Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
"Rungin" | Italy | A was probably only a surname of Ops, by which he was invoked by the people of Italy, to prevent the growth of weeds among the corn, and promote the harvest. |
Goddess name "Sif" | Nordic / Icelandic / / Germanic | corn goddess. The consort of THOR. She is mentioned in the Eddaic Lay of Lokasenna and in the Lay of Har barth. According to Snorri Sturluson she was originally a prophetess called Sibyl. She possesses great beauty and has long golden hair. Her sons are ULL and Loridi. According to tradition, LOKI cut off Sif's hair in mischief, but when confronted and threatened by Thor, he had the dwarfs make her a magical hairpiece of pure gold which, when it touched her head, became a living part of her and grew.... |
"Sito" | Greek | A surname of Demeter, describing her as the giver of food or corn. Greek |
God name "Svantevit" | Pre - Christian Latvian | God of war. Mentioned by the author Saxo Grammaticus as riding upon a white horse and holding a cornucopia, he is known locally from the island of Rugen. Also a guardian deity of crops.... |
Goddess name "Tate Kyewimoka (mother west water)" | Huichol Indian / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Rain and water goddess. Appears in lightning and is said to resemble a red snake. She lives in a deep gorge with caves, in Santa Catarina, and brings the Rain from the west. Her animals include deer and ravens and she is also the goddess of the corn.... |
Goddess name "Tate Oteganaka (mother corn)" | Huichol Indian / Mesoamerican / Mexico | corn goddess. The mother of the Sun god TAYAU.... |
God name "Tayau (father sun)" | Huichol Indian / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Sun god. According to tradition, he was created by the ancient shamans, who threw the youthful son of the corn mother TATE OTEGANAKA into an oven in full ceremonial attire. He traveled underground and emerged in the east as the Sun. In late May, the Huichol sacrifice a sheep and a turkey in a ritual fire, after which they sing all night until Sunrise. Also Tau; Taverik.... |
Goddess name "Tellus" | Roman | Chthonic primordial earth mother. A corn deity, generally regarded as benevolent, but also a goddess of the dead. Enemy armies were offered to her and cursed in her name. Both she and the corn goddess CERES were propitiated with human sacrifice. Also TERRA MATER.... |
Goddess name "Tyche" | Greco - Roman | Goddess of fortune. She appears as a nereid in the Hymn to Demeter (Homer). According to Hesiod's Theogony she is the daughter of OKEANOS. Elsewhere she is identified as the daughter of ZEUS and HERA. She is depicted carrying a rudder or, alternatively, cornucopiae. Also mentioned as Agathe Tyche, the consort of Agathos Daemon. She became widely identified with the Asian mother goddess KYBELE but was replaced, in Roman times, by the goddess FORTUNA and åśśociated symbolically with a wheel device. She retained popularity for a long time. There is a record that the Emperor Julian sacrificed to Tyche at Antioch in AD 361-2 and her temple was still intact during the reign of Theodosius (379-95).... |
God name "Ukko" | Pre - Christian Finnish | Thunder god. Drives a cart which generates flashes of lightning as the horses' hoofs hit stones along the way; the noise of thunder comes from the wheels or from Ukko grinding corn with a big stone. Attributes: ax, blue robe, hammer and sword.... |
"Unicorn" | Europian | According to a belief once popular, the unicorn by dipping its horn into a liquid could detect whether or not it contained poison. In the designs for gold and silver plate made for the Emperor Rudolph II. by Ottavio Strada is a cup on which a unicorn stands as if to essay the liquid. |
"Westri" | Norse | One of the four strong dwarfs who, with Nordri, Sudri and Austri, uphold the four corners of the heavenly vault. Norse |
Spirit name "Wrath's Hole" | Britain | The legend is that Bolster, a gigantic wrath or evil spirit, paid embarråśśing attention to St. Agnes, who told him she would listen to his suit when he filled with his blood a small hole which she pointed out to him. The wrath joyfully accepted the terms, but the hole opened into the sea, and the wrath, being utterly exhausted, St. Agnes pushed him over the cliff. cornwall, Britain |
God name "Yum Kaax" | Mayan / Mesoamerican / Mexico | vegetation god. The deity concerned with the growing and harvesting of maize, but also of husbandry in general. Depicted as a youthful figure with an ear of corn in his headdress. Also God E.... |