
List of Gods : "Name" - 988 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Semitic A Semitic name for god, similar to El.

Greek A daughter of Leucippus and Philodice, and a sister of Phoebe, together with whom she is often mentioned by the poets under the name of Leucippidae. Greek
Supreme god name
Kenya Means "thunder." In Suk it means Rain, and is the name of the Rain-god, as in Elgeyo. But some Suk say that Ilat is the supreme god. Kenya
God name
Egypt The first architect and physician known by name in written history. Two thousand years after his death, his status was raised to that of a god. He became the god of Medicine and healing. He was linked to Asclepius by the Greeks. Egypt

Siberia The supreme being whose name maens "Supervisor." Siberia
Goddess name
"Inana, Istar,Ishtar"
Akkadian / Sumerian The most important of all Mesopotamian goddesses, and a multi-faceted personality, occurring in cuneiform texts of all periods. The Sumerian name probably means "Lady of heaven";, and the Akkadian name Ishtar is related to the Syrian Astarte and the biblical Ashtaroth is usually considered as a daughter of Anzu, with her cult located in Uruk, but there are other traditions as to her ancestry, and it is probable that these reflect originally different goddesses that were identified with her. Ishtar is the subiect of a cycle of texts describing her love affair and ultimately fatal relationship with Tammuz.
Goddess name
"Inar (rice-grower)"
Shinto / Japan God (Goddess) of foodstuffs. The popular name of a god(dess) worshiped under the generic title Miketsu-No-Kami in the Shi-Den sanctuary of the imperial palace, but rarely elsewhere. The deity displays gender changes, develops many personalities and is revered extensively in Japan. Inari is often depicted as a bearded man riding a white fox but, in pictures sold at temple offices, (s)he is generally shown as a woman with long flowing hair, carrying sheafs of rice and sometimes, again, riding the white fox. Inari sanctuaries are painted bright red, unlike most other Shinto temples. They are further characterized by rows of wooden portals which form tunnels leading to the sanctuary. Sculptures of foxes are prolific (an animal endowed, in Japanese tradition, with supernatural powers) and the shrines are decorated with a special device, the Hoju-No-Tama, in the shape of a pear surrounded by small flames. Often identified with the food goddess TOYO-UKE-BIME....
Goddess name
Hindu / Vedic / Puranic Goddess of wrath. Daughter of Puloman, a demonic figure killed by the god INDRA, and the SAKTI and consort of Indra. One of seven MATARAS (mothers) who in later Hinduism became regarded as of evil intent. Also one of a group of eight ASTAMATARAS personifying jealousy (also named Aindri in this capacity). In another grouping one of nine NAVASAKTIS or astral deities who, in southern India, rank higher than the SAPTAMATARAS. Her attendant animal is either an elephant or a lion. Attributes: hook, rosary, Santana flower, staff and waterjar. One thousand-eyed. Also Aindri; Mahendri; Paulomi; Saci; Sujata....

"Ingun's Frey"
Norse One of the names of Frey. Norse
God name
Votyak / Finno - Ugric sky god(dess). The name became incorporated into Christian tradition and interpreted as “the mother of God.”...
Goddess name
Greek Greek heroine who raised the infant Dionysus. Later she was elevated to a sea goddess under the name of Leukothea. Greek

Greek That is, the son of Ino, a name given to Melicertes and Palaemon. Greek
God name
Greek I. e. unshorn, a surname of Apollo and Bacchus, alluding to the eternal youth of these gods, as the Greek youths allowed their hair to grow until they attained the age of manhood, though in the case of Apollo it may also allude to his being the god of the Sun, whence the long floating hair would indicate the rays of the Sun. Greek
God name
Roman An ancient protector of livestock, one of the di indigetes, indigenous gods. He was probably a god of fertility or sexual intercourse, as his name was thought by some to be connected with the word inire, "to copulate". He was also sometimes identified with the Roman god Faunus. Roman
God name
Peru An early coastal name of the creator god. Peru
God name
Germanic war god. Probably equating with TIWAZ, the name implies one of great strength. In Saxony, there is the so-called Irmin pillar which may be a reference to the deity....
God name
African Sun god. A number of tribes worship the Sun by this generic name, particularly in Cameroon, Congo and Tanzania....
God name
Greek 1. A son of Apollo and Melia, who is said to have given his name to the Boeotian river which was before called Ladon or Cadmus. 2. A surname of Apollo at Thebes, who had a temple on the river Ismenus. The sanctuary of the god, at which the Daphnephoria was celebrated, bore the name of Ismenium, and was situated outside the city.Greek
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