
List of Gods : "Name" - 988 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Greek A divinity who was worshipped at Lacedaemon, and averted the anger of Zeus Hicesius for the crime committed by Pausanias. Epidotes, which means the "liberal giver," occurs also as a surname of other divinities, such as Zeus at Mantineia and Sparta, of the god of sleep at Sicyon. Greek
Hero name
"Erechtheus Erichthonius"
Greek There can be little doubt but that the names Erichthonius and Erechtheus are identical; but whether the two heroes mentioned by Plato, Hyginus, and Apollodorus, the one of whom is usually called Erichthonius or Erechtheus I. and the other Erechtheus II., are likewise one and the same person, as Muller and others think, is not so certain, though highly probable. Greek
Goddess name
Celtic / Irish Fertility goddess. An aspect of the MORRIGAN. One of the deities who were known as the “Sovereignty of Ireland” and wedded sym bolically to a mortal king. Also a warrior goddess, capable of changing shape from girl to hag, and into birds and animals. She is patroness of the royal seat of Uisnech in County Meath. Eire and Erin are corruptions of her name. See also BADB....
Goddess name
Greek The Greek name of the goddess Isis. Greek
Goddess name
Western Semitic / Phoenician God of healing. Known first from the Iron Age levels at Sidon, his cult spread as far as Carthage, Cyprus and Sardinia. Possibly became syncretized with the god MELQART and, in Hellenic times, with the physician god ASKLEPIOS. His name further became linked with the mother goddess CAELESTIS....
Ghost name
Akkadian The name given to the ghost of a person who had not been buried and considered potentially harmful. Akkadian
Goddess name
Grek Eumenides [the good-tempered goddesses ]. A name given by the Greeks to the Furies, as it would have been ominous and bad policy to call them by their right name, Erinnyes.

Greek A son of Myles and grandson of Lelex. He was the father of Sparta, the wife of Lacedaemon, and is said to have carried the waters, stagnating in the plain of Lacedaemon, into the sea by means of a canal, and to have called the river which arose therefrom after his own name, Eurotas. Greek

Greek The name of the three sisters known as the Gorgons; her name means Wide-Wanderer. Greek
King name
Greek A son of Melaneus and Stratonice was king of Oechalia, probably the Thessalian town of this name. He was a skilful archer and married to Antioche, by whom he became the father of lole, Iphitus, Molion or Deion, Clytius, and Toxeus. Greek
King name
Greek 1. A daughter of Poseidon and Pitane. Immediately after her birth, she was carried to the Arcadian king Aepytus, who brought her up. She afterwards became by Apollo the mother of Iamus. 2. A daughter of Iphis, or Philax. (Apollodorus iii) There are three other mythical personages of the same name. Greek
Hero name
Greek The bearer of good news. Under this name the shepherd Pixodarus had a sanctuary at Ephesus where he enjoyed heroic honours, because he had found a quarry of beautiful marble, of which the Ephesians built a temple. Greek

Greek The name of five mythological personages, concerning whom nothing of interest is related. (Apollodorus. ii. Metamorphoses) Greek
Goddess name
Irish An early Irish sea goddess, later described as a "Queen of the Fairies". Her name is variously translated as "Pearl of beauty"; or "A Tear". She is seen as the most beautiful of goddesses.
Goddess name
Roman Place-spirits (genii) of untamed woodland. Romans connected their fauns with the Greek satyrs, wild and orgiastic drunken followers of Dionysus. However, fauns and satyrs were originally quite different creatures. Both have horns and both resemble goats below the waist, humans above; but originally satyrs had human feet, fauns goatlike hooves. The Romans also had a god named Faunus and a goddess Fauna, who, like the fauns, were goat-people. Roman
Demon name
Hungarian A demon oppososed to light and an inventor of unusual contraptions and devices. Fene is also the name of the place where demons roam. Hungarian

Roman A surname of Jupiter, which is probably derived from ferire, to strike; for persons who took an oath called upon Jupiter, if they swore falsely, to strike them as they struck the victim they sacrificed to him. Roman

Norse One of Odin's many names. Norse
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