
List of Gods : "God San" - 280 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Roman moon goddess. Living in the Forests, she is a huntress and protector of animals, also the guardian of virginity. Generally modeled on the Greek goddess ARTEMIS, she had a sanctuary on the Aventine Hill in Rome and, under Roman rule, took over the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus....
Goddess name
"Diksa (initiation)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Goddess. The consort of Ugra and mother of SANTANA. Also the name of the Buddhist Tantric initiation ceremony....
Goddess name
Afghanistan Supreme fertility and mother goddess. Afghanistan
God name
Greek A divinity who was worshipped at Lacedaemon, and averted the anger of Zeus Hicesius for the crime committed by Pausanias. Epidotes, which means the "liberal giver," occurs also as a surname of other divinities, such as Zeus at Mantineia and Sparta, of the god of sleep at Sicyon. Greek
Goddess name
Navaho Vegetative, fertility and creator sky goddess. Navaho
Goddess name
"Estsanatlehi (woman that changes)"
Navaho / USA Fertility goddess. Probably regarded as the most powerful deity in the Navaho pantheon, she has powers of endless self-rejuvenation. According to tradition, she was created from a small turquoise image into which life was infused through a ritual of the great gods and she is the sister of the goddess YOLKAI ESTAN. She is also the consort of the Sun god TSOHANOAI and the mother of the war god NAYENEZGANI. She is said to live in the west and is benevolent in nature, sending the gentle Rains of summer and the warm thawing winds of spring....
God name
Greek The most famous was a woman-or a nymph-who was the wife of Orpheus. While fleeing from Aristaeus, she was bitten by a serpent and died. Distraught, Orpheus played such sad songs and sang so mournfully that all the nymphs and gods wept and gave him advice. Orpheus accomplished something no other person ever has: he traveled to the underworld and by his music softened the heart of Hades and Persephone, who allowed Eurydice to return with him to the world of the living. Greek
God name
Discworld Fedecks is the Messenger of the Gods, who appears as a radiant figure in a winged hat, winged sandals and a winged fig leaf. Discworld
God name
Roman Minor god. Identified with faith and loyalty. A sanctuary was dedicated to him in Rome circa 254 BC. Symbolized by a pair of covered hands....
Goddess name
Roman Goddess of good fortune. A deity who particularly appealed to women, partly in an oracular context. She is depicted carrying a globe, rudder and cornucopiae. She probably evolved from the model of the Greek goddess TYCHE. Her main symbol is the wheel of fate which she may stand upon and Renaissance artists tended to depict her thus. Among her more celebrated sanctuaries in Rome, the temple of Fortuna Redux was built by Domitian to celebrate his victories in Germany. She is depicted in a well-known stone carving in Gloucester Museum, England, holding her three main attributes....
God name
"Ganaskidi (humpback)"
Navaho / USA God of harvests, plenty and of mists. He is said to live at Depehahatil, a canyon with many ruined cliff dwellings north of San Juan. According to tradition he is the apotheosis of a bighorn sheep. His priest wears a blue mask with no hair fringe but with a spruce crown and collar. He has a black bag on his back, filled out with a twig frame, that appears as a deformity, and he carries a staff....
Goddess name
"Gandha (odor)"
Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet Goddess. In Lamaism one of the group of MATARAS (mothers). Color: green. Attribute: conch with sandalwood resin....
Goddess name
"Gandha Tara (fragrance-Tara)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Minor goddess. Color: red. Attribute: conch with sandalwood resin....
Goddess name
"Gandhari (of Ghandhara)"
Jain / India Goddess of learning. One of sixteen SASANADEVATAS headed by the goddess SARASVATI. May also be a VIDYADEVI....
God name
Uganda A god of the sky and of the water and chief god of the Baken. Uganda
Goddess name
"Gauri (whitish brilliant)"
Hindu / Vedic / Puranic (1) Goddess. Consort of the god VARUNA, said to have been created at the churning of the ocean of milk. An epithet of PARVATI as a goddess of the corn. Also a SAKTI of Mahesvara, a minor aspect of S IVA. Her attendant animal is a lion or a wolf. Attributes: fish, Forest garland, image of GANESA, lotus, mirror, rosary, trident and water jar. Three-eyed. Also Varuni.(2) Goddess. Buddhist. One of eight GAURIS of terrible appearance. Attributes: head and noose.(3) Messenger goddess. Jain [India]. A SASANADEVATA. Also one of sixteen VIDYADEVIS or goddesses of learning headed by SARASVATI. Color: white. Attribute: a hook....
God name
"Geus Tasan"
Iran A cattle god accused of creating the cattle
God name
"Geus Tasan"
Persian / Iran Cattle god. The creator of cattle. Sometimes considered to be an aspect of AHURA MAZDA....
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