
List of Gods : "God Pre" - 687 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Welsh / Cornish Goddess of fate who presided over the battles of several Celtic clans. She is often equated to the Three Fates of Greco-Roman mythology. Welsh / cornish
God name
Pre - Islamic northern Arabian moon god. Known from Palmyra and linked with the Sun god Yarhibol. The cult continued into Hellenic times and was later extended to Rome. Attributes include a sickle moon....
Deities name
"Ah Muuzencab"
Mayan / Yucatec, Mesoamerican / Mexico Bee gods. The patron deities of apiarists still invoked in parts of the Yucatan. They are thought to be represented iconographically on the tops and bottoms of stone columns at the site of Chichen Itza as aged men with long beards and upraised arms. They wear loin cloths with distinctive cross hatching....
God name
"Ah Uincir Dz'acab"
Mayan / Chorti, Meso american / eastern Guatemala God of healing. The patron of herbalists and concerned with the preparation of remedies, he is depicted as having male and female identities, each concerned with the healing of their respective sexes. Also Ah Uincir Kopot....
God name
Zoroastrian / Farsi Per sian Chthonic god of darkness. The antagonist of AHURA MAZDA, god of light, and his attendant, MITHRA. The name is a modern derivation of the original Avestan title ANGRU MAINYU. Ahriman is said to have tried to persuade his attendant animals, including the scor pion, ant and snake, to drink the blood of the bull slain by Mithra in the primeval legend of dualistic conflict (see Mithra); if he had succeeded he would have prevented life from forming on earth. In another legend he tried to thwart Ahura Mazda by sending a flood to destroy the world. Also recog nized in Roman Mithraism. Rituals included ani mal sacrifice. Also ARIMANIUS (Roman)....
Supreme god name
"Ai Apaec"
Mochica Indian / pre - Columbian South America / northern coast of Peru Supreme god. Probably originated as a jaguar god but came to rule the destinies of the world. He was thought to live like ordinary people and could reveal himself as man or god at will. He is depicted in anthropomorphic form, but with huge fangs and a cat-like wrinkled face with whiskers coming from his nose. He received sacrificial victims hurled from the top of a high cliff....
Supreme god name
"Ai Apec"
Peru Supreme god who rules the destinies of the world. Fond of strangling spéñïś demons. Peru
Supreme god name
"Ai Apec Mochica"
Peru The supreme god that rules the destinies of the world
Goddess name
Polynesia Goddess who predicts death. One of the Seven Guardians of the world. Polynesia
Goddess name
Ireland Fire goddess who had a magic well that contained mighty healing powers, especially effective against toothache so long as the petitioner left a small white stone at the well to represent the decayed tooth. She is åśśociated with wells and the number 5. Ireland
God name
Egypt Chthonic earth god of påśśage. Known from the Old kingdom (circa 2700 BC onward). Controls the interface between eastern and western horizons of the underworld, and is the guardian of the gate through which the king påśśes into the underworld. Aker provides a safe course for the barque of the Sun god during its påśśage through the underworld at night. He may be seen as the socket holding the boat's mast. He is also considered benevolent against snake bites. Represented by opposite facing pairs of human or lion heads....
Deities name
Egypt Pluralistic chthonic earth gods. Probably stemming from the pre-Dynastic period. Malevolent deities who can seize and imprison the souls of the deceased....
God name
Ngombe Supreme and creator god. Ngombe
God name
Ngombe / Democratic Republic of Congo, central Africa Creator god. The supreme deity considered to have given the world, and all that is in it, form and substance....
God name
Hittite / Hurrian Primordial god. The archetypal deity who precedes AN(U) in the formation of the cosmos. He was identified by the Greeks as HYPSISTOS (the highest)....
Supreme god name
"Alfodr or Alfadir"
Norse Alfodr or Alfadir [Father of all]. The name of Odin as the supreme god. Norse
Goddess name
Arabic A pre-Islamic Arabian goddess who was one of the three chief goddesses of Mecca and one of three goddesses that the pre-Islamic Meccans referred to as "The Daughters of God". Arabic
Goddess name
"Allat (goddess)"
Pre - Islamic northern / central Arabian Astral and tutelary goddess. One of the three daughters of ALLAH. At Palmyra she was regularly invoked as a domestic guardian either as Allat or ASTARTE with whom she is closely linked. At Ta'if she was symbolized in the form of a white granite stone. In Hellenic times she became syncretized with ATHENA or, according to Herodotus who called her Alilat, with APHRODITE....
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