Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
"Nixi Dii" | Roman | A general term, which seems to have been applied by the Romans to those divinities who were believed to åśśist women at the time when they were giving birth to a child. Before the cella of Minerva, on the Capitol, there were three statues, which were designated as Dii Nixi. Roman |
"Nomius" | Greek | A surname of divinities protecting the pastures and shepherds, such as Apollo, Pan, Hermes, and Aristaeus. Greek |
God name "Nymphae" | Greek | The name of a numerous clåśś of inferior female divinities, though they are designated by the title of Olympian, are called to the meetings of the gods in Olympus, and described as the daughters of Zeus. But they were believed to dwell on earth in groves, on the summits of mountains, in rivers, streams, glens, and grottoes. Greek |
God name "Osiris" | Egyptian | The great Egyptian divinity, and husband of Isis. According to Herodotus they were the only divinities that were worshipped by all the Egyptians (Herodotus ii). Osiris is described as a son of Rhea and Helios. Osiris was the god of the Nile. |
Hero name "Peitho" | Greek | The personification of Persuasion (Suada or Suadela among the Romans), was worshipped as a divinity at Sicyon, where she was honoured with a temple in the agora. (The History of Herodotus, VIII) Peitho also occurs as a surname of other divinities, such as Aphrodite, whose worship was said to have been introduced at Athens by Theseus and of Artemis. Greek |
"Pelasgus" | Greek | The mythical ancestor of the Pelasgians, the earliest inhabitants of Greece who established the worship of the Dodonaean Zeus, Hephaestus, the Cabeiri, and other divinities that belong to the earliest inhabitants of the country. Greek |
"Penetralis" | Greek | A surname or epithet given to the several divinities at Rome, that were worshipped in the Penetrale, or the central part of the house, such as Jupiter, Vesta, the Penates, etc. Greek |
"Pomona" | Roman | The Roman divinity of the fruit of trees, hence called Pomorum Patrona. Her name is evidently connected with Pomum. She is represented by the poets as having been beloved by several of the rustic divinities, such as Silvåñuś, Picus, Vertumnus, and others. Her worship must originally have been of considerable importance, as we learn from Varro that a special priest, under the name Pomonalis, was appointed to attend to her service. It is not impossible that Pomona may in reality be nothing but the personification of one of the attributes of Ops. |
"Sakti-trimurti" | India | The feminine aspect of the Hindu Trimurti or Triad, the active feminine energy of the divinities. India |
Goddess name "Soteira" | Greece | the saving goddess, occurs as a surname of several female divinities in Greece, e. g. of Artemis at Pegae in Megaris, of Persephone in Laconia, of Athena of Eunomia. |
Goddess name "Venus" | Greek | The goddess of love among the Romans, and more especially of sensual love. Previously to her identification with the Greek Aphrodite, she was one of the least important divinities in the religion of the Romans, and it is observed by the ancients themselves, that her name was not mentioned in any of the doçúɱents relating to the kingly period of Roman history. |