
List of Gods : "God Ome" - 570 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Pre - Islamic north African vegetation god. He wanders the earth returning to the same spot once in every 500 years and is said to have gained his immortality by drinking from the well of life. Similar in some respects to the Syrian god ADONIS and revered by Alexander the Great. Normally referred to as Al-Khidr (the green one)....
God name
"Ki (the great one)"
Mesopotamian / Sumerian Archetypal chthonic principle. According to some traditions, Ki is the daughter of ANS'AR and KIS'AR and consort of AN. As the cosmos came into being, An took the role of god of heaven and Ki became the personification of the earth and underworld. She is the mother of the god of the air, ENLIL, with whom she descended from the heavens. Some authorities argue that she was never regarded as a deity. There is no evidence of a cult and the name appears in a limited number of Sumerian creation texts. The name URAS (tilth) may relate.See also ANTU(M)....
God name
Syria Local god of metalworking (thought to have come from Syria) Cyprus
Goddess name
Pre - Homeric Greek Goddess of spinning. According to Hesiod, one of the daughters of ZEUS and THEMIS. An ancient deity linked with LACHESIS and ATROPOS as one of a trio of MOIRAI or Fates. She is depicted with a spindle....
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan mountain goddess. The deity who guards the sacred Mount Fuji. A daughter of O-YAMA-TSU-MI and the consort of Prince NINIGI, her shrine is located on the summit of the mountain. She is also closely åśśociated with Mount Asama about 80 kilometers to the north....
Goddess name
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Minor goddess(es) of fortune. Strongly malevolent NAKSATRA(S) con sisting of the six stars in the Pleiades constellation who become nurses of the god SKANDA. (In Hindu mythology there are only six Pleiades, not the seven recognized in modern astronomy.)...
God name
Russia Patron god of smiths and domestic animals. Russia
Goddess name
"Ksitigarbha (womb of the earth)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Goddess. Known exten sively from northern India to China and Japan. One of the group of female BODHISATTVAS or buddha designates. Color: yellow or green. Attrib utes: Book, bowl, jewel, staff and water jar. In China she is recognized as an underworld deity, Di zang. In Japan she becomes a guardian deity of påśśage, Jizo....
Goddess name
Anatolian / northern Syrian Mother goddess. She was worshiped particularly at Carchemish and seems to equate with the Hittite goddess SAUSKA. Attributes include pomegranate and mir ror. Also Gubaba, Kupapa....
God name
Japan / Shinto The god that guards the home & its environs
Deities name
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Incarnation of the god VIS'NU. The second avatara of Vis'nu, Kurma appears in the form of a tortoise which acts as a pivot for the mountainous churning rod the gods employ to make ambrosia from the primal sea of milk after the flood. Kurma is depicted with a human torso surmounting a tortoise shell. Vis'nu is said to have appeared in this form in order to recover some of the possessions lost during the deluge. Attributes: club, conch, lotus and prayer wheel. Also the name for a vehicle of various deities....
God name
Celtic / Continental / European God of healing. A god of healing worshiped by the Celtic tribe of Treveri but later adopted by the Romans. The Trier sanctuary was a place of pilgrimage where large numbers of offerings were deposited, and carvings suggest that child patients were often present. Lenus's sanctuaries were usually åśśociated with springs and some, if not all, had an abaton or room for recuperation....
Goddess name
Pre - Homeric Greek Goddess of lot-casting. According to Hesiod one of the daughters of ZEUS and THEMIS. One of an ancient trio of MOIRAI with KLOTHO and ATROPOS, she sustains the thread of life and is depicted carrying a scroll....
God name
Akkadia First-born son of Apsu and Tiamat. He and his sister Lahamu were the parents of Anshar and Kishar, the sky father and earth mother, who begat the first gods. Lahmu was sometimes depicted as a snake, and sometimes as a bearded man with a red sash and six curls on his head. Akkadia
Goddess name
Pre - Christian Latvian Goddess of fate. Particularly concerned with guarding women at childbirth, and with the newborn. Regarded as a household goddess of prosperity and good fortune....
Goddess name
Svan Goddess of the fertility of the land, of childbirth and the protection of women. She is also goddess of the hearth. Svan
Goddess name
Svan / Caucasus Tutelary goddess. Particularly invoked by women as a hearth goddess and protector of cows. Her name may have been derived under Christian influence....
Goddess name
Sabine Chthonic goddess. An early Italic earth mother who, in Roman times, according to some traditions, became the mother of the LARES. Also Lara (Roman)....
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