Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Hero name "Hell" | Greek | rivers of. Clåśśic authors tell us that the Inferno is encompåśśed by five rivers: Acheron, Cocytus, Styx, Phlegethon, and Lethe. Acheron from the Greek achos-reo, grief-flowing; Cocytus, from the Greek kokuo, to weep, supposed to be a flood of tears; Styx, from the Greek stugeo, to loathe; Phlegethon, from the Greek phleo to burn; and Lethe, from the Greek letle, oblivion. |
Hero name "Hera" | Greek | Probably identical with kera, mistress, just as her husband, Zeus, was called eppos in the Aeolian dialect. The derivation of the name has been attempted in a variety of ways, from Greek as well as oriental roots, though there is no reason for having recourse to the latter, as Hera is a purely Greek divinity, and one of the few who, according to Herodotus, were not introduced into Greece from Egypt. Greek |
Hero name "Heracles" | Greek | The most celebrated of all the heroes of antiquity. The traditions about him are not only the richest in substance, but also the most widely spread for we find them not only in all the countries round the Mediterranean, but his wondrous deeds were known in the most distant countries of the ancient world. |
God name "Heron" | Egypt | God appearing on the monuments of the Greek and Roman eras, thought to be a horseman god Egypt |
"Herophilus aka Herophile" | Greek | A daughter of Poseidon and Aphrodite and a sister of the Oceanide Rhode. The younger of the Erythraean Sibylla she prophesied that Helen would be the ruin of both Asia and Europe. Greek |
Hero name "Hippothoon" | Greek | An Attic hero, a son of Poseidon and Alope, the daughter of Cercyon. He had a heroum at Athens and one of the Attic phylae was called after him Hippothoontis. Greek |
God name "Hyaninthos" | Greek | A god of vegetation. Hyacinthus is a Divine hero from Greek mythology. |
Hero name "Hyperenor" | Greek | One of the Spartae, or the men that grew up from the dragon's teeth sown by Cadmus, was worshipped as a hero at Thebes. (Apollodorus iii) There are two other mythical personages of this name, one a son of Poseidon and Alcyone (Apollodorus iii), and the other a son of the Trojan Panthous, who was slain by Menelaus. Greek |
God name "Iapetos" | Greek | God. One of the sons of OURANOS (heaven) and a member of the TITAN race which clashed with the Olympian gods. He is the father of the heroes Atlas and PROMETHEUS.... |
Goddess name "Ino" | Greek | Greek heroine who raised the infant Dionysus. Later she was elevated to a sea goddess under the name of Leukothea. Greek |
Hero name "Jason" | Greek | I.e. the healer or atoner, a name which the hero was said to have received from Cheiron, his instructor, having before been called Diomedes. The chief exploits of this hero are related in the article Argonautae, and we therefore confine ourselves now to his personal history. Greek |
Hero name "Lamia" | Greek | A daughter of Poseidon, became by Zeus the mother of the Sibyl Herophile. Greek<.li>. |
Hero name "Laoçõõñ" | Greek | A Trojan hero, who plays a prominent part in the post-Homeric legends about Troy: a son of Priam, famous for the tragic fate of himself and his two sons, who were crushed to death by serpents. Greek |
Hero name "Meret" | Greek | A son of Molus, conjointly with Idomeneus, led the Cretans in 80 ships against Troy where he was one of the bravest heroes, and usually acted together with his friend Idomeneus. Greek |
Goddess name "Messene" | Greek | A daughter of Triopas, and wife of Polycaon, whom she induced to take possession of the country which was called after her, Messenia. She is also said to have introduced there the worship of Zeus and the mysteries of the great goddess of Eleusis. In the town of Messene she was honoured with a temple and heroic worship. Greek |
Goddess name "Meter" | The essence of the great mother of all gods, equating most closely to GAIA | Mother goddess, Greek. Known throughout the Greek Empire and generally the object of devotion by individuals rather than large cult followings. Also known as Meter oriae (mother of the mountain). Her popularity is thought to have spread from northern Ionia. Herodotus mentions a festival of Meter in Kyzikos. Probably derived originally from the western Asiatic great mother (see KYBELE).... |
Hero name "Odyssey" | Greek | The poem of Homer which records the adventures of Odysseus (Ulysses) in his home-voyage from Troy. The word is an adjective formed out of the hero's name, and means the things or adventures of Ulysses. Greek |
King name "Oeneus" | Greek | 1. One of the sons of Aegyptus. 2. A son of Pandion, and one of the eponymic heroes at Athens. 3. A son of Portheus, brother of Agrius and Melas, and husband of Althaea, by whom he became the father of Tydeus and Meleager, and was thus the grandfather of Diomedes. He was king of Pleuron and Calydon in Aetolia. Greek |