Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Deities name "Kataragama" | Tamil / Sri Lanka | Tutelary god. One of four great national deities and equating to the Hindu god SKANDA. Also Ceyon.... |
God name "Katargama" | Sri Lanka | Tutelary gody Tamil / Sri Lanka |
Supreme god name "Katavul" | Tamil / southern India / Sri Lanka | Supreme god. The ultimate creator of all that exists in the world and the judge of humanity able to reward or punish at will.... |
Supreme god name "Katavul Tamil" | S India / Sri Lanka | Such a supreme god that he was the ultimate creator all that exists in the world & able to judge humanity & to reward or punish at well |
Goddess name "Kiri Amma" | Sri Lanka | Goddess of healing, childhood diseases. Sri Lanka |
Goddess name "Korravai" | Davidian / Tamil / S India / Sri Lanka | though sweet to the to for (?) A war goddess |
Goddess name "Korravai" | Dravidian / Tamil / southern India / Sri Lanka | war goddess. Worshiped in desert regions in southern India, thought to live in trees and equating to DURGA. She has a son, MURUKAN. Also Katukilal; Korrawi.... |
Goddess name "Korraval" | Dravidian | Goddess of war India / Dravidian / Tamil / Sri Lanka |
Goddess name "Korrawi" | India | Goddess of battle and victory India / Tamil / Sri Lanka |
Goddess name "Korrawi Tamil" | India / Sri Lanka | the goddess of battle & victory |
Goddess name "Kotisri" | Hindu | A goddess of silk cultivation with responsibility of uprooting thorn bushes Sraddha Hindu. |
Goddess name "Kotisri" | Buddhist | Mother goddess. The so-called mother of 7,000 buddbas.... |
Goddess name "Lha-Mo (the goddess)" | Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet | Goddess. Coming from the old Bon pantheon and equating with the Hindu goddess SRIDEVI.... |
Goddess name "Mahasri-Tara" | Buddhist | Goddess Buddhist / Mahayana |
Goddess name "Mahasri-Tars (of great beauty)" | Buddhist / Mahayana | Goddess. An emanation of AMOGHASIDDHI. Depicted seated upon a moon. Color: green. Attributes: image of Amoghasiddhi and lotuses.... |
God name "Manjughosa (sweet sounding)" | Buddhist | God. Form of the god MANJUSRI and an emanation of AKSOBHYA. Attended by a lion. Color: white or gold. Attributes: arrow, bell, blue lotus, Book, bow, image of Aksobhya, staff and sword.... |
God name "Mayon (the black one)" | Early Dravidian / Tamil / southern India / Sri Lanka | Creator god. Animistic high god of the pastoral regions, found in Sangam literature and thought to reside in trees. Perhaps equating with VIS'NU or KRSNA.... |
Goddess name "Medha (wisdom)" | Buddist / Mahayana | Minor goddess. The SAKTI of Sridhara.... |