
List of Gods : "Name" - 988 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
"Ki (the great one)"
Mesopotamian / Sumerian Archetypal chthonic principle. According to some traditions, Ki is the daughter of ANS'AR and KIS'AR and consort of AN. As the cosmos came into being, An took the role of god of heaven and Ki became the personification of the earth and underworld. She is the mother of the god of the air, ENLIL, with whom she descended from the heavens. Some authorities argue that she was never regarded as a deity. There is no evidence of a cult and the name appears in a limited number of Sumerian creation texts. The name URAS (tilth) may relate.See also ANTU(M)....

Scotland The local name for a fairy. Forfarshire. Scotland
Spirit name
Egypt Was originally the breath of life, his name meaning soul-breath. Indeed, according to Plutarch and Diodorus, kneph was identical with the Greek pneuma. Kneph in this context was a spirit that breathed life into things, giving them form. Egypt Kneph eventually became considered to be the creator god himself, in Elephantine, although his identity was finally åśśimilated into the more important god Amun.
God name
Finnish A god of cereal crops that was renamed by the Christians to St. urban
Goddess name
"Kore (tbe girl)"
Greek Youthful goddess of the corn. The more generic name for the goddess PERSEPHONE. Identified as the daughter of DEMETER. She is the spirit of the corn as distinct from her mother who is the giver of the corn. Depicted on coinage as a woman's head adorned with ears of corn. She is integral to the Eleusinian Mysteries in which she is abducted to Hades, resulting in the distress of her mother and the blighting of nature. At Samaria-Sebaste in Syrio-Palestine, Kore was the only deity worshiped, apart from the emperor....

"Kore or Core"
Hopi The maiden, a name by which Persephone is often called. Greek
Deity name
Hindu 'Black.' This name occurs in the Rigveda, but without any relation to the great deity of later times. The earliest mention of Krishna, the son of Devaki, is in the Chhandogya Upanishad, where he appears as a scholar. Hindu

Buddhist / Mahayana 'Earth-Womb'. "Name of a Bodhisattva who saves suffering beings in the hell" he aspires to deliver sentient beings wandering astray in the five(or six) paths of mundane existence. Buddhist / Mahayana
Goddess name
Hindu Minor goddess whose name means stupid, she ran around with Gansea Hindu
God name
Japan God who is the protector of houses, the name denotes the beams, and the ropes with which the beams were bound together. Japan
Deity name
Shinto The deity of Trees, whose name is deity Stem-Elder. Shinto
God name
"Kuladevata (family god)"
Hindu Generic name of a household god. The god is chosen by a family to be their guardian deity and they all åśśemble at his temple, as and when necessary, for worship. Also Kulanayaka....
Goddess name
Hindu The family Goddess. Another name for Durga. Hindu
God name
Hindu A name of Skanda, god of war. In the Brahmanas the term is applied to Agni. Hindu

Australia Is a serpent from an Aboriginal tale, "The Flood and the bird Men", told by Kianoo Tjeemairee of the Murinbata tribe. There are many names for the Rainbow serpent in Aboriginal mythology, depending on location and language. It is a powerful symbol of fertility and creation. Australia
God name
India In her maidenhood she showed such respectful devotion to the sage Durvasas, that he gave her a charm by means of which she might have a child by any god she pleased to invoke. She called upon the Sun, and by him had a son named Karna, but without any detriment to her virginity; still, to keep her affair secret, the child was exposed on the banks of the Yamuna. India
Deities name
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Incarnation of the god VIS'NU. The second avatara of Vis'nu, Kurma appears in the form of a tortoise which acts as a pivot for the mountainous churning rod the gods employ to make ambrosia from the primal sea of milk after the flood. Kurma is depicted with a human torso surmounting a tortoise shell. Vis'nu is said to have appeared in this form in order to recover some of the possessions lost during the deluge. Attributes: club, conch, lotus and prayer wheel. Also the name for a vehicle of various deities....

Nazorean Kushta, means Truth, and the Monastery (Sangha) and is a name of Miryai, the spouse of Mind in Valentinian theology. Early Nazorean
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