
List of Gods : "Hero Greek" - 70 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Hero name
Greek A son of Theras of Sparta and brother of Aegeus, was honoured at Sparta with an heroum. Greek
Hero name
Greek The name of a Scythian divinity whom Herodotus identifies with the Greek Apollo. (Herodotus, iv.) Greek
Hero name
Greek A son of Amphianax, and grandson of Antimachus of Argos. The Laconian town of Oetylus was believed to have received its name from him, and he there enjoyed heroic honours. Greek
Hero name
Greek The personification of Persuasion (Suada or Suadela among the Romans), was worshipped as a divinity at Sicyon, where she was honoured with a temple in the agora. (The History of Herodotus, VIII) Peitho also occurs as a surname of other divinities, such as Aphrodite, whose worship was said to have been introduced at Athens by Theseus and of Artemis. Greek
Hero name
Greek The huge spear of Achilles, which none but the hero could wield; so called because it was cut from an ash growing on Mount Pelion, in Thessaly. Greek
Hero name
Greek Son of Peleus, that is, Achilles, the hero of Homer's Iliad, and chief of the Greek warriors that besieged Troy.
Hero name
Greek The famous Argive hero, was a son of Zeus and Danae, and a grandson of Acrisius. Acrisius, who had no male issue, consulted the Pythian oracle, and received the answer, that if Danae should give birth to a son, he would kill his father. Greek
God name
Roman God of the underworld. Derived from the Greek model of HADES, he abducted the daughter of CERES, PROSERPINA, to reign as his queen. The three-headed dog Cerberus was set to guard the gate of Hades and through the kingdom flowed the two rivers of death, the Cocytus and the Acheron which could be crossed only by the ferryman Charon. According to Roman tradition, the entrance to the underworld was at Avernus in Rome where the Christian church of St. Maria del Inferno was built.See also HADES....
God name
Greek An Oceanid, son of Oceåñuś and Tethys and the god of the river Scamander, in Troas, was called by the gods Xanthus. Being insulted by Achilles, he entered into a contest with the Greek hero but Hera sent out Hephaestus to åśśist Achilles, and the god of fire dried up the waters of Scamander, and frightened Scamander, until Hera ordered Hephaestus to spare the river-god. By Idaea, he fathered Teucrus.(Theogony 345.) Greek
God name
Greek A Thessalian rivergod, became the father of Menesthius by Polydora, the daughter of Peleus. (Apollodorus iii. The History of Herodotus VII). Greek
Nymph name
Greek A son of Poseidon by a nymph, is said to have traversed the sea from the promontory of Taenarum to the south of Italy, riding on a dolphin, and to have founded Tarentum in Italy, where he was worshipped as a hero. Greek
Hero name
Greek The great legendary hero of Attica, is one of those mythological personages whose legends it is by no means easy to disentangle, and represent in their original shape. Greek
Hero name
Greek 1. A daughter of Castalius or Cephisseus, became by Apollo the mother of Delphus. (The History of Herodotus VII) She is said to have been the first to have sacrificed to Dionysus, and to have celebrated orgies in his honour. Hence the Attic women, who every year went to Mount Parnåśśus to celebrate the Dionysiac orgies with the Delphian Thyiades, received themselves the name of Thyades or Thyiades.
Hero name
Greek Ulysses, Ulyxes. The Roman name for Odysseus, one of the principal Greek heroes in the Trojan war.
God name
Greek The Roman smith god, identified with the Greek god Hephaestus. He was traditionally introduced to Rome by either Romulus or Titus Tatius. There were no specific legends concerning Vulcan but he played an important part in the success of various heroes by providing invincible armour for them. In Virgil's Aeneid, Vulcan made a superb suit of armour for Aeneas at Venus' request. He made a shield (called the Aegis) and thunderbolts for Jupiter and in return received Venus as his wife.
God name
Greek A legendary social and religious reformer, regarded as the only true god by the Thracian Dacians. According to Herodotus (IV), the Getae, who believed in the immortality of the soul, looked upon death merely as going to Zalmoxis, as they knew the way to become immortals. Greek
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