
List of Gods : "epic" - 654 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Deities name
Buddhist Great horse god usually depicted trampling four major Hindu deities underfoot. Buddhist
Deities name
"Paramasva (great horse)"
Buddhist / Mahayana God. Considered to be a form of HAYAGRIVA depicted with four legs and trampling the four major Hindu deities underfoot. Color: red. Attributes: arrow, bow, head of a horse, great lotus, lotus, staff and sword. Threeeyed....
Demon name
"Parasurama (Rama-with-the-ax)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Incarnation of the god VIS'NU. The sixth avatara of Vis'nu (see also RAMA) in which form he saved the world from an army of tyrannical warriors. According to legend, Rama, the son of a wise man, became a skilled bowman and in gratitude he went to the Himalaya where he stayed, devoting himself to SIVA. His consort is DHARANI. Though without his bow, Rama acted as a champion of the gods in a war against the demons and was rewarded with an ax. In another legend, Vis'nu took the form of Parasurama to rid the world of despotic rulers. This avatara appears in human form, with two arms and with an ax in the right hand. Other attributes: arrow, bow, knife, skin and sword. Also Parasuramavatara....
Goddess name
"Parna-Savari (dressed in leaves)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Goddess. An emanation of AKSOBHYA and BODHISATTVA or buddha-designate. Also one of a group of DHARANIS (deifications of literature). She is particularly recognized in the northwest of India. Her vehicle is GANESA surmounting obstacles. Color: yellow or green. Attributes: arrow, ax, bow, flower, noose, peaçõçk feather, skin and staff. She is depicted as having three eyes and three heads....
Goddess name
"Parvati/ Sakti/ Ahladini-Sadini/ Sati/ Uma"
Hindu / Puranic / Epic / India A goddess of the mountains
God name
"Pasupati (lord of animals)"
Hindu / India God of animals. His consort is Svaha and his son is SANMUKHA. He is thought to have been derived from an earlier pre-Indo Aryan deity worshiped by the Indus Valley civilization as a horned god with three faces, sitting surrounded by animals. In Hindu culture regarded as an aspect of S IVA and depicted standing upon a corpse....
Spirit name
Roman spirit of peace. Became well-known as Pax Romana and Pax Augusta from the second century BC and was accorded a shrine on the Field of Mars. Depicted as a young woman bearing a cornucopia, an olive branch and a sheaf of corn....
God name
Pre - Christian Latvian God of thunder. Depicted armed with iron weapons, he is also a fertility god who brings beneficial Rain. Also Perkunas (Lithuanian)....
God name
Greek God of the morning star. His mother is EOS, the dawn, and he is depicted as a naked youth running ahead of her, carrying a torch. In Roman culture he becomes Lucifer....
Goddess name
"Phul Mata"
Hindu Mother goddess who became one of the evil ones Hindu / Puranic / Epic
Goddess name
"Phul Mata"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Mother goddess. A SAKTI who in later Hinduism became one of the SAPTAMATARAS regarded as of evil intent, inflicting sickness on children under seven years old. Particularly known from Bengal....
Goddess name
Canaanite / Phoenician Minor fertility goddess. Mentioned in epic creation texts and treaties at Ugarit (Ras S amra) as the first daughter of BAAL. She is the consort of BAAL SAPON, the mother of Tly and may be the goddess Peraia described by the Greek writer Philo....
God name
Hindu Though obscure, this is a physician god Hindu / Puranic / Epic
God name
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Obscure physician god. Identified in the texts as the eighteenth of the thirty-nine minor incarnations of the god VISNU; said to be a “carrier of nectar.”...
Goddess name
Greek Minor god of riches. A son of DEMETER who was abandoned in childhood and reared by the goddess of peace, EIRENE, who is sometimes depicted holding him in her lap. Plutos was blinded by ZEUS because of his discrimination in favor of the righteous....
King name
Greek A son of Agenor and Epicaste, was king of Pleuron and Calydon in Aetolia, and married to Euryte, by whom he became the father of Oeneus, Agrius, Alcathous, Melas, Leucopeus, and Sterope.
God name
Mayan / Tzeltal Indian, Mesoamerican / Mexico God of disease. Apparently perceived as a star in the sky or a ball of fire. He may also be depicted as a fertility god shelling maize or as a fisherman, doctor, musician or hunter. An image of the god was discovered in the Christian church in Oxchuc, and the Indians were forced to revoke and spit on the icon before it was publicly burnt....
God name
Mayan God of disease, also seen as a fertility god and is often depicted been a hunter. Mayan
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