
List of Gods : "Name" - 988 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
King name
Sparta A son of Zeus by Taygete, was married to Sparta, the daughter of Eurotas, by whom he became the father of Amyclas, Eurydice, and Asine. He was king of the country which he called after his own name, Lacedaemon, while he gave to his capital the name of his wife, Sparta.

Greek Lactans, Lacturnus, and Lacturcia, Lactura, Roman divinities, who were believed to protect the young fruits of the field. Some believe that Lactans and Lacturcia are mere surnames of Ops, and that Lacturnus is a surname of Saturnus. Greek

"Ladogenes or Ladonis"
Greek A name by which the poets sometimes designated Daphne, the daughter of Ladon. Greek

Greek A courtesan or Greek Hetaira. There were two of the name; the elder was the most beautiful woman of Corinth, and lived at the time of the Peloponnesian war. The beauty of the latter excited the jealousy of the Thessalonian women, who pricked her to death with their bodkins. She was contemporary with Phryne, her rival, and sat to Apelles as a model.
God name
"Laksmana (with auspicious marks)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic God. A halfor younger brother of the god RAMA. The son of Dasaratha and Sumitra, his consort is Urmita. He often stands to the left of Rama and may be depicted holding a bow (see also SATRUGHNA). Color: golden. Attributes: bow and ornaments....
Goddess name
Svan / Caucasus Tutelary goddess. Particularly invoked by women as a hearth goddess and protector of cows. Her name may have been derived under Christian influence....
Goddess name
"Lamaria Svan"
Caucasus A tutelary goddess, it is suspected that her name as been christianized

Greek The name of two horses, one belonging to Eos, the other to Hector. Greek
God name
Etruscan These are female god like beings of the pantheon, they may be winged or unwinged & some names are known
God name
Etruscan Female godlike beings of the pantheon, they may be winged or unwinged and some names are known Etruscan
Goddess name
"Lasya (dancing girl)"
Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet Mother goddess. One of the group of ASTAMATARAS (mothers). She is generally depicted dancing the lasya dance. Color: white. Attribute: a mirror. Also the generic name of a group of four goddesses, including GITA, MALA, NRTYA and headed by LASYA....
Goddess name
Greek The Roman name of the Greek goddess Leto. One of the Titans - the first generation of Greek gods, she was the daughter of the Titan Coeus and Phoebe and mother to the twin gods, Apollo and Artemis, whose father was Zeus. Greek

Basque Name given to the lamias and other beings that wash clothes during the night. Basque
God name
Hindu Generic name for gods known from local folklore Hindu
Deities name
Hindu Generic name for a group of deities. Gods known from local folklore as distinct from those of the Vedic texts....

Greek The daughter of Titus Andronicus, bride of Båśśiåñuś, brother of the Emperor of Rome. Being grossly abused by Chiron and Demetrius, sons of Tamora, queen of the Goths, the savage wantons cut off her hands and pluck out her tongue, that she may not reveal their names Lavinia, guiding a stick with her stumps, makes her tale known to her father and brothers; whereupon Titus murders the two Moorish princes and serves their heads in a pasty to their mother, whom he afterwards slays, together with the Emperor Saturninus her husband. Greek
Spirit name
Greek Spectres or spirits of the dead, which were believed by the Romans to return to the upper world and injure the living. Some writers describe Lemures as the common name for all the spirits of the dead and divide all Lemures into two clåśśes; viz. the souls of those who have been good men are said to become Lares, while those of the wicked become Larvae. Greek
God name
Chilcotin Indian / British Columbia, Canada Tutelary god. The so-called transformer known by different names among many Indian tribes. He is a wanderer who can change shape from human to animal and who educates the human race. He often appears in the guise of a raven, or as a dog, and has three sons....
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