
List of Gods : "Heli" - 405 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Hindu God of the winds, said to be the father of Hanumat or Hanuman, the monkey king who becomes Rama's helper in the Ramayana. Hindu

Greek A daughter of Oceåñuś and Tethys, and wife of Helios, by whom she became the mother of Aeetes and Circe. She is further called the mother of Pasiphae, Perses and Aloeus. Homer and Apollonius Rhodius call her Perse, while others call her Perseis. Greek
Goddess name
Greek Chthonic underworld goddess. The consort of the Sun god Helios and the mother of Kirke and Pasiphae,...
Book name
Greek That is, "the shining," occurs in Homer as an epithet or surname of Helios, and is used by later writers as a real proper name for Helios (Argonautica. The Aeneid Book V) but it is more commonly known as the name of a son of Helios by the Oceanid Clymene, the wife of Merops. Greek

Greek I. e. the flaming, a river in the lower world, is described as a son of Cocytus; but he is more commonly called Pyriphlegethon. It flowed with fire that burned but did not consume fuel. In the Divine Comedy the river is made of boiling blood and is part of the seventh circle of hell, containing the shades of tyrants, murderers, robbers and those guilty of sins involving violence against others. Greek

Greek A son of Athamas and Nephele or of Athamas and Themisto and brother of Helle, and a grandson of Aeolus. In consequence of the intrigues of his stepmother, Ino (others state that he offered himself), he was to be sacrificed to Zeus but Nephele removed him and Helle, and the two then rode away on the ram with the golden fleece, the gift of Hermes, through the air. Greek
Deity name
Roman A nature deity, brother of Piçúɱnus. He ensured children grew properly and stayed healthy. Ancient Romans made an extra bed after the birth of a child in order to ensure the help of Pilumnus. He also taught humanity how to grind grain and sometimes identified as the husband of Danae, and therefore the father of Danaus and the ancestor of Turnus. Roman
God name
Roman God of påśśage. The deity responsible for guarding the entrance of the city and the house alike. He was celebrated in the Portunalia festival, held annually on August 17, when keys were thrown into a fire to bless them. He is also the guardian of the Tiber estuary, the main access by sea to the city of Rome....
God name
"Posis Das"
Greek sky god. In pre-Hellenic times the consort of the earth mother GAIA. One of the primordial partnership identified in Theogony (Hesiod). He later becomes syncretized with ZEUS....
Spirit name
Phoenician / Hellenic Primordial being. According to the cosmogony, he is desire, and consorts with OMICHLE, darkness, to engender out of chaos the spiritual force Aer, and its living physical manifestation Aura....

"Pothos Phonecia"
Hellenic A primordial being
God name
Mayan / Tzeltal Indian, Mesoamerican / Mexico God of disease. Apparently perceived as a star in the sky or a ball of fire. He may also be depicted as a fertility god shelling maize or as a fisherman, doctor, musician or hunter. An image of the god was discovered in the Christian church in Oxchuc, and the Indians were forced to revoke and spit on the icon before it was publicly burnt....
God name
Greek Priapos, a son of Dionysus and Aphrodite. Aphrodite, it is said, had yielded to the embraces of Dionysus, but during his expedition to India, she became faithless to him, and lived with Adonis. On Dionysus return from India, she indeed went to meet him, but soon left him again, and went to Lampsacus on the Hellespont, to give birth to the child of the god. Greek
God name
Roman God of the shade. A rural deity whose worship appears to have been restricted to the spéñïśs of the Hellespont and clearly derives from the god PRIAPOS....

Greek Procne or Prokne was a daughter of Pandion and Zeuxippe. She married Tereus and had one son: Itys. Tereus loved his wife's sister, Philomela. He raped her, cut her tongue out and held her captive so she could never tell anyone. Philomela wove a tapestry that told her story and gave it to Procne. In revenge, Procne killed her son by Tereus, Itys, and fed him to Tereus unknowingly. Greek
Angel name
Greek Eros appeared, being androgynous. His masculinity is Himeros, being fire from light. His femininity, innate to him as well, is the soul of blood, the solution of the Pronoia... He is very lovely in his beauty, having charm beyond all the creatures of chaos. Then all the gods and their angels, when they beheld Eros, became enamored. And appearing in all of them Eros set them ablaze. Gaian creation myth

"Purva Ashada"
Hindu The Former Unsubdued. You are caring, gentle nature and have many friends. You are a hard worker and will make an excellent manager. You are supportive and generous and go out of your way to help friends. You have a forgiving nature and do not hold grudges against others. You prefer a simple life above fame and fortune. You would make an excellent manager but would rather not take on responsibility. Hindu Zodiac
King name
Welsh In the tale of Pwyll, the earliest reference to Annwn, the Welsh mythological otherworld, occurs. It is ruled by Arawn, at war with Hafgan. Arawn obtains the help of Pwyll by exchanging kingdoms with him for a year, and Pwyll defeats Hafgan. Welsh
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