Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
"Mimas2" | Italy | A giant who is said to have been killed by Ares, or by Zeus with a flash of lightning. The island of Prochyte, near Sicily, was believed to rest upon his body. |
"Monaciello [little monk]" | Italy | A sort of incubus in the mythology of Naples. It is described as a thick little man, dressed in a monk's garment and broad-brimmed hat. Those who will follow when he beckons will be led to a spot where treasure is concealed. Sometimes, however, it is his pleasure to pull the bed-clothes off, and sometimes to sit perched on a sleeper. Italy |
God name "Neptune/ Neptunus" | Italy / Roman | A god of irrigation |
King name "Oebalus" | Greek | 1. A son of Cynortes, and husband of Gorgophone, by whom he became the father of Tyndareus, Peirene, and Arene, was king of Sparta. According to others he was a son of Perieres and a grandson of Cynortas, and was married to the nymph Bateia, by whom he had several children (Apollodorus iii). The patronymic Oebalides is not only applied to his descendants, but to the Spartans generally, and hence it occurs as an epithet or surname of Hyacinthus, Castor, Pollux and Helena. 2. A son of Telon by a nymph of the stream Sebethus, near Naples. Telon, originally a king of the Teleboans, had come from the island of Taphos to Capreae, in Italy and Oebalus settled in Campania. (The Aeneid Book VII) Greek |
"Orgoglio" | Italy | Means "Arrogant Pride," or The Man of Sin. A hideous giant as tall as three men; he was son of earth and wind. Italy |
"Peucetius" | Italy | One of the sons of Lycaon, is said to have led, in conjunction with his brother Oenotrus, an Arcadian colony into Italy. |
"Runcina" | Roman | Was probably only a surname of Ops, by which he was invoked by the people of Italy, to prevent the growth of weeds among the corn, and promote the harvest.. Roman |
"Rungin" | Italy | A was probably only a surname of Ops, by which he was invoked by the people of Italy, to prevent the growth of weeds among the corn, and promote the harvest. |
King name "Saturnus" | Italy | A mythical king of Italy to whom was ascribed the introduction of Agriculture and the habits of civilised life in general. |
King name "Scylla" | Greek | And Charybdis, the names of two rocks between Italy and Sicily, and only a short distance from one another. In the midst of the one of these rocks which was nearest to Italy, there dwelt, according to Homer, Scylla, a daughter of Crataeis, a fearful monster, barking like a dog, with twelve feet, six long necks and mouths, each of which contained three rows of sharp teeth. The opposite rock, which was much lower, contained an immense fig-tree, under which there dwelt Charybdis, who thrice every day swallowed down the waters of the sea, and thrice threw them up again: both were formidable to the ships which had to påśś between them. Greek |
Deities name "Silvåñuś" | Roman | Minor god of woodlands and Forests. Worship of Silvåñuś seems largely to have been limited to northern Italy. He became incorporated into the Celtic pantheon where his symbolism includes a bill-hook, pots and hammers. His sacred animal is the stag. The name was extended to embrace groups of woodland deities, the Silvani or Silvanae.... |
Supreme god name "Sol (1)" | Roman | Sun god. Known by the full title of Sol Indiges, meaning the indigenous Sol, which may suggest a purely Roman cult on the Quirinal Hill, but there are also inferences that this deity is of more ancient origin. Coins from southern Italy depicting the god with a radiate image date back to circa 200 BC but he rose to particular prominence during the republican period. His festival was celebrated annually on August 9. Nero had a huge statue of himself, as Sol, erected in Rome and the emperor Aurelian elevated Sol to supreme god in the Roman pantheon when Jupiter Conservator gave way to Sol Invictus (the unconquered Sun). Sol may sometimes be linked with AURORA, the goddess of dawn.... |
God name "Tagni" | Italy | God of witchcraft. Italy |
Goddess name "Tana" | Italy | Star goddess who rules over all. Italy |
God name "Tåñuś" | Italy | Star god and consort of Tana. Italy |
Nymph name "Taras" | Greek | A son of Poseidon by a nymph, is said to have traversed the sea from the promontory of Taenarum to the south of Italy, riding on a dolphin, and to have founded Tarentum in Italy, where he was worshipped as a hero. Greek |
King name "Turnus" | Italy | A son of Daunus and Venilia, and king of the Rutulians at the time of the arrival of Aeneas in Italy. |
King name "Tyrrheus" | Roman | A shepherd of king Latinus. Ascanius once, while hunting, killed a tame stag belonging to Tyrrheus whereupon the country people took up arms, which was the first conflict in Italy between the natives and the Trojan settlers. Roman |