
List of Gods : "God20Tra" - 611 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Australia Creator goddess and the sister-in-law of Wala, a Sun goddess. Australia
Goddess name
Celtic / Irish Mother goddess. The mythical queen of Connaught. According to tradition her consort is Ailill and she represents the “Sovereignty of Ireland” at Connaught. She is thus the apotheosis of the land which is sacred....
Goddess name
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Minor goddess of fortune. A benevolent NAKSATRA; daughter of DAKSA and wife of CANDRA (SOMA)....
Goddess name
"Mahamantråñuśarini (following the great sacred text)"
Buddhist Guardian goddess. One of a group of five MAHARAKSAS (protectresses) who are thought to be personifications of amulets or mantras. Also an emanation of the DHYANIBUDDHA RATNASAMBHAVA, alternatively of AKSOBHYA. She is a guardian of the west, south and eastern quarters according to separate traditions. Color: blue, black, green, white or red. Attributes: most commonly noose and staff. From four to twelve arms; may be three-headed....
Goddess name
Buddhist Guardian goddess Buddhist
Goddess name
"Mahamayuri (great daughter of the peaçõçk)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Goddess. An extremely popular deity and an emanation of AMOGHASIDDHI. A female BODHISATTVA or buddha-designate. Also one of a group of five MAHARAKSAS (protectresses) who are thought to be personifications of amulets or mantras. Color: green, red or yellow. Attributes: alms bowl, arrow, banner, bow, fly whisk, image of Amoghasiddhi on crown, jewel, mendicant, peaçõçk feather, prayer wheel, sword and water jar. Three-eyed and may occasionally appear three or four-headed....
Goddess name
"Mahapratisara (great protectress)"
Buddhist Guardian goddess. One of a group of five MAHARAKSAS (protectresses) who are thought to be personifications of amulets or mantras. A guardian of the central or southern direction. Also an emanation of the DHYANIBUDDHA RATNASAMBHAVA. Color: yellow. Attributes: arrow, ax, banner, bow, conch, image of Ratnasambhava on crown, jewel, noose, parasol, prayer wheel, reliquary, sword, staff and trident. Three-headed and three-eyed....
Goddess name
"Maharaksa (great protectress)"
Buddhist Group of guardian goddesses. Personifications of amulets or mantras. Common attribute: a parasol....
Goddess name
"Mahasitavati (great cold one)"
Buddhist Guardian goddess. One of a group of five MAHARAKSAS (protectresses) who are thought to be personifications of amulets or mantras. Also an emanation of the DHYANIBUD DHA AMITABHA (or sometimes RATNASAMBHAVA). A guardian of the north or west quarter. Color: red, yellow or green. Attributes: arrow, ax, banner, Book, bow, bowl, image of Amitabha on the crown, lotus, noose, peaçõçk feather, staff, sword and trident. Three-eyed and may be three-headed....
Goddess name
Buddhist Goddess Buddhist / Tibet / Mahayana
Goddess name
"Mamaki (greedy)"
Buddhist Goddess. The SAKTI of RATNASAMBHAVA or AKSOBHYA. Also a BODHISATTVA or future buddha, originating from the blue mantra MAM. Color: yellow or blue. Attributes: cup, flowers, jewel, knife and staff....
Goddess name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian Mother goddess. Identified in the Atrahasis texts and other creation legends and probably synonymous with NINHURSAG A. She was involved in the creation of mankind from clay and blood. The name almost certainly came into use because it is the first word that a child formulates. Also Mama; Mammitum....
God name
"Manannan (Mac Lir)"
Celtic / Irish / British Sea god. Extensively worshiped. From the name is derived the “Isle of Man” where, according to tradition, the god is buried. He rules the “Isle of the Blessed” and determines the weather at sea. Father of the Irish hero Mongan. Also Manawyddaw (Welsh)....
God name
Hindu Astral god Hindu
Goddess name
"Mangala (auspicious)"
Hindu (1) Astral god. Personification of the planet MARS. Depicted by a chariot drawn by eight red fire-horses. According to some authors Mangala is a form of the god S IWA in his cruel aspect. Attributes: club and lotus. Three-eyed.(2) Goddess. A form of PARWATI. She rides upon a lion and may bear up to ten arms, carrying arrow, mirror, moon disc, rosary, shield and sword. Three-eyed....
God name
Australia A lizard god who created humans. He found the first beings, Rella manerinja, on one side of a hill; they were fused together and he separated them with a knife and cut holes for their mouths, ears, and noses, then gave them the knife, spear, shield, fire, boomerang, and the tjurunga, and lastly gave them a system of marriage. Australia
God name
Hindu / Vedic Primordial creator god. The son(s) of SURYA. The name given to the fourteen original progenitors of mankind during the mythical or heroic ages. According to tradition, the consort of Manu is Ida, who was engendered from milk and butter offered to S IVA as a propitiation....
God name
"Mantchu Muchangu"
Africa Strange but by teaching humans how to make clothes & covering their bodies he ended up being the god of dressmakers
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