Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Agdistes" | Greek | The god who kept the porch of the "Bower of Bliss." He united in his own person the two sexes, and sprang from the stone Agdus, parts of which were taken by Deucalion and Pyrrha to cast over their shoulders, after the flood, for re-peopling the world. Greek |
God name "Agdistis" | Phrygian | A mythical being connected with the Phrygian worship of Attes or Atys. Pausanias relates the following story about Agdistis. On one occasion Zeus unwittingly begot by the earth a superhuman being which was at once man and woman, and was called Agdistis. The gods dreaded it and unmanned it, and from its severed genitalia there grew up an almond-tree. |
God name "Ah Chun Caan (he of the base of the sky)" | Mayan / Yucatec, Mesoamerican / Mexico | Local god. The tutelary deity of the city of Merida. Mentioned in the Vienna Dictionary.... |
God name "Ah Hulneb (he of the spear thrower)" | Mayan / Mesoamerican / Mexico | God of war. The local guardian deity of the city of Cozumel.... |
Deities name "Ah Muuzencab" | Mayan / Yucatec, Mesoamerican / Mexico | Bee gods. The patron deities of apiarists still invoked in parts of the Yucatan. They are thought to be represented iconographically on the tops and bottoms of stone columns at the site of Chichen Itza as aged men with long beards and upraised arms. They wear loin cloths with distinctive cross hatching.... |
Goddess name "Ah Uaynih" | Guatemala | Goddess of sleep, specifically males Guatemala |
God name "Ahulane" | Caribbean | A war god, also called the archer. The island Cozumel was the location of Ahulane's shrine. |
God name "Ahulane" | Mayan / Persian / Zoroastrian | A war god, also called the archer. The island Cozumel was the location of Ahulane's shrine. Mayan / Persian / Zoroastrian |
God name "Airyaman" | Persia | God of social bonds, contracts, and marriage who at the end of time will fish souls of the the temporarily damned called a Hell by using a net Persia |
Spirit name "Ajalamo" | Yoruba / Nigeria, West Africa | God of unborn children. According to legend, in some vague mythological realm there exist rows of shelves with spirits of the unborn. These are the responsibility of Ajalamo.... |
God name "Ajisukitakahikone" | Islands | A god of thunder. He is the brother of Takemikazuchi and of Kaminari (Raijin). In infancy, his crying and screaming were so loud that he had to be placed in a boat and sailed around the islands of Japan until he was calm. In adulthood, he was the father of Takitsuhiko, a Rain god. |
Goddess name "Ala" | Ibo / eastern Nigeria, West Africa | Chthonic fertility goddess. A popular deity who is also goddess of the underworld linked with a cult of the dead (which rest in her womb). Her temple is the Mbari which contains a cult statue depicting the goddess seated with a child in her arms and adorned with the crescent moon. She is flanked by attendant deities. She enjoys a profusion of local shrines which are well supplied with votive offerings. Serious crimes including murder are considered to be offenses against her. An annual yam festival is celebrated in her honor. Also Ale, Ana, ANI.... |
God name "Alaunus" | Roman / Celtic / European | Local god. Known from areas around Mannheim and Salzburg. The Romans syncretized him with MERCURIUS.... |
Goddess name "Alcis" | Greek | A goddess of physical prowess & strength |
God name "Alisanos" | Roman / Celtic / Gallic | Local chthonic earth god. Known only from inscription in the region of the Cote d'Or and åśśociated with the land. Also Alisonus, Alisåñuś.... |
Goddess name "Allat (goddess)" | Pre - Islamic northern / central Arabian | Astral and tutelary goddess. One of the three daughters of ALLAH. At Palmyra she was regularly invoked as a domestic guardian either as Allat or ASTARTE with whom she is closely linked. At Ta'if she was symbolized in the form of a white granite stone. In Hellenic times she became syncretized with ATHENA or, according to Herodotus who called her Alilat, with APHRODITE.... |
God name "Am-Heh" | Egypt | Chthonic underworld god. A minor deity said to inhabit a lake of fire. The so-called devourer of the millions. Depicted with the head of a hound.... |
God name "Amaethon" | Celtic / Welsh | God of Agriculture. A son of DON and brother of GWYDION, he is known from a limited number of Welsh texts and was engaged in a mythical battle against the ARAWN. Associated with ploughing and husbandry. The modern Welsh name for a farmer is amaetbwr.... |