Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Prasuti" | Hindu | Goddess. The daughter of Svayambhuva MANU and one of the consorts of DAKSA.... |
Goddess name "Pratibhanaspratisamvit" | Hindu | A goddess, one of context analysis |
Goddess name "Pratyangira" | Hindu | Goddess of rather terrifying aspect Hindu |
Goddess name "Pratyangira (whose speech is directed westward)" | Hindu | Goddess of terrifying aspect. She rides upon a lion. Attributes: cup, drum, flaming hair, snake noose and trident.... |
Goddess name "Prithivi" | Hindu | A goddess of the earth |
Goddess name "Prithvi" | Hindu | Goddess of the earth. Hindu |
Goddess name "Priti" | Hindu | Goddess of love and longing. Hindu |
Goddess name "Priti (pleasure)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Goddess. A daughter of DAKSA and consort of the god of love KAMADEVA. One of twelve SAKTIS åśśociated with the god VIS'NU in his various incarnations.... |
Goddess name "Priyadarsana" | Hindu | moon goddess. Priyadarsana declared, "Matter itself is void. Voidness does not result from the destruction of matter, but the nature of matter is itself voidness. Therefore, to speak of voidness on the one hand, and of matter, or of sensation, or of intellect, or of motivation, or of consciousness on the other - is entirely dualistic. Consciousness itself is voidness. Voidness does not result from the destruction of consciousness, but the nature of consciousness is itself voidness. Such understanding of the five compulsive aggregates and the knowledge of them as such by means of gnosis is the entrance into nonduality." The Dharma-Door of Nonduality |
Goddess name "Prsni" | Hindu / Vedic | Primordial earth goddess. The socalled dappled cow of the Rg Veda. She is also perceived as the brightly colored soma stalk and is linked with a male counterpart, also Prsni, the dappled bull of the Sun.... |
Goddess name "Prthivi" | Hindu | earth and mother goddess. Hindu |
Goddess name "Punarvasu" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Minor goddess of fortune. A benevolent NAKSATRA; daughter of DAKSA and wife of CANDRA (SOMA). Concerned with restoring lost or stolen property.... |
Goddess name "Punitavati (purified)" | Hindu | Local goddess. Worshiped at Karaikkal near Ammaiyar. The deification of a Brahman businessman's wife.... |
Goddess name "Purandhi" | Hindu / Vedic | Minor goddess of prosperity. Associated with the acquisition of wealth and sometimes identified with Indra or other male deities.... |
Goddess name "Purvabhadrapada" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Minor goddess of fortune. A benevolent NAKSATRA; daughter of DAKSA and wife of CANDRA (SOMA).... |
Goddess name "Purvabhahadrapada" | Hindu / Puranic / Epic | A benevolent minor goddess of fortune |
Goddess name "Purvaphaguuni" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Minor goddess of fortune. A moderately disposed NAKSATRA; daughter of DAKSA and wife of CANDRA (SOMA).... |
Goddess name "Purvaphalguni" | Hindu / Puranic / Epic | A minor goddess of fortune |