his mouth. Attributes: cup, ichneumon fly, image of Aksobhya in the hair, moon disc and snakes. Three-eyed....
Goddess name
Celtic A Celtic god who, along with his consort Bergusia, was venerated at Alesia in Burgundy. The Divine couple are named on inscriptions of the Romano-Celtic period, and an image of a Divine couple has been found on the same site, the male figure bearing a hammer, the female appearing as a goddess of prosperity.
Goddess name
Roman Minor goddess of marriage, concerned with anointing the bridgegroom's door. Roman
Goddess name
Roman Goddess of marriage. Concerned with anointing the bridegroom's door....
Goddess name
Buddhist A goddess of longevity in Buddhism. She wears an image of the Budda Vairocana in her headdress. She is the most popular Budda goddess in Nepal, Tibet, and Mongolia.
Goddess name
"Usnisavijaya (victorious)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Primordial goddess. Form of VAIROCANA, widely worshiped in Tibet. Regarded as a female BODHISATTVA or buddbadesignate, and a dikpala or guardian of the zenith direction. Also a deification of literature. One of a group of DHARANIS. Color: white. Attributes: arrow, bow, image of the BUDDHA on a lotus leaf, jewel, noose, prayer wheel, staff and waterjar. Three-eyed, three-headed and with eight arms....
Goddess name
Hindu The goddess of language, writing and writing-systems. She is the matron of mental endeavours and the source of voice. Hindu
Goddess name
s Sabra, goddess of the Severn, being a prudent, well-conducted maiden, rose with the first streak of morning dawn, and, descending the eastern side of the hill, made choice of the most fertile valleys, whilst as yet her sisters slept. Vaga, goddess of the Wye, rose next, and, making all haste to perform her task, took a shorter course, by which means she joined her sister ere she reached the sea. The goddess Rhea, old Plinlimmon's pet, woke not till roused by her father's chiding; but by bounding down the side of the mountain, and selecting the shortest course of all, she managed to reach her destination first. Thus the Cymric proverb, There is no impossibility to the maiden who hath a fortune to lose or a husband to win." Welsh
God name
Roman this minor god of påśśage was the guardian of the press first cry at birth
God name
Roman Minor god of påśśage. The guardian of the infant's first cry at birth....
God name
Armenia Armenia's national god. Some time in his existence, he formed a "triad" with Aramazd and Anahit. Vahagn fought and conquered dragons, hence his title Vishabakagh, "dragon reaper". He was invoked as a god of courage, later identified with Heracles. He was also a Sun-god, rival of Baal-shamin and Mihr.
Goddess name
Buddhist / Mahayana Goddess. An emanation of AKSOBHYA, she stands upon a corpse. Color: red. Attributes: cup, image of Aksobhya on the crown, jewel, lotus, skull with noose, staff and sword. Three-eyed....
Goddess name
"Vajradhatvisvari (lady of the adamantine world)"
Buddhist Goddess. The SAKTI of VAIROCANA and also a variety of MARICI. Attributes: many, including an image of Vairocana on the crown....
Goddess name
Buddhist / Mahayana Minor goddess. Color: blue or gold. Attributes: arrow, ax, bell, bow, hook, image of AMOGHASIDDHI, knife, noose, prayer wheel, staff, sword, and trident....
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