Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Yam" | Ugaritic | Yamm, Ya'a, or Yaw, God of rivers and of the sea. In some myths he is one of the 'ilhm (Elohim) or sons of El. Ugaritic |
God name "Yama-No-Kami" | Shinto / Japan | mountain god. Specifically the deity who comes down to the rice paddies in spring and returns in autumn. The festival of Nolde-No-Shinji marks his descent.... |
God name "Yayutsi" | Siberia | After ascending through several heavens in visionary consciousness, the shaman converses with the creator god Yayutsi and also bows before the moon and Sun in turn. Finally, at the celestial abode of bai Ulgan, the shaman learns details of future weather patterns and the outcome of the harvest. The shaman then collapses in a state of ecstatic release. The Altai, Siberia |
God name "Yehl" | Tlingit | God who transformed himself into a pebble, now into a blade of gråśś, and, being thus swallowed by women, was reborn. Tlingit |
Goddess name "Yemanja" | Yoruba | Yemonja, a mother goddess; patron deity of women, especially pregnant women; and the Ogun river, the waters of which are said to cure infertility. Yoruba |
Goddess name "Yemoja" | Yoruba / Nigeria, West Africa | Goddess of water. The creatrix of all the rivers in the area, particularly the river Ogun. She is chiefly worshiped by women and the sacred river water is considered a remedy for infertility. She is propitiated with animal and vegetable sacrifices. Attributes: cowrie shells.... |
God name "Yoalli Ehecatli (night wind)" | Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Creator god. One of the group clåśśed as the Omeotl complex.... |
God name "Zalmoxis" | Greek | A legendary social and religious reformer, regarded as the only true god by the Thracian Dacians. According to Herodotus (IV), the Getae, who believed in the immortality of the soul, looked upon death merely as going to Zalmoxis, as they knew the way to become immortals. Greek |
God name "Zalmoxis" | Thracian | sky god. Known from the writings of Herodotus. According to tradition he lived for some time on earth and then became ruler of the underworld. His makeup may have been influenced by the Osirian cult in Egypt.... |
God name "Zanahary" | Madagascar | The creator gods in the indigenous mythology of Madagascar. Some Zanahary gods are good, while others are evil; some are male, and others are female. |
Goddess name "Zaramama" | Peru | ("grain mother") or Mama Zara was the Inca mythology goddess of grain. She was åśśociated with maize that grew in multiples or were similarly strange. These strange plants were sometimes dressed as dolls of Zaramama. She was also åśśociated with willow trees. Peru |
Goddess name "Zhiwud" | Kafir / Afghanistan | Messenger goddess. A deity connected and possibly syncretizing with the goddess DISANI but who, according to legend, carried vital messages to the heroic god MON during a primordial battle between gods and giants. Mon lives by a lake surrounded by fire, and the goddess's wings (a solitary inference that she can appear in the form of a bird) are scorched in the process until Mon heals them. In some variations Mon lives in the form of a bull which breathes fire. Also Zhuwut.... |