
List of Gods : "Name" - 988 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Western Semitic Local tutelary god. Known only from Umm el-Ammed where his cult apparently co-existed with that of BAAL SAPON. One of two major temples built at Umm el-Ammed in the third century BC was probably dedicated to milkASTART, and the name is regarded as a syncretization of MELQART and ASTARTE....
God name
Ammonite / EJordan He is the chief god, & may have of been worshipped by king Solomon under a different name

Greek The Macedonian name of the Bacchantes, or, according to others, of Bacchic Amazons. Greek

Norse A mythic tree; probably the same as Ygdrasil. It derives its name from Mimer, and means Mimer's tree. Norse

Norse The name of the wise giant keeper of the holy well Mimis-brunnr, the burn of Mimer, the well of wisdom, at which Odin pawned his eye for wisdom; a myth which is explained as symbolical of the heavenly vault with its single eye, the Sun, setting in the sea. Norse
Goddess name
Greek The name Minerva is connected with the root man as or mens. She first appeared in Etruria under the names of Minrva, Menrfa, Menervra. Menarv, and was perhaps a goddess of the thunderbolt. It seems that this Etruscan Minerva very early merged with the Greek Athene. Minerva is hence the least ltalic of the divinities with whom she formed the triad Jupiter-Juno-Minerva. Greek
Goddess name
Greek Collective name for a group of goddesses. The Fates of human life: KLOTHO, the spinner, LACHESIS, the caster of lots, and ATROPOS, the unturnable inevitability of death. The daughters of ZEUS and THEMIS, depicted with spindle, scroll and scales respectively. Also Moires....
God name
Africa Molek, either the name of a god or the name of a particular kind of sacrifice åśśociated historically with Phoenician and related cultures in north Africa and the Levant.

Roman A surname of Juno among the Romans, by which she was characterised as the protectress of money. Roman
God name
Greek A surname of Heracles, signifying the god who lives solitary, perhaps because he alone was worshipped in the temples dedicated to him. Greek

Greek That is, the protector of the sacred olive trees, occurs as a surname of Zeus. Greek
God name
Greek The son of Sleep, and the god of dreams. The name signifies the fashioner or moulder, because he shaped or formed the dreams which appeared to the sleeper. Greek

Greek Or the-fair shaped, occurs as a surname of Aphrodite at Sparta. She was represented in a sitting posture, with her head covered, and her feet fettered. Greek
God name
"Mot 'Death'"
Phoenicia Son of 'El, according to instructions given by the god Hadad (Ba‘al) to his messengers, lives in a city named hmry ('Mirey'), a pit is his throne, and Filth is the land of her heritage. Phoenicia
God name
Roman A surname of Vulcan, which seems to have been given to the god as a euphemism, and for the sake of a good omen, that he might not consume by ravaging fire the habitations and property of men, but might kindly and benevolently aid men in their pursuits. Roman

"Mulenyi The creator"
Uganda Another name for Imana. Uganda
Hero name
German The hero of a volume of travels, who meets with the most marvellous adventures. The incidents have been compiled from various sources, and the name is said to have pointed to Hieronymus Karl Friedrich von Munchhausen, a German officer in the Russian army, noted for his marvellous stories.

Greek A surname of Artemis, derived from the Attic port-town of Munychia. Greek
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