
List of Gods : "Name" - 988 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Greek 1. A son of Aeolus and Enarete, became the father of Polydectes and Dictys by a Naiad. The scholiast of Euripides calls his wife Philodice, and his sons Eurynomus and Eioneus but Eustathius calls his wife Meliboea, and mentions one son Alector, and adds that he called the town of Meliboea, at the foot of mount Pelion, after his wife, and the country of Magnesia after his own name. 2. A son of Argos and Perimele, and father of Hymenaeus from him also a portion of Thessaly derived its: name Magnesia. 3. A son of Zeus and Thyia, and brother of Macedon. Greek
Goddess name
Buddhist Goddess whose name means the thousandfold destroyer Buddhist

India One of the 108 names of Kali. India
Goddess name
Buddhist Of the collective name of a group of goddesses Buddhist / Mahayana
Goddess name
Buddhist / Mahayana Collective name of a group of goddesses. Ten personifications of SAKTI as the femaleness of SIVA, åśśociated with the possession of knowledge....

Scotland Name of contempt for Mahomet, a Moslem, a Moor. In Scotland it used to mean devil.
Goddess name
Greco - Roman Chthonic or earth goddess. Originally, in pre-Homeric times, a mountain spirit who subsequently became a minor consort of ZEUS. The Romans worshiped her as an obscure goddess of the plains who became briefly a consort of JUPITER, and they perceived her as the mother of the messenger god Mercury. Her cult was åśśociated with that of VulcanUS. Possibly the origin of the name of the month of May.See also MERCURIUS....
God name
Dravidian Pastoral god whose name means either the the great one or the dark one Dravidian / Tamil
God name
Dravidian / Tamil He is a pastoral god whose name means either the the great one or the dark one
God name
Early Dravidian / Tamil Creator god. Probably equating with a syncretization of VIS'NU and KRSNA. The name implies a deity of great stature. In Sangam texts, his face is like the moon, his eyes are lotuses and his CAKRA is the beams of the Sun. Also TIRUMAL....
Nymph name
Greek nymphs who were worshipped as the protectors of flocks and of fruit-trees. The same name is also given to the nymphs of the district of the Malians on the river Spercheius. Greek
God name
Arabic Tutelary god, this name is found among other Semitic people and used as a designator for a god Arabic
Goddess name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian Mother goddess. Identified in the Atrahasis texts and other creation legends and probably synonymous with NINHURSAG A. She was involved in the creation of mankind from clay and blood. The name almost certainly came into use because it is the first word that a child formulates. Also Mama; Mammitum....
Spirit name
"Manabozho aka Nanabush"
Ojibwa Manabozo, a spirit trickster figure and culture hero. He was the son of a human mother and Bangishimog, a spirit father. Nanabozho most often appears in the shape of a rabbit and is characterized as a trickster. He was sent to earth by Gitchi Manitou to teach the Ojibwe, and one of his first tasks was to name all the plants and animals. Ojibwa
God name
"Manannan (Mac Lir)"
Celtic / Irish / British Sea god. Extensively worshiped. From the name is derived the “Isle of Man” where, according to tradition, the god is buried. He rules the “Isle of the Blessed” and determines the weather at sea. Father of the Irish hero Mongan. Also Manawyddaw (Welsh)....
Deities name
Arabic Collective name of gods, guardian deities who took care of irrigation Arabic
Deities name
Pre - Islamic / Arabian Collective name of gods. Guardian deities, whose chief responsibility is irrigation....
Deities name
"Mandah/ Mundih"
Arabic A collective name of gods, guardian deities that took care of irrigation
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